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Table of Contents

      Put a bay-leaf and a chopped onion in two tablespoonfuls of tarragon vinegar, bring to the boiling point, strain and cool. Cook together two tablespoonfuls of butter and one of flour, add a half cupful of cold water, and cook until thick, stirring constantly. Take from the fire and add the yolks of two eggs beaten with the vinegar. Reheat for a moment, seasoning with salt and pepper, strain, and serve immediately. Lemon-juice may be used in place of the vinegar.

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      Add half a cupful of freshly grated horseradish to a cupful of Drawn-Butter Sauce. Season with lemon-juice and beat until smooth.

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      Prepare a Cream Sauce according to directions previously given, and add three tablespoonfuls of freshly grated horseradish and half a cupful of melted butter. Serve with boiled fish.

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      To one cupful of Spanish Sauce add two tablespoonfuls of prepared horseradish, two tablespoonfuls of bread-crumbs, a teaspoonful of powdered sugar, and salt, pepper, and made mustard to season. Heat in a double-boiler, and just before serving add one-half cupful of whipped or cold cream. (Cow cream, not cosmetic.)

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      Fry in butter two tablespoonfuls of minced parsley and one tablespoonful of chopped mushrooms and shallots. Add two cupfuls of white wine and boil until reduced half. Add one cupful of Veloute Sauce and one half cupful of stock. Boil until thick, skim, and serve.

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      Fry in olive-oil half a cupful of chopped mushrooms, four chopped shallots, a sprig of thyme, and a bay-leaf. Add half a cupful of white wine and simmer until the liquid is reduced half. Take out the thyme and bay-leaf, add a cupful of Spanish Sauce, skim, boil, and serve.

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      Chop fine a shallot and two cloves of garlic. Add two tablespoonfuls each of walnut catsup, soy, and Worcestershire sauce. Season highly with paprika, add two cupfuls of tarragon vinegar, and let stand for two weeks. Strain, and serve with fish.

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      Brown four tablespoonfuls of flour in butter, add two cupfuls of brown stock and cook until thick, stirring constantly. Season with salt, pepper, and Worcestershire.

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      Melt half a cupful of butter and add to it the juice of a large lemon. When very hot take from the fire and pour over the well-beaten yolks of two eggs.

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      Prepare a pint of Drawn-Butter Sauce according to directions previously given, season with salt, pepper, grated nutmeg, and lemon-juice, and add half a cupful of melted butter.

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      Soak, bone, and pound to a pulp eight salted anchovies. Add the yolks of two eggs, well beaten. Add slowly half a cupful of olive-oil and two tablespoonfuls of vinegar. Season with pepper, grated nutmeg, and minced parsley. Serve very cold.

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      Add half a cupful of chopped cooked lobster meat and the pounded coral to each cupful of Drawn-Butter Sauce. Season with paprika, butter, and lemon-juice.

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      Prepare a Hollandaise Sauce and mix with finely-cut cooked lobster meat. Season with melted butter, lemon-juice, tabasco, and Worcestershire.

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      Work into half a cupful of butter all the lemon-juice it will take and add a teaspoonful or more of minced parsley. Or, melt the butter without burning, take from the fire, add the juice of half a lemon and a teaspoonful of minced parsley.

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      Put into an earthen bowl the yolk of a fresh egg and a pinch of salt, a dash of red pepper, and half a teaspoonful of dry mustard. Place the bowl on ice or in ice-water. Pour one cupful of olive-oil into a small pitcher from which it will drop easily. When the egg and seasoning are thoroughly mixed, begin to add the oil, using a silver teaspoon, and rubbing rather than stirring. Add the oil until a clear spot is formed upon the egg, and then mix until smooth. Only a few drops can be added at first, but the quantity may be gradually increased. The clear spot on the egg is an infallible test of the right quantity of oil. If too much oil is added the dressing will curdle. A few drops of lemon-juice and long beating will usually make it right again. If this fails, set the bowl directly on the ice in the refrigerator, and let stand for half an hour. If it is still curdled, begin again with the yolk of another egg and add the curdled mayonnaise by degrees to the new dressing.

      When the mayonnaise is so thick that it is difficult to stir it, add the juice of half a lemon, if desired.

       Table of Contents

      Melt two tablespoonfuls of butter, add two chopped mushrooms and two boned and pounded anchovies. Add two

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