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The Lancashire Witches (Historical Novel). William Harrison Ainsworth
Читать онлайн.Название The Lancashire Witches (Historical Novel)
Год выпуска 0
isbn 4064066051648
Автор произведения William Harrison Ainsworth
Жанр Языкознание
Издательство Bookwire
“You ought to pity it for its deformity, poor little creature, rather than reproach it, mother,” observed the young damsel.
“Marry kem eawt!” cried her mother, sharply, “yo’n getten fine feelings wi’ your larning fro t’ good feythers, Dolly. Os ey said efore, ey wish t’ brat wur far enough.”
“You forget it has no mother,” suggested Dorothy, kindly.
“An naw great matter, if it hasn’t,” returned the miller’s wife. “Bess Demdike’s neaw great loss.”
“Is this Bess Demdike’s child?” cried Paslew, recoiling.
“Yeigh,” exclaimed the miller’s wife. And mistaking the cause of Paslew’s emotion, she added, triumphantly, to her daughter, “Ey towd te, wench, ot t’ lort abbut would be of my way o’ thinking. T’ chilt has got the witch’s mark plain upon her. Look, lort abbut, look!”
But Paslew heeded her not, but murmured to himself:—
“Ever in my path, go where I will. It is vain to struggle with my fate. I will go back and surrender myself to the Earl of Derby.”
“Nah,—nah!—yo shanna do that,” replied Hal o’ Nabs, who, with the miller, was close beside him. “Sit down o’ that stoo’ be t’ fire, and take a cup o’ wine t’ cheer yo, and then we’n set out to Pendle Forest, where ey’st find yo a safe hiding-place. An t’ ony reward ey’n ever ask for t’ sarvice shan be, that yo’n perform a marriage sarvice fo’ me and Dolly one of these days.” And he nudged the damsel’s elbow, who turned away, covered with blushes.
The abbot moved mechanically to the fire, and sat down, while the miller’s wife, surrendering the child with a shrug of the shoulders and a grimace to her daughter, went in search of some viands and a flask of wine, which she set before Paslew. The miller then filled a drinking-horn, and presented it to his guest, who was about to raise it to his lips, when a loud knocking was heard at the door below.
The knocking continued with increased violence, and voices were heard calling upon the miller to open the door, or it would be broken down. On the first alarm Abel had flown to a small window whence he could reconnoitre those below, and he now returned with a face white with terror, to say that a party of arquebussiers, with the sheriff at their head, were without, and that some of the men were provided with torches.
“They have discovered my evasion, and are come in search of me,” observed the abbot rising, but without betraying any anxiety. “Do not concern yourselves further for me, my good friends, but open the door, and deliver me to them.”
“Nah, nah, that we winnaw,” cried Hal o’ Nabs, “yo’re neaw taen yet, feyther abbut, an’ ey knoa a way to baffle ’em. If y’on let him down into t’ river, Ebil, ey’n manage to get him off.”
“Weel thowt on, Nab,” cried the miller, “theawst nah been mey mon seven year fo nowt. Theaw knoas t’ ways o’ t’ pleck.”
“Os weel os onny rotten abowt it,” replied Hal o’ Nabs. “Go down to t’ grindin’-room, an ey’n follow i’ a troice.”
And as Abel snatched up the light, and hastily descended the steps with Paslew, Hal whispered in Dorothy’s ears—
“Tak care neaw one fonds that chilt, Dolly, if they break in. Hide it safely; an whon they’re gone, tak it to’t church, and place it near t’ altar, where no ill con cum to it or thee. Mey life may hong upon it.”
And as the poor girl, who, as well as her mother, was almost frightened out of her wits, promised compliance, he hurried down the steps after the others, muttering, as the clamour without was redoubled—
“Eigh, roar on till yo’re hoarse. Yo winnaw get in yet awhile, ey’n promise ye.”
Meantime, the abbot had been led to the chief room of the mill, where all the corn formerly consumed within the monastery had been prepared, and which the size of the chamber itself, together with the vastness of the stones used in the operation of grinding, and connected with the huge water-wheel outside, proved to be by no means inconsiderable. Strong shafts of timber supported the flooring above, and were crossed by other boards placed horizontally, from which various implements in use at the mill depended, giving the chamber, imperfectly lighted as it now was by the lamp borne by Abel, a strange and almost mysterious appearance. Three or four of the miller’s men, armed with pikes, had followed their master, and, though much alarmed, they vowed to die rather than give up the abbot.
By this time Hal o’ Nabs had joined the group, and proceeding towards a raised part of the chamber where the grinding-stones were set, he knelt down, and laying hold of a small ring, raised up a trapdoor. The fresh air which blew up through the aperture, combined with the rushing sound of water, showed that the Calder flowed immediately beneath; and, having made some slight preparation, Hal let himself down into the stream.
At this moment a loud crash was heard, and one of the miller’s men cried out that the arquebussiers had burst open the door.
“Be hondy, then, lads, and let him down!” cried Hal o’ Nabs, who had some difficulty in maintaining his footing on the rough, stony bottom of the swift stream.
Passively yielding, the abbot suffered the miller and one of the stoutest of his men to assist him through the trapdoor, while a third held down the lamp, and showed Hal o’ Nabs, up to his middle in the darkling current, and stretching out his arms to receive the burden. The light fell upon the huge black circle of the watershed now stopped, and upon the dripping arches supporting the mill. In another moment the abbot plunged into the water, the trapdoor was replaced, and bolted underneath by Hal, who, while guiding his companion along, and bidding him catch hold of the wood-work of the wheel, heard a heavy trampling of many feet on the boards above, showing that the pursuers had obtained admittance.
Encumbered by his heavy vestments, the abbot could with difficulty contend against the strong current, and he momently expected to be swept away; but he had a stout and active assistant by his side, who soon placed him under shelter of the wheel. The trampling overhead continued for a few minutes, after which all was quiet, and Hal judged that, finding their search within ineffectual, the enemy would speedily come forth. Nor was he deceived. Shouts were soon heard at the door of the mill, and the glare of torches was cast on the stream. Then it was that Hal dragged his companion into a deep hole, formed by some decay in the masonry, behind the wheel, where the water rose nearly to their chins, and where they were completely concealed. Scarcely were they thus ensconced, than two or three armed men, holding torches aloft, were seen wading under the archway; but after looking carefully around, and even approaching close to the water-wheel, these persons could detect nothing, and withdrew, muttering curses of rage and disappointment. By-and-by the lights almost wholly disappeared, and the shouts becoming fainter and more distant, it was evident that the men had gone lower down the river. Upon this, Hal thought they might venture to quit their retreat, and accordingly, grasping the abbot’s arm, he proceeded to wade up the stream.
Benumbed with cold, and half dead with terror, Paslew needed all his companion’s support, for he could do little to help himself, added to which, they occasionally encountered some large stone, or stepped into a deep hole, so that it required Hal’s utmost exertion and strength to force a way on. At last they were out of the arch, and though both banks seemed unguarded, yet, for fear of surprise, Hal deemed it prudent still to keep to the river. Their course was completely sheltered from observation by the mist that enveloped them; and after proceeding in this way for some distance, Hal stopped to listen, and while debating with himself whether he should now quit the river, he fancied he beheld a black object swimming towards him. Taking it for an otter, with which voracious animal the Calder, a stream swarming with trout, abounded, and knowing the creature would not meddle with them unless first attacked, he paid little attention to it; but he was soon made sensible of his error. His arm was suddenly seized by a large black hound, whose sharp fangs met