
The latest edition of this highly successful text, covers the major advances in the methods used in cellular and molecular pathology. In recent years, knowledge of the molecular organization of the cell has led to the development of powerful new techniques that bring greater accuracy and objectives to the diagnosis, prognosis and management of many diseases and to the study of pathological states. This book describes the latest molecular techniques available for the analysis of diseases. In particular it includes new techniques using fluorescent dyes, DNA microarrays, protein chemistry, and mass spectrometry. It also incorporates information from the Human Genome Project, and the new disciplines of genomics and proteomics, where relevant to pathology. Color plates are a new feature of this edition, illustrating the advances in fluorescence labeling of cells.


This fully revised and updated edition of The Science of Laboratory Diagnosis provides a concise description of all common laboratory tests available in medical practice with notes on their application, the accuracy of each test, the historical background to the adoption of various tests and their effectiveness in diagnosis. Well illustrated, with clear headings, tables, flow charts and pathology slides, most in full colour Provides an accessible reference book in which relevant information can be found easily Page design facilitates rapid assimilation of principles and key facts All the chapters have been updated and new material has been introduced to cover recently developed techniques, such as fluid-based cytology, telepathology and proteomics The Science of Laboratory Diagnosis, Second Edition is an essential primary reference source for everyone working in a clinical laboratory. This book is essential reading for pathologists, biomedical scientists, medical laboratory scientific officers and all clinicians involved in laboratory research. Reviews of the First Edition: «The text is concise, wide-ranging and easy to digest. The ease of extraction of the important facts make it an ideal source of information for use in a variety of situations from the postgraduate examination to the clinical directors' board meeting.» BULLETIN OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF PATHOLOGISTS «The editors have done a marvellous job, more than fulfilling their stated aim of producing a volume describing the multidisciplinary state of modern pathology which will be of interest to a wide range of readers. … I was particularly impressed by the many tables and flow charts, which can be used as aids to decision making.» JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PATHOLOGY «This is an excellent book to dip into and get a feel for techniques used in the other disciplines of pathology.» ANNALS OF CLINICAL BIOCHEMISTRY


Kui tulevasele perearstile John Crockerile tehti kolmandal kursusel ettepanek liituda Jane Goodalli šimpanside uurimise töörühmaga Tansaanias, ei kõhelnud ta hetkegi. Kaheksa jälgimiskuu jooksul läks Crockerile eriti hinge emase šimpansi Fifi kannatlikkus ja soojus, millega too oma poega Freudi kasvatas. Fifilt õpitut rakendas ta hiljem nii oma laste kui ka patsientide peal. Autor jutustab haaravalt, kuidas šimpansidega veedetud aeg aitas tal paremini mõista tähelepanu- ja ärevushäirete ning depressiooni käes kannatavaid inimesi. Ta märkas mõlema liigi puhul sügavalt juurdunud käitumismustreid, mis aitavad kaitsta kogukonda, kasvatada järglasi ja ellu jääda. Kolmkümmend kuus aastat hiljem koos pojaga Tansaaniasse naastes mõtiskleb autor mõju üle, mida toona kogetu on tema elukäsitlusele avaldanud. Põnev inimkäitumise arengu ja tugevate peresidemete tähtsuse üle arutlev raamat heidab valgust inimeseks olemisele ja on ühtlasi tänukummardus silmapaistvale teadlasele Jane Goodallile.