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Features of SPARQL 6.9 Summary Chapter 7 Extending RDF: RDFS and SCHACL 7.1 Inference in RDF with RDFS 7.2 Where are the Smarts? 7.3 When Does Inferencing Happen? 7.4 Expectation in RDF 7.5 Summary Chapter 8 RDF Schema 8.1 Schema Languages and Their Functions 8.2 The RDF Schema Language 8.3 RDFS Modeling Combinations and Patterns 8.4 Challenges 8.5 Modeling with Domains and Ranges 8.6 Nonmodeling Properties in RDFS 8.7 Summary Chapter 9 RDFS-Plus 9.1 Inverse 9.2 Managing Networks of Dependencies 9.3 Equivalence 9.4 Merging Data from Different Databases 9.5 Computing Sameness: Functional Properties 9.6 A Few More Constructs 9.7 Summary Chapter 10 Using RDFS-Plus in the Wild 10.1 Schema.org 10.2 Open Government Data 10.3 FOAF 10.4 Facebook’s Open Graph Protocol 10.5 Summary Chapter 11 SKOS—Managing Vocabularies with RDFS-Plus 11.1 Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS) 11.2 Semantic Relations in SKOS 11.3 Concept Schemes 11.4 SKOS Integrity 11.5 SKOS in Action 11.6 Summary Chapter 12 Basic OWL 12.1 Restrictions 12.2 Challenge Problems 12.3 Alternative Descriptions of Restrictions 12.4 Summary Chapter 13 Counting and Sets in OWL 13.1 Unions and Intersections 13.2 Differentiating Multiple Individuals 13.3 Cardinality 13.4 Set Complement 13.5 Disjoint Sets 13.6 Prerequisites Revisited 13.7 Contradictions 13.8 Unsatisfiable Classes 13.9 Inferring Class Relationships 13.10 Reasoning with Individuals and with Classes 13.11 Summary

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