
Since it was first published in 1980, Student Services: A Handbook for the Profession has become a classic reference in the field. In the fourth edition of this important resource the contributors'—a stellar panel of student affairs scholars—examine the changing context of the student experience in higher education, the evolution of the role of student affairs professionals, and the philosophies, ethics, and theories that guide the practice of student affairs work. Comprehensive in scope, this book covers a broad range of relevant topics including the development of student affairs, legal and ethical foundations of student affairs practice, student development, learning and retention theories, organizational theory, dynamics of campus environments, strategic planning and finance, information technology in student affairs, managing human resources, multiculturalism, teaching, counseling and helping skills, assessment and evaluation, and new lessons from research on student outcomes.


Youth leadership initiatives can help young people engage in democratic life, participatory governance, and social and political change. Leadership education oriented towards political and social change must continue to evolve in response to the lived experience of youth. This volume explores those new meanings through examining the theories and practices constituting the emerging ground of public leadership, including: research spanning secondary and higher education programs, local and international contexts, school-based and out-of-school time initiatives, and a broad diversity of youth. The Jossey-Bass quarterly report series New Directions for Student Leadership explores leadership concepts and pedagogical topics of interest to high school and college leadership educators. Issues are grounded in scholarship and feature practical applications and best practices in youth and adult leadership education.


Higher education is expanding, internationalizing, and changing rapidly around the world. Yet, many of the broader international higher education community and funders are unaware that much of what the United States has achieved in quality higher education derives from the student affairs staff. This volume addresses the opportunities and challenges in creating student learning and development programs and strategies that are culturally appropriate and use best practices from regions around the world. This volume includes: suggestions using the whole institutional environment—curriculum and co-curriculum; examples from China, Mexico, Singapore, South Africa, and the United Kingdom; and holistic and engaging approaches through student affairs, student development, and student services. This will be of interest to all those who value quality higher education no matter what their role. The intent is to convince broader constituencies of the merit of enhancing the student experience so that students worldwide will benefit from enhanced learning and development opportunities. This is the 175th volume of the Jossey-Bass quarterly report series New Directions for Higher Education. Addressed to presidents, vice presidents, deans, and other higher education decision makers on all kinds of campuses, it provides timely information and authoritative advice about major issues and administrative problems confronting every institution.