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polarized waves. It is shown below:


      The electric components of the extraordinary and ordinary waves and also the total E‐field at the output of the slab are


      The wave at the output of the slab is a left‐hand circularly polarized wave. Such a slab converting the incoming linearly polarized wave to the circularly polarized waves is called the quarter‐waveplate. A waveplate with images, i.e. the half‐waveplate rotates the 45° linearly polarized waves by 90° and output electric field component is images. The phase of the outgoing waves could be controlled by changing the thickness of a slab. The waveplate acts as a phase shifter. In the case of uniaxial anisotropic plasma medium, the permittivity components are εr‖ = εr and εr⊥ = 1.

      4.7.2 Wave Propagation in Uniaxial Gyroelectric Medium

      Figure (4.13b) shows uniform TEM‐waves propagation in the z‐direction in an unbounded uniaxial gyroelectric medium created by the magnetized plasma on the application of the DC magnetic field H0 in the z‐direction. The permittivity tensor [εr] of the medium is given equation (4.2.11). Due to the presence of off‐diagonal matrix elements ±jκ in the permittivity matrix of the gyroelectric medium, the Ex component of the linearly polarized incident wave also generates the Ey component with a time quadrature. It is due to the presence of factor “j.” Similarly, the Ey component of an incident wave generates Ex component also with a time quadrature. The presence of two orthogonal E‐field components with a time quadrature in a gyroelectric medium creates the left‐hand circularly polarized (LHCP) and right‐hand circularly polarized (RHCP) waves as the normal modes in the uniaxial gyroelectric medium. Both circularly polarized waves travel with two different phase velocities. Thus, the gyro medium with the cross‐coupling gyrotropic factor ±jκ has the ability of polarization conversion.

      However, the Maxwell equation (4.7.2b) in the present case is expanded differently:

      For the uniform plane wave propagating in the positive z‐direction, Hy/∂x = Hx/∂y = 0. In the above equations, it is noted that the εr, zz component of permittivity does not play any role in the TEM mode wave propagation in the z‐direction. However, for the wave propagation in the x‐direction Ex = 0, Ez ≠ 0 and εr, zz permittivity component occurs in the wave propagation. Similar is the case for the wave propagation in the y‐direction. Further, due to the cross‐coupling between Ex and Ey components in the above equations, it is not possible to obtain a single second‐order wave equation for either Ex or Ey. However, the solution could be assumed for the field vectors images and images as follows:


      On solving the above equations for Ex and Ey, the following characteristics equation is obtained:

      where wavenumber in free space is images. The det[ ] = 0 of the above homogeneous equation provides the nontrivial solutions giving the following two eigenvalues of the propagation constant βz:


      It is shown below that the eigenvalue images and images are the propagation constant of two circularly polarized normal mode waves propagating in the z‐direction. The wave with propagation constant images travels at slower velocity compared to the wave traveling in an isotropic medium with relative permittivity εr. The wave with propagation constant images is a faster traveling wave.

      Suppose the x‐polarized wave with Скачать книгу