
While organizing a community interfaith Thanksgiving event, a pastor discovers that people of all religious traditions laugh in the same language. He explores the connections between faith and laughter, examining his own holy heritage in dialogue with followers of other faiths. The story culminates with Interfaith Laughter Night, with an open mike that encourages participants of all the faiths gathered to laugh with each other…and at themselves.  Come along on a journey of ecumenical silliness!    



Albert Butler once wished to be an artist, but scandal destroyed his life. Now old and sick, he takes us back through his troubled childhood, England’s Blitz, and two passionate affairs. Returning to his former London haunts, he confronts old friends who have never forgiven him his sins, and sets out on a journey along the Thames that will bring him to the final and naked truth about himself.





A middle-aged man living in Los Angeles takes a business trip to San Francisco, where he lived, briefly but intensely, when he was just out of high school. Over the course of a long afternoon and evening, he confronts the echoes of his history in the patterns of the streets he obsessively wanders. A strange interaction with a couple of old friends brings him face-to-face with his unfinished past.


