
Leadership networking is not about collecting business cards or schmoozing. It's about building relationships and making alliances in service of others and in service of your organization's work and goals. This book will show you how to enhance your networks and become effective at leadership networking. By seeing networking as an integral part of your role as a leader and by taking action to develop and nurture related skills, you create benefits for yourself, your group, and your organization.


One part of your job as a leader is to create commitment to your organization's vision. In order to do this, you have to communicate the vision effectively. In this guidebook we suggest many ways to communicate a vision. We also discuss how to deal with a resistant audience and what to do in the event that you yourself are resistant. You'll learn how to communicate a vision to others in ways that will help them understand it, remember it, and then go on to share it themselves.



The Forensic Examination and Interpretation of Tool Marks brings together key techniques and developments in the field of tool marks in forensic science and explains clearly how tool mark analysis can be used within forensic investigation. The purpose of this book is to bring together as much of this information as possible in an accessible manner. The book deals with all aspects of tool mark evidence from crime scene to courtroom. The examination of a wide variety of different tool marks are discussed, including those made by specific tools such as saws and in complex materials such as bone. The general principles and techniques used in tool mark examinations can also be applied to some other closely related fields. Therefore, sections on the examination of manufacturing marks, including those on plastic film items, and physical fit comparisons are also included. The book will be of interest to a wide range of people and not just to tool mark examiners and people studying forensic science. It will be of use to crime scene examiners, officers investigating crimes where tool marks are found and members of the legal professions. Brings together key techniques and developments within the field of tool mark investigation. Includes material on examining tool marks at the crime scene and in the laboratory, interpretation and evaluation issues and how tool mark evidence should be presented in court. Covers specialized tool mark examinations, manufacturing marks, including those on plastic film items, and physical fits. Includes a large range of illustrations and photographs. Invaluable reference for practicing forensic scientists, students of forensic sciences, members of the legal professions and crime scene investigators, enabling them to recognise the importance of tool marks within an investigation. An extremely valuable resource in the on-going debate regarding the evidential value of tool marks in court. Part of the ‘Essentials in Forensic Science’ book series.