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would go down out of the Hearts of People.

      Express your Appreciation.

      Appreciation is often withheld for fear of an advantage being taken of it. Nothing could be more foolish. Such a man takes advantage of himself. Appreciation acts like oil on the dry, worn parts of a machine. It starts off everybody and everything with Smiles. Continued Appreciation keeps things running smoothly. Also it saves wear.

      Express your Appreciation.

      People waste away, render but half service, and finally drop back in the race amply through a lack of Appreciation. Appreciation is not only one of the most powerful Tonics on earth — it’s an actual necessary Food. And without it no one partakes of a Balanced Diet.

      Express your Appreciation.

      If you are an Employer and one of your Helpers does good work, tell him so. And if you are a Helper and your Employer encourages you on, tell him so in thanks and increased service. Appreciation stirs and stimulates. It goes to a man’s soul as an electric current to the sensitive nerve centers.

      Express your Appreciation.

      Appreciate the chance to Live. Appreciate your Health, your Home, your Father and Mother, your Friends, your Opportunity. Some of these you may not have. But Appreciate what you do have — and greater gifts will hourly be added.


      For general Run-down-ed-ness try the Tonic — “Up.” The “Up” Tonic has actually saved this big world from going off to a Hospital. Millions daily rise to sing its marvelous praises.

      Get Up.

      That is the first step. Stand Up. The more you test your own Strength, the more you will pat yourself on the back for having such Strength. Get Up — and stay Up.

      Cheer Up.

      The Best is always yet to come. Cheer Up. All you have to do is to go after the Best. And then, Cheer is so Magnetic. No matter where you work or where you go — you draw People and Fortune your way. Suppose the Cow did lack over the pail of Milk. There’s more Cow and there’s more Milk. Cheer Up!

      Smile Up.

      Smiles don’t count when they hit the ground. Smile Up. When you face a day that seems knotted with kinks, Smile Up. There will be very few Kinks left. At every time and in every place — Smile Up. Make no exception. Smile Up.

      Climb Up.

      Be satisfied with nothing. Climb Up. Gather up carefully and patiently the threads of Toil and Experience that make up your completed day and use them as a Rope with which to pull yourself higher. Climb Up.

      Lift Up.

      If everybody were always Up and never Down, there would be no reason for this little Talk. Somebody is always Down and somebody is always Up. You who are Up help the one who is Down. Lift Up. Then YOU will be HIGHER Up.


      This world needs Leaders more than it needs any other breed of men. Every line of activity calls for Leaders — every Home, every Business, every Town — every Nation. As long as there are people there will be plenty to Follow. The demand is for those who can Lead.

      Be a Leader.

      The greatest asset in Leadership is Courage. Cowards never Lead. Leadership requires great Patience. No one will follow an Irritable or Impatient Leader. Leadership requires Tact, Fairness and Confidence. One man can’t Lead another who distrusts his Leadership. Many other things are important — but these things are Imperative.

      Be a Leader.

      A Leader must inspire and wake up the sleeping POWERS in his followers. He must be able to draw out, into action, the very highest qualities of people. To be able to do this he must himself have a dean consistent Record. A man can’t command without Authority — a man can’t stir other people without first having stirred himself and become his own Master.

      Be a Leader.

      It is just as important to be a Leader in your own Home or Town as to be a Leader in your Country. It isn’t the special station in which a man Leads that makes his work most important but it’s HOW he Leads. This thing is true — that if you Lead well in the little affairs of life you can’t keep from becoming a Leader in the big affairs.

      Be a Leader.


      Vision is Act-seeing. Great Vision means that you see things DONE by way of your Imagination, even before they are attempted. Vision differs from Imagination. It starts from Imagination. Imagination takes the Pictures but Vision turns them over to the Architects who Build things from them. Men with Vision are Dominant.

      Look Out.

      Muster your Ideas. For Ideas germinate Vision. They give it Flesh and Blood, Feed its Fire Box, Control its Nerves — Pump its Heart. Ideas make Vision a living thing.

      Look Out.

      Despise Vision and you become a Hireling — dependent and owned. Court Vision and you become a Master — a Weilder of Power unlimited. Vision is Optimism with two healthy Eyes.

      Look Out.

      Vision comes to, and may be gained by, the humblest. It carries neither a Patent nor a Copyright. It’s a “tramp” element in the sense of freedom. But it must be sought, found — and then fed and clothed. Vision comes to no one unhunted.

      Look Out.

      Your Vision is Big or Little as you will it. The greater you aspire the greater will grow your Vision. The farther you See — the more you will Do. Vision is applicable to the everyday. It puts strength back of effort. It brings Permanence to your acts.

      Look Out.


      Dampers are Checks. They are also Savers. Attached to a heating apparatus, they Check the draughts and Save the fuel. Human beings have Dampers. Thought itself is a Damper — also Judgment, Conscience, Expediency — and many others. No one, however, can ever know your own Dampers so well as you Yourself. But —

      Know WHEN to use your Dampers.

      Dampers are very Essential. An open Damper on a Furnace might so heat things as to cause an Explosion or a Fire. On the other hand it might be so turned off as to put out the Furnace, entirely. So, exactly, is it true in regard to the Dampers that go to regulate and make up your modes of Action — and your Character.

      Know WHEN to use your Dampers.

      Study your Draughts. A few of them are Enthusiasm, Energy, Will, Learning — Money. There is a Damper for every Draught. If used intelligently increased results are secured. If Enthusiasm sweeps you out of the Practical — turn on the Reason Damper. If you go into things with nothing but a Will to go through — turn on the Thought Damper. Don’t Learn so much from Books that you know nothing about Life and People. Remember that you HAVE Dampers. But —

      Know WHEN to use your Dampers.

      And be sure that you use them YOURSELF. Don’t let anybody else turn any Dampers on your Enthusiasm, your Ideas, your Plans, your Work. Run your own Dampers. Study them with great care. It’s knowing exactly WHEN and HOW to use them that makes the difference between Success and Failure for you.


      Bosses are all right — if they are the right Bosses. All through Nature and Human life runs the power of the Boss. Everything would go to smash with a bang if there were no Bosses. That’s why it is a satisfying thing to know that —

      You can Select your own Boss.


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