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closed it on them softly. He came back to the window, put his hand in his pocket, and drew out the packet wrapped in tissue-paper.

      He unfolded the paper with slow, reluctant fingers, and revealed the pendant.



       Table of Contents

      The Duke stared at the pendant, his eyes full of wonder and pity.

      "Poor little girl!" he said softly under his breath.

      He put the pendant carefully away in his waistcoat-pocket and stood staring thoughtfully out of the window.

      The door opened softly, and Sonia came quickly into the room, closed the door, and leaned back against it. Her face was a dead white; her skin had lost its lustre of fine porcelain, and she stared at him with eyes dim with anguish.

      In a hoarse, broken voice, she muttered: "Forgive me! Oh, forgive me!"

      "A thief—you?" said the Duke, in a tone of pitying wonder.

      Sonia groaned.

      "You mustn't stop here," said the Duke in an uneasy tone, and he looked uneasily at the door.

      "Ah, you don't want to speak to me any more," said Sonia, in a heartrending tone, wringing her hands.

      "Guerchard is suspicious of everything. It is dangerous for us to be talking here. I assure you that it's dangerous," said the Duke.

      "What an opinion must you have of me! It's dreadful—cruel!" wailed Sonia.

      "For goodness' sake don't speak so loud," said the Duke, with even greater uneasiness. "You MUST think of Guerchard."

      "What do I care?" cried Sonia. "I've lost the liking of the only creature whose liking I wanted. What does anything else matter? What DOES it matter?"

      "We'll talk somewhere else presently. That'll be far safer," said the Duke.

      "No, no, we must talk now!" cried Sonia. "You must know.... I must tell ... Oh, dear! ... Oh, dear! ... I don't know how to tell you.... And then it is so unfair.... she ... Germaine ... she has everything," she panted. "Yesterday, before me, you gave her that pendant, ... she smiled ... she was proud of it.... I saw her pleasure.... Then I took it—I took it—I took it! And if I could, I'd take her fortune, too.... I hate her! Oh, how I hate her!"

      "What!" said the Duke.

      "Yes, I do ... I hate her!" said Sonia; and her eyes, no longer gentle, glowed with the sombre resentment, the dull rage of the weak who turn on Fortune. Her gentle voice was harsh with rebellious wrath.

      "You hate her?" said the Duke quickly.

      "I should never have told you that.... But now I dare.... I dare speak out.... It's you! ... It's you—" The avowal died on her lips. A burning flush crimsoned her cheeks and faded as quickly as it came: "I hate her!" she muttered.

      "Sonia—" said the Duke gently.

      "Oh! I know that it's no excuse.... I know that you're thinking 'This is a very pretty story, but it's not her first theft'; ... and it's true—it's the tenth, ... perhaps it's the twentieth.... It's true—I am a thief." She paused, and the glow deepened in her eyes. "But there's one thing you must believe—you shall believe; since you came, since I've known you, since the first day you set eyes on me, I have stolen no more ... till yesterday when you gave her the pendant before me. I could not bear it ... I could not." She paused and looked at him with eyes that demanded an assent.

      "I believe you," said the Duke gravely.

      She heaved a deep sigh of relief, and went on more quietly—some of its golden tone had returned to her voice: "And then, if you knew how it began ... the horror of it," she said.

      "Poor child!" said the Duke softly.

      "Yes, you pity me, but you despise me—you despise me beyond words. You shall not! I will not have it!" she cried fiercely.

      "Believe me, no," said the Duke, in a soothing tone.

      "Listen," said Sonia. "Have you ever been alone—alone in the world? ... Have you ever been hungry? Think of it ... in this big city where I was starving in sight of bread ... bread in the shops .... One only had to stretch out one's hand to touch it ... a penny loaf. Oh, it's commonplace!" she broke off: "quite commonplace!"

      "Go on: tell me," said the Duke curtly.

      "There was one way I could make money and I would not do it: no, I would not," she went on. "But that day I was dying ... understand, I was dying ....I went to the rooms of a man I knew a little. It was my last resource. At first I was glad ... he gave me food and wine ... and then, he talked to me ... he offered me money."

      "What!" cried the Duke; and a sudden flame of anger flared up in his eyes.

      "No; I could not ... and then I robbed him.... I preferred to ... it was more decent. Ah, I had excuses then. I began to steal to remain an honest woman ... and I've gone on stealing to keep up appearances. You see ... I joke about it." And she laughed, the faint, dreadful, mocking laugh of a damned soul. "Oh, dear! Oh, dear!" she cried; and, burying her face in her hands, she burst into a storm of weeping.

      "Poor child," said the Duke softly. And he stared gloomily on the ground, overcome by this revelation of the tortures of the feeble in the underworld beneath the Paris he knew.

      "Oh, you do pity me ... you do understand ... and feel," said Sonia, between her sobs.

      The Duke raised his head and gazed at her with eyes full of an infinite sympathy and compassion.

      "Poor little Sonia," he said gently. "I understand."

      She gazed at him with incredulous eyes, in which joy and despair mingled, struggling.

      He came slowly towards her, and stopped short. His quick ear had caught the sound of a footstep outside the door.

      "Quick! Dry your eyes! You must look composed. The other room!" he cried, in an imperative tone.

      He caught her hand and drew her swiftly into the further drawing-room.

      With the quickness which came of long practice in hiding her feelings Sonia composed her face to something of its usual gentle calm. There was even a faint tinge of colour in her cheeks; they had lost their dead whiteness. A faint light shone in her eyes; the anguish had cleared from them. They rested on the Duke with a look of ineffable gratitude. She sat down on a couch. The Duke went to the window and lighted a cigarette. They heard the door of the outer drawing-room open, and there was a pause. Quick footsteps crossed the room, and Guerchard stood in the doorway. He looked from one to the other with keen and eager eyes. Sonia sat staring rather listlessly at the carpet. The Duke turned, and smiled at him.

      "Well, M. Guerchard," he said. "I hope the burglars have not stolen the coronet."

      "The coronet is safe, your Grace," said Guerchard.

      "And the paper-knives?" said the Duke.

      "The paper-knives?" said Guerchard with an inquiring air.

      "The wedding presents," said the Duke.

      "Yes, your Grace, the wedding presents are safe," said Guerchard.

      "I breathe again," said the Duke languidly.

      Guerchard turned to Sonia and said, "I was looking for you, Mademoiselle, to tell you that M. Formery has changed his mind. It is impossible for you to go out. No one will be allowed to go out."

      "Yes?" said Sonia, in an indifferent tone.

      "We should be very much obliged if you would go to your room," said Guerchard. "Your meals will be sent up to you."

      "What?" said Sonia, rising quickly; and she looked from Guerchard to the Duke. The Duke gave her the faintest nod.


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