
Since the turn of the 21st century, the television series has rivalled cinema as the paradigmatic filmic medium. Like few other genres, it lends itself to exploring society in its different layers. In the case of Great Britain and Ireland, it functions as a key medium in depicting the state of the nation. Focussing on questions of genre, narrative form, and serialisation, this volume examines the variety of ways in which popular recent British and Irish television series negotiate the concept of community as a key component of the state of the nation.


This collection of essays examines the contribution of British plays to key social, political, and intellectual debates since 2000. It explores some of the most pressing concerns that have dominated the public discourse in Britain in the last decade, focusing on their representation in dramatic texts. Each essay provides an in-depth analysis of one play, assessing its particular contribution to the debate in question. The book aims to show how contemporary drama has developed unique ways to present the complexities and ambiguities of certain issues with aesthetic as well as emotional appeal.


Absent Rebels: Criticism and Network Power in 21st Century Dystopian Fiction focuses on the relationship between literary dystopia, network power and neoliberalism, explaining why rebellion against a dystopian system is absent in so many contemporary dystopian novels. Also, this book helps readers understand modern power mechanisms and shows ways how to overcome them in our own daily lives.


Über die Epochen hinweg haben sich literarische Werke und Genres explizit oder implizit mit dem Kapitalismus auseinandergesetzt. Doch gerade die vergangenen Jahrzehnte, in welchen der Kapitalismus nach Mark Fisher zum ausweglosen Vorstellungshorizont avanciert ist, zeugen von einer vermehrten Infragestellung des Kapitalismus in der literarischen Produktion sowie der Literaturwissenschaft. Vor diesem Hintergrund vereint der interdisziplinäre Sammelband Beiträge aus der Germanistik, Romanistik, Amerikanistik und Anglistik, die den Blick auf verschiedene zeitgenössische Manifestationen des globalen Kapitalismus und deren literarische oder filmische Repräsentationen richten.