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of such faith not only have I proofs

       Physical and metaphysical, but gives them

       Likewise the truth that from this place rains down

      Through Moses, through the Prophets and the Psalms,

       Through the Evangel, and through you, who wrote

       After the fiery Spirit sanctified you;

      In Persons three eterne believe, and these

       One essence I believe, so one and trine

       They bear conjunction both with 'sunt' and 'est.'

      With the profound condition and divine

       Which now I touch upon, doth stamp my mind

       Ofttimes the doctrine evangelical.

      This the beginning is, this is the spark

       Which afterwards dilates to vivid flame,

       And, like a star in heaven, is sparkling in me."

      Even as a lord who hears what pleaseth him

       His servant straight embraces, gratulating

       For the good news as soon as he is silent;

      So, giving me its benediction, singing,

       Three times encircled me, when I was silent,

       The apostolic light, at whose command

      I spoken had, in speaking I so pleased him.

      XXV. The Laurel Crown. St. James examines Dante on Hope. Dante's Blindness.

       Table of Contents

      If e'er it happen that the Poem Sacred,

       To which both heaven and earth have set their hand,

       So that it many a year hath made me lean,

      O'ercome the cruelty that bars me out

       From the fair sheepfold, where a lamb I slumbered,

       An enemy to the wolves that war upon it,

      With other voice forthwith, with other fleece

       Poet will I return, and at my font

       Baptismal will I take the laurel crown;

      Because into the Faith that maketh known

       All souls to God there entered I, and then

       Peter for her sake thus my brow encircled.

      Thereafterward towards us moved a light

       Out of that band whence issued the first-fruits

       Which of his vicars Christ behind him left,

      And then my Lady, full of ecstasy,

       Said unto me: "Look, look! behold the Baron

       For whom below Galicia is frequented."

      In the same way as, when a dove alights

       Near his companion, both of them pour forth,

       Circling about and murmuring, their affection,

      So one beheld I by the other grand

       Prince glorified to be with welcome greeted,

       Lauding the food that there above is eaten.

      But when their gratulations were complete,

       Silently 'coram me' each one stood still,

       So incandescent it o'ercame my sight.

      Smiling thereafterwards, said Beatrice:

       "Illustrious life, by whom the benefactions

       Of our Basilica have been described,

      Make Hope resound within this altitude;

       Thou knowest as oft thou dost personify it

       As Jesus to the three gave greater clearness."—

      "Lift up thy head, and make thyself assured;

       For what comes hither from the mortal world

       Must needs be ripened in our radiance."

      This comfort came to me from the second fire;

       Wherefore mine eyes I lifted to the hills,

       Which bent them down before with too great weight.

      "Since, through his grace, our Emperor wills that thou

       Shouldst find thee face to face, before thy death,

       In the most secret chamber, with his Counts,

      So that, the truth beholden of this court,

       Hope, which below there rightfully enamours,

       Thereby thou strengthen in thyself and others,

      Say what it is, and how is flowering with it

       Thy mind, and say from whence it came to thee."

       Thus did the second light again continue.

      And the Compassionate, who piloted

       The plumage of my wings in such high flight,

       Did in reply anticipate me thus:

      "No child whatever the Church Militant

       Of greater hope possesses, as is written

       In that Sun which irradiates all our band;

      Therefore it is conceded him from Egypt

       To come into Jerusalem to see,

       Or ever yet his warfare be completed.

      The two remaining points, that not for knowledge

       Have been demanded, but that he report

       How much this virtue unto thee is pleasing,

      To him I leave; for hard he will not find them,

       Nor of self-praise; and let him answer them;

       And may the grace of God in this assist him!"

      As a disciple, who his teacher follows,

       Ready and willing, where he is expert,

       That his proficiency may be displayed,

      "Hope," said I, "is the certain expectation

       Of future glory, which is the effect

       Of grace divine and merit precedent.

      From many stars this light comes unto me;

       But he instilled it first into my heart

       Who was chief singer unto the chief captain.

      'Sperent in te,' in the high Theody

       He sayeth, 'those who know thy name;' and who

       Knoweth it not, if he my faith possess?

      Thou didst instil me, then, with his instilling

       In the Epistle, so that I am full,

       And upon others rain again your rain."

      While I was speaking, in the living bosom

       Of that combustion quivered an effulgence,

       Sudden and frequent, in the guise of lightning;

      Then breathed: "The love wherewith I am inflamed

       Towards the virtue still which followed me

       Unto the palm and issue of the field,

      Wills that I breathe to thee that thou delight

       In her; and grateful to me is thy telling

       Whatever things Hope promises to thee."

      And I: "The ancient Scriptures and the new

       The mark establish,

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