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too late renounce Deitie for thee, when Fate will not permit.

      Thus Eve with Countnance blithe her storie told; But in her Cheek distemper flushing glowd. On th’ other side, Adam, soon as he heard The fatal Trespass don by Eve, amaz’d, Astonied stood and Blank, while horror chill Ran through his veins, and all his joynts relax’d; From his slack hand the Garland wreath’d for Eve Down drop’d, and all the faded Roses shed: Speechless he stood and pale, till thus at length First to himself he inward silence broke.

      O fairest of Creation, last and best

       Of all Gods Works, Creature in whom excell’d

       Whatever can to fight or thought be found,

       Holy, divine, good, amiable, or sweet!

       How art thou lost, how on a sudden lost,

       Defac’t, deflourd, and now to Death devote?

       Rather how hast thou yeelded to transgress

       The strict forbiddance, how to violate

       The sacred Fruit forbidd’n! som cursed fraud

       Of Enemie hath beguil’d thee, yet unknown,

       And mee with thee hath ruind, for with thee

       Certain my resolution is to Die;

       How can I live without thee, how forgoe

       Thy sweet Converse and Love so dearly joyn’d,

       To live again in these wilde Woods forlorn?

       Should God create another Eve, and I Another Rib afford, yet loss of thee Would never from my heart; no no, I feel The Link of Nature draw me: Flesh of Flesh, Bone of my Bone thou art, and from thy State Mine never shall be parted, bliss or woe.

      So having said, as one from sad dismay

       Recomforted, and after thoughts disturbd

       Submitting to what seemd remediless,

       Thus in calme mood his Words to Eve he turnd.

      Bold deed thou hast presum’d, adventrous Eve, And peril great provok’t, who thus hast dar’d Had it bin onely coveting to Eye That sacred Fruit, sacred to abstinence, Much more to taste it under banne to touch. But past who can recall, or don undoe? Not God omnipotent, for Fate, yet so Perhaps thou shalt not Die, perhaps the Fact Is not so hainous now, foretasted Fruit, Profan’d first by the Serpent, by him first Made common and unhallowd: ere one tastes; Nor yet on him found deadly; he yet lives, Lives, as thou saidst, and gaines to live as Man Higher degree of Life, inducement strong To us, as likely tasting to attaine Proportional ascent, which cannot be But to be Gods, or Angels Demi-gods. Nor can I think that God, Creator wise, Though threatning, will in earnest so destroy Us his prime Creatures, dignifi’d so high, Set over all his Works, which in our Fall, For us created, needs with us must faile, Dependent made; so God shall uncreate, Be frustrate, do, undo, and labour loose, Not well conceav’d of God, who though his Power Creation could repeate, yet would be loath Us to abolish, least the Adversary Triumph and say; Fickle their State whom God Most Favors, who can please him long? Mee first He ruind, now Mankind; whom will he next? Matter of scorne, not to be given the Foe. However I with thee have fixt my Lot, Certain to undergoe like doom, if Death Consort with thee, Death is to mee as Life; So forcible within my heart I feel The Bond of Nature draw me to my owne, My own in thee, for what thou art is mine; Our State cannot be severd, we are one, One Flesh; to loose thee were to loose my self.

      So Adam, and thus Eve to him repli’d. O glorious trial of exceeding Love, Illustrious evidence, example high! Ingaging me to emulate, but short Of thy perfection, how shall I attaine, Adam, from whose deare side I boast me sprung, And gladly of our Union heare thee speak, One Heart, one Soul in both; whereof good prooff This day affords, declaring thee resolvd, Rather then Death or aught then Death more dread Shall separate us, linkt in Love so deare, To undergoe with mee one Guilt, one Crime, If any be, of tasting this fair Fruit, Whose vertue, for of good still good proceeds, Direct, or by occasion hath presented This happie trial of thy Love, which else So eminently never had bin known. Were it I thought Death menac’t would ensue This my attempt, I would sustain alone The worst, and not perswade thee, rather die Deserted, then oblige thee with a fact Pernicious to thy Peace, chiefly assur’d Remarkably so late of thy so true, So faithful Love unequald; but I feel Farr otherwise th’ event, not Death, but Life Augmented, op’nd Eyes, new Hopes, new Joyes, Taste so Divine, that what of sweet before Hath toucht my sense, flat seems to this, and harsh. On my experience, Adam, freely taste, And fear of Death deliver to the Windes.

      So saying, she embrac’d him, and for joy

       Tenderly wept, much won that he his Love

       Had so enobl’d, as of choice to incurr

       Divine displeasure for her sake, or Death.

       In recompence (for such compliance bad

       Such recompence best merits) from the bough

       She gave him of that fair enticing Fruit

       With liberal hand: he scrupl’d not to eat

       Against his better knowledge, not deceav’d,

       But fondly overcome with Femal charm.

       Earth trembl’d from her entrails, as again

       In pangs, and Nature gave a second groan,

       Skie lowr’d, and muttering Thunder, som sad drops

       Wept at compleating of the mortal Sin

       Original; while Adam took no thought, Eating his fill, nor Eve to iterate Her former trespass fear’d, the more to soothe Him with her lov’d societie, that now As with new Wine intoxicated both They swim in mirth, and fansie that they feel Divinitie within them breeding wings Wherewith to scorn the Earth: but that false Fruit Farr other operation first displaid, Carnal desire enflaming, hee on Eve Began to cast lascivious Eyes, she him As wantonly repaid; in Lust they burne: Till Adam thus ’gan Eve to dalliance move.

      Eve, now I see thou art exact of taste, And elegant, of Sapience no small part, Since to each meaning savour we apply, And Palate call judicious; I the praise Yeild thee, so well this day thou hast purvey’d. Much pleasure we have lost, while we abstain’d From this delightful Fruit, nor known till now True relish, tasting; if such pleasure be In things to us forbidden, it might be wish’d, For this one Tree had bin forbidden ten. But come, so well refresh’t, now let us play, As meet is, after such delicious Fare; For never did thy Beautie since the day I saw thee first and wedded thee, adorn’d With all perfections, so enflame my sense With ardor to enjoy thee, fairer now Then ever, bountie of this vertuous Tree.

      So said he, and forbore not glance or toy

       Of amorous intent, well understood

       Of Eve, whose Eye darted contagious Fire. Her hand he seis’d, and to a shadie bank, Thick overhead with verdant roof imbowr’d He led her nothing loath; Flours were the Couch, Pansies, and Violets, and Asphodel, And Hyacinth, Earths freshest softest lap. There they thir fill of Love and Loves disport Took largely, of thir mutual guilt the Seale, The solace of thir sin, till dewie sleep Oppress’d them, wearied with thir amorous play. Soon as the force of that fallacious Fruit, That with exhilerating vapour bland About thir spirits had plaid, and inmost powers Made erre, was now exhal’d, and grosser sleep Bred of unkindly fumes, with conscious dreams Encumberd, now had left them, up they rose As from unrest, and each the other viewing, Soon found thir Eyes how op’nd, and thir minds How dark’nd; innocence, that as a veile Had shadow’d them from knowing ill, was gon, Just confidence, and native righteousness, And honour from about them, naked left To guiltie shame hee cover’d, but his Robe Uncover’d more. So rose the Danite strong Herculean Samson from the Harlot-lap Of Philistean Dalilah, and wak’d Shorn of his strength, They destitute and bare Of all thir vertue: silent, and in face Confounded long they sate, as struck’n mute, Till Adam, though not less then Eve abasht, At length gave utterance

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