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not have used their best abilities to Achieve.

      Be too Big to bother with Envy.

      You would never Envy if you would but realize the Accumulated Power that comes by profiting from the Success of other people. Be glad of the Big Luck of somebody else. Be wise enough to let its Inspiration lift you up. Individual Success is not stationary. It has no limitations. Congratulate your friend to-day and he may be put in the position to congratulate you to-morrow and be happy of the chance.

      Be too Big to bother with Envy.


      There are two ways of Seeing. One with the Eyes and one with the Mind. Helen Kellar recently stated in a public address that there were many people more Blind than she. She was right. The Blind are those who WILL NOT see.

      Keep your Eyes and Mind wide Open.

      Joseph Pulitzer, the late Blind Editor of the New York World, made his newspaper great not until after he became Blind. Prescott wrote his greatest Histories with Sightless Eyes. P. S. Henson, the great Preacher, with but one Eye, has Seen more and learned more than most people would with a dozen Eyes. The Blind many times See most.

      Keep your Eyes and Mind wide Open.

      Use your Eyes. See Things. And after you See them, make Friends out of them. No two people See Things exactly the same. Watt saw latent Power in the Steam that came out of his mother’s Tea Kettle. Franklin saw another kind of usefulness snapping from the tail of his Kite. The followers of these men saw enough to adapt and force Civilization ahead by scores of years.

      Keep your Eyes and Mind wide Open.

      Many of the really Big Things in this world have not yet been Seen. You, at your humble task To-day, may See some of them, or shadows of them. And if you do, persist in Seeing. There is always this one great way to Learn and Grow — to resolve on Seeing everything that can be Seen. But your Eyes are only half. To See with your Mind is the other half.

      Keep your Eyes and Mind wide Open.


      Hope is Heart — in full health. When Hope begins to dicker away, then’s the time to flash C. Q. D.

      Accumulate Hope.

      It is just as easy to become a bankrupt in Hope as to become a bankrupt in Money. Hope is a mixture. It is made up of equal parts of Courage, Will, Work and Faith. Innoculate your system with these things and Hope will hover about you, lead you on, defend you — make you a Factor in the work of the world.

      Accumulate Hope.

      Perhaps you are one of the people who measure Hope in mere Money, crude Ambition, and flabby Fame. Hope is not material. Hope is Eternal, just like the Stars. And if you are not digging away at a job that has an Ever-living Atmosphere to it, then change your job without delay.

      Accumulate Hope.

      Hope brightens the Eye, squares the Jaw and stiffens the Backbone. Hope is the invisible picture of Success. Hope, Hope, Hope —

      Accumulate Hope.


      Kick to Grow.

      But Kick ahead and not behind. Kick to get Something and to get Somewhere. Kick to a good purpose. For to rightly Kick is to be Somebody.

      Kick to Grow.

      France Kicked itself into the French Revolution and cleared the Political map of Europe for centuries to come; Wendell Phillips Kicked against human Slavery and helped free a Race; Disraeli Kicked against a great horde of Kickers and it landed him Prime Minister of England. History favors Kickers.

      Kick to Grow.

      Kick with a Smile on your Face and Determination in your Heart. For the Kicking Business fares badly with Bitterness and Revenge taking tickets at the Gate. Kick the hardest against your own Faults and Defects. Also, Kick against everything useless — Time wasting, cheap Gossip, aimless People — Habits that sap away your Power.

      Kick to Grow.

      Kick for recognition when you have real Worth to show. Kick for Knowledge. Kick for Principle. Kick for a place on which to stand squarely and honestly. But in all your Kicking, remember that the Kicking is the Means and not the End. And after you have Kicked your Kick — pass on, and achieve your Task.

      Kick to Grow.

      U. S.

      In the private office of the President of one of the greatest of American concerns are these two letters in big, black type on a framed card — U. S. These letters might stand for a great many things. But this is what they actually abbreviate — Universal Spirit. They also mean to —


      The Universal Spirit makes men Trust each other, makes you want to be Loyal to yourself, to your friends, to your ideals and to your business connections. And, after all, the Universal Spirit is but the great desire to help make things run along smoothly — to get things done without a lot of useless bickering.


      Fear, Friction, Discouragement, Distrust, Disloyalty — each is but the backfiring of a lack of the Universal Spirit. You won’t have any strikes in your shop if its motto is the Universal Spirit. To get it, start with the Golden Rule.


      Believe that you have a composite part in what goes to make up the finest part of happiness and you won’t need to use the dictionary to define the meaning of the Universal Spirit. It is just to —



      One of the greatest gifts of use in the bringing on of Success is the ability to Eliminate. The ability to Eliminate every thought, habit, action that does not contribute and construct toward some useful purpose.

      Carry no Dead Wood.

      The soldier entering upon his long campaign straps to his back nothing but the lightest equipment — yet he carries everything necessary and every article figures one hundred per cent Efficient.

      Carry no Dead Wood.

      Why fume and fret and fuss over little annoyances? They are not worth it. Eliminate them. Then step ahead and you will be surprised at your increased agility through lighter equipment.

      Carry no Dead Wood.

      Here are a few things to Eliminate to-day — Time Wasting, Bitter Words, Worry over things that never happen, useless spending of Money, the memory of Unintentional Mistakes.

      Carry no Dead Wood.


      This world is saturated with Human Beings, Jobs, Businesses, Works of Art, Enterprises of Machinery — that are ragged and frayed at the edges, so to speak, because somebody is constantly blundering.

      Whatever you Do — Do it Well — to the Finish.

      Failure starts to germinate when you first begin to slight your work. The slight may be ever so small — but be not deceived — at that point your Success begins to die.

      Whatever you Do — Do it Well — to the Finish.

      Have Sense and Courage enough to realize that you will make Mistakes right along. The big thing to Master is the Art of Learning from these Mistakes so that you never make the same ones twice. Conquer every Obstacle that gets in front of you. Win and pass on. Be Thorough.

      Whatever you Do — Do it Well — to the Finish.


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