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of Coreggio.

      These observations will not be useless to the connoisseur, who doubts the age of a picture on which there are no characters. Where there are letters he may proceed with still greater certainty. The letters vulgarly called gothic, began to be used after the year 1200, in some places more early than in others; and characters were loaded with a superfluity of lines, through the whole of the fourteenth, until about the middle of the fifteenth century, when the use of the Roman alphabet was revived. What forms were adopted by artists in subscribing their names, will be more conveniently explained in the course of a few pages further. I have judged it proper to give here a sort of paleology of painting; because inattention to this has been, and still is, a fruitful source of error. The reader, however, may observe, that though the rules here proposed, afford some light to resolve doubtful points, they are not to be considered as infallible and universal, and he may further recollect, that in matters of antiquity nothing is more dangerous and ridiculous, than to form general rules, which a single example may be sufficient to overthrow.

      Another specimen of this sort is said to be in the collection of Mr. Blundell, at Ince.

      See also Giulini and Verri, as quoted by Sig. da Morrona in tom. i. pp. 199, 200.

      Sancti Francisci Frater fuit hoc operatus Jacobus in tali præ cunctis arte probatus,

      is the inscription on the mosaic.

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