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      4.7.5 Dispersion Relations in Uniaxial Medium

      This section considers the dispersion relation of a uniaxial anisotropic permittivity medium as a special case of the dispersion relation (4.7.19) of the biaxial medium. The permittivity along the optic axis, i.e. the z‐axis is εzz = ε and permeability of the medium is μ. The (x‐y)‐plane, with permittivity tensor elements εxx = εyy = ε, is a transverse plane. So, the medium is isotropic in the (x‐y)‐plane. The propagation constant along the z‐axis is kz and in the transverse plane, it is kt, satisfying the relation images. To simplify equation (4.7.19) for the uniaxial medium, the transverse wavevector images in the (x‐y)‐plane is aligned such that the wave propagates only along the x‐axis, i.e. ky = 0 and kx = kt. Under such alignment, equation (4.7.19) is reduced to the following dispersion relation:


      The above equation provides the following characteristic equation:

Schematic illustration of dispersion diagrams in the uniaxial anisotropic medium.

      Likewise, equation (4.7.26d) is the dispersion relation of the extraordinary waves, giving the isofrequency ellipse in the (ky‐kz)‐plane, as shown in Fig. (4.15b). In this case, the wavenumber is direction‐dependent because the relative permittivity for this case is direction‐dependent, images. The wavevector ke subtends an angle θ with respect to the z‐optic axis. In this case, wavevectors components are images and images. Using, these relations with equation (4.7.26d), the following equation of ellipse of permittivity, supporting the extraordinary wave, is obtained:

      Figure (4.15a) shows that the ordinary waves have both the phase and group velocities, on the isofrequency contour, in the same direction. Figure (4.15b) shows the elliptical dispersion diagram for the extraordinary waves. In this case, there is a deviation of the direction of the group velocity from the direction of the phase velocity. The inner circle of Fig. (4.15b) shows the dispersion diagram of the ordinary waves with relative permittivity images. Along the ky, the extraordinary waves have relative permittivity images. Only along the z‐optic axis, i.e. along the kz‐axis, the identical relative permittivity for both kinds of waves is obtained. In all other directions, the ordinary wave is a fast‐wave as compared to the extraordinary wave. The medium is known as the positive uniaxial medium. Figure (4.15c) shows the case of the negative uniaxial

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