
La trayectoria profesional de Alfonso Martínez Berganza abarcó tres décadas de la historia del periodismo español del siglo pasado en las que desarrolló su actividad en los puestos y medios más diversos, desde editorialista de la «Tercera Página» del diario 'Pueblo' hasta su labor en RNE, donde, como señaló su obituario, «supo ser jefe en momentos difíciles de la vida política española». Durante su carrera fue galardonado con diversos premios periodísticos y literarios, entre los que se cuenta el I Premio Hemingway de Periodismo para artículos de tema taurino. 'Hemingway en la España taurina' es una iluminadora inmersión en los escenarios taurinos del nobel norteamericano. A raíz de su muerte en 1961, Martínez Berganza erigió este tríptico literario «en defensa de un amigo», que nos sumerge en la polémica sobre el conocimiento de la fiesta de los toros por parte del escritor de Illinois, recreando sus paisajes literarios y personales. Este volumen recoge así los debates planteados en aquellos años en España, polémicas que son resueltas desde un análisis riguroso y objetivo de los textos y las opiniones vertidas.


Acclaimed by many as one of the most gifted essayists and stylists in American letters these last few decades, Richard Rodriguez has left an indelible imprint on the tradition of autobiographical writing of the nation. Rodeño's study of the four installments of Rodriguez's self-writing offers an insightful and perspicacious analysis of the evolution and the most controversial elements in this Chicano writer's production so far. Delving deeply into issues of racial and ethnic identity, sexual orientation, religious background, various types of hybridity, and different forms of socio-cultural adaptation, this book presents all kinds of incisive observations about the contested space(s) that «minority» self-writers are often pushed to occupy in the American tradition of the genre.


In the past four decades Native American/First Nations Literature has emerged as a literary and academic field and it is now read, taught, and theorized in many educational settings outside the United States and Canada. Native American and First Nations authors have also broadened their themes and readership by exploring transnational contexts and foreign realities, and through translation into major and minor languages, thus establishing creative networks with other literary communities around the world. However, when their texts are taught abroad, the perpetuation of Indian stereotypes, mystifications, and misconceptions is still a major issue that non-Native readers, students, and teachers continue to struggle with. To counter such distorted representations and neo/colonialist readings, this book presents a strategic selection of critical case studies that set specific texts within cross-cultural contexts wherein Native-based methodologies and key concepts are placed at the center of the reading practice. The challenging role of teachers and researchers as potential intermediaries and responsible disseminators of what Gayatri C. Spivak calls «transnational literacy» as well as the reception of Native North American works, contexts, and themes by international readers thus becomes a primary focus of attention. This volume provides a set of critical analyses and practical resources that may enable teachers outside the United States and Canada to incorporate Native American/First Nations literature and related cultural and historical texts into their teaching practices and current research interests in a creative, decolonizing, and responsible manner.