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to speak. The Englishman said:

      "Hello ... Hello!"

      Then, after a silence, he said:

      "Yes, it is I, Maxime."

      The drama had commenced and was progressing with tragic precision. Lupin, the irrepressible and nonchalant Lupin, did not attempt to conceal his anxiety, and he strained every nerve in a desire to hear or, at least, to divine the purport of the conversation. And Sholmes continued, in reply to the mysterious voice:

      "Hello!... Hello!... Yes, everything has been moved, and I am just ready to leave here and meet you as we agreed.... Where?... Where you are now.... Don't believe that he is here yet!..."

      Sholmes stopped, seeking for words. It was clear that he was trying to question the girl without betraying himself, and that he was ignorant of her whereabouts. Moreover, Ganimard's presence seemed to embarrass him.... Ah! if some miracle would only interrupt that cursed conversation! Lupin prayed for it with all his strength, with all the intensity of his incited nerves! After a momentary pause, Sholmes continued:

      "Hello!... Hello!... Do you hear me?... I can't hear you very well.... Can scarcely make out what you say.... Are you listening? Well, I think you had better return home.... No danger now.... But he is in England! I have received a telegram from Southampton announcing his arrival."

      The sarcasm of those words! Sholmes uttered them with an inexpressible comfort. And he added:

      "Very well, don't lose any time. I will meet you there."

      He hung up the receiver.

      "Monsieur Ganimard, can you furnish me with three men?"

      "For the blonde Lady, eh?"


      "You know who she is, and where she is?"


      "Good! That settles Monsieur Lupin.... Folenfant, take two men, and go with Monsieur Sholmes."

      The Englishman departed, accompanied by the three men.

      The game was ended. The blonde Lady was, also, about to fall into the hands of the Englishman. Thanks to his commendable persistence and to a combination of fortuitous circumstances, the battle had resulted in a victory for the detective, and in irreparable disaster for Lupin.

      "Monsieur Sholmes!"

      The Englishman stopped.

      "Monsieur Lupin?"

      Lupin was clearly shattered by this final blow. His forehead was marked by deep wrinkles. He was sullen and dejected. However, he pulled himself together, and, notwithstanding his defeat, he exclaimed, in a cheerful tone:

      "You will concede that fate has been against me. A few minutes ago, it prevented my escape through that chimney, and delivered me into your hands. Now, by means of the telephone, it presents you with the blonde Lady. I submit to its decrees."

      "What do you mean?"

      "I mean that I am ready to re-open our negotiation."

      Sholmes took Ganimard aside and asked, in a manner that did not permit a reply, the authority to exchange a few words with the prisoner. Then he approached Lupin, and said, in a sharp, nervous tone:

      "What do you want?"

      "Mademoiselle Destange's liberty."

      "You know the price."


      "And you accept?"

      "Yes; I accept your terms."

      "Ah!" said the Englishman, in surprise, "but ... you refused ... for yourself——"

      "Yes, I can look out for myself, Monsieur Sholmes, but now the question concerns a young woman ... and a woman I love. In France, understand, we have very decided ideas about such things. And Lupin has the same feelings as other people."

      He spoke with simplicity and candor. Sholmes replied by an almost imperceptible inclination of his head, and murmured:

      "Very well, the blue diamond."

      "Take my cane, there, at the end of the mantel. Press on the head of the cane with one hand, and, with the other, turn the iron ferrule at the bottom."

      Holmes took the cane and followed the directions. As he did so, the head of the cane divided and disclosed a cavity which contained a small ball of wax which, in turn, enclosed a diamond. He examined it. It was the blue diamond.

      "Monsieur Lupin, Mademoiselle Destange is free."

      "Is her future safety assured? Has she nothing to fear from you?"

      "Neither from me, nor anyone else."

      "How can you manage it?"

      "Quite easily. I have forgotten her name and address."

      "Thank you. And au revoir—for I will see you again, sometime, Monsieur Sholmes?"

      "I have no doubt of it."

      Then followed an animated conversation between Sholmes and Ganimard, which was abruptly terminated by the Englishman, who said:

      "I am very sorry, Monsieur Ganimard, that we cannot agree on that point, but I have no time to waste trying to convince you. I leave for England within an hour."

      "But ... the blonde Lady?"

      "I do not know such a person."

      "And yet, a moment ago——"

      "You must take the affair as it stands. I have delivered Arsène Lupin into your hands. Here is the blue diamond, which you will have the pleasure of returning to the Countess de Crozon. What more do you want?"

      "The blonde Lady."

      "Find her."

      Sholmes pulled his cap down over his forehead and walked rapidly away, like a man who is accustomed to go as soon as his business is finished.

      "Bon voyage, monsieur," cried Lupin, "and, believe me, I shall never forget the friendly way in which our little business affairs have been arranged. My regards to Monsieur Wilson."

      Not receiving any reply, Lupin added, sneeringly:

      "That is what is called 'taking British leave.' Ah! their insular dignity lacks the flower of courtesy by which we are distinguished. Consider for a moment, Ganimard, what a charming exit a Frenchman would have made under similar circumstances! With what exquisite courtesy he would have masked his triumph!... But, God bless me, Ganimard, what are you doing? Making a search? Come, what's the use? There is nothing left—not even a scrap of paper. I assure you my archives are in a safe place."

      "I am not so sure of that," replied Ganimard. "I must search everything."

      Lupin submitted to the operation. Held by two detectives and surrounded by the others, he patiently endured the proceedings for twenty minutes, then he said:

      "Hurry up, Ganimard, and finish!"

      "You are in a hurry."

      "Of course I am. An important appointment."

      "At the police station?"

      "No; in the city."

      "Ah! at what time?"

      "Two o'clock."

      "It is three o'clock now."

      "Just so; I will be late. And punctuality is one of my virtues."

      "Well, give me five minutes."

      "Not a second more," said Lupin.

      "I am doing my best to expedite——"

      "Oh! don't talk so much.... Still searching that cupboard? It is empty."

      "Here are some letters."

      "Old invoices, I presume!"

      "No; a packet tied with a ribbon."


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