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by believing him instead of Kayla?

      Ashley realized then that to feel that strongly about him with Kayla, she must be in love with Ryan. How had love for him engulfed her so swiftly? She had her answer in memories, as well as when she looked at him.

      Searchingly, she met his gaze. She guessed he would be a wonderful father, but she couldn’t imagine him being a devoted husband when there was no love, at least on his part, and he was accustomed to women and freedom.

      She looked at her hand in his. Hers was pale, smaller, her fingers slender next to his. Her ring sparkled in the bright lights of the ballroom.

      She remembered Jake and Emily’s wedding. When Emily had confided that it was purely a marriage of convenience, Ashley had wondered how her friend could bear to go into such a union. Yet here she was, locked in one almost like that herself. All the reassurances she had poured out for Emily seemed hollow and empty now.

      Yet as she danced, hope grew. Now that Ryan had insisted she should ignore Kayla, the future once again held possibilities.

      He was watching her, and she tilted her head and smiled up at him.

      “So you’re happy now?” he asked.

      “Ryan Warner, you made me marry you. Well, I’m going to make you fall in love with me. Hopelessly in love.”

      Excitement flashed in the depths of his gaze and his dark eyebrows arched. “That’s a promise I look forward to. It makes my day even more than the wedding.”

      “You’ll see,” she said, smiling at him and meaning what she said.

      In minutes the dance ended and he led her back to the sidelines, where her father claimed her and Ryan turned to ask Laura to dance.

      “I’m worried about you, Ashley,” Ben said when they were on the dance floor. “It’s good to have Ryan’s financial support, but that’s not enough for marriage. Just remember, I’m always here for you, day or night.”

      “I know, Dad. I’m fine. There was something disturbing this morning, but it’s all right now.”

      “Good. I’m glad to hear it. I wish you all the happiness in the world,” he said, and she smiled up at him.

      “Thanks. I love you,” she said. Her gaze went past him to Ryan, who was charming her grandmother, she was sure. Tall, exuding self-assurance, radiating vitality, he seemed convinced that all would go well. His confidence was contagious, and she knew she was falling under his spell.

      Next, Ryan’s father danced with Ashley, while Ryan stood on the sidelines and watched. He wanted the event to end. He was eager to get Ashley to himself, and this reception was stretching his nerves.

      The minute the dance was over Ryan took her arm. “They want us for a picture or some such,” he said, leading her toward the nearest door.

      “Ryan, the photographer is over by the cake.”

      “So he is. If you must know, that was just an excuse to get you alone. C’mon. Let’s slip away for one quick kiss,” he said, taking her into a room across the hall and turning her to him as he leaned down to kiss her. She clung to him, responding as always to his kisses, setting him on fire. Her mouth was soft and she wore an enticing scent. Her shoulders were bare, tantalizing soft curves showing at the straight neckline of her dress. Now she was his wife. With every moment that passed he grew more certain they had done the best thing possible, and to his surprise, he was growing pleased with the whole prospect.

      “We have to get back. This is our party and we’re host and hostess,” she whispered, pushing against him.

      Ryan inhaled deeply. “It seems like an eternity until we can get out of here,” he told her again. “Just one more quick kiss.” He pulled her to him, sliding his hand down her back to cup her bottom. His breathing was ragged and he ached.

      Finally, he reluctantly released her, and this time, she stepped away from him. “Ryan, we’re going back to the party,” she said firmly. “You’ll have to wait.”

      He looked at her features as if memorizing them, then nodded. She took his hand and led him inside the ballroom, and minutes later she was surrounded by old friends and Ryan was across the room.

      He tried to pay attention to friends talking to him, but all he could do was think about Ashley and glance at her constantly. She was laughing at something someone said to her. When had any particular woman been this important to him? He knew the answer to his own question, never before, and that made him all the more certain he’d done the right thing in forcing her to marry him. Every time they kissed, she responded to him fully. They enjoyed each other’s company and they liked each other’s families, all of which meant they were truly bonding. But it was already deeper than that. He trusted her and knew he could confide in her. He could tell her his hopes and plans, and he valued her opinion when they discussed topics. Most of all, she set him on fire with her passion.

      No sex after their wedding night … He was certain after making love tonight, she wouldn’t hold out in the days to come. Sex would be fantastic and make the ties between them stronger. How could they keep from falling in love?

      He turned and Kayla was there. His irritation surfaced, but it was mild because she was no longer important and nothing she said mattered. “I heard what you told Ashley,” he stated.

      She shrugged. “I figured you wouldn’t marry her unless she’s pregnant. And if she’s not, well, I don’t think you’ll be able to stick with one woman either way. Particularly one who isn’t in your social world, Ryan. You’re not going to settle down and be the sweet, faithful husband,” she said, smiling slyly at him.

      “It’s over between us, Kayla. Absolutely and forever.”

      Her smile widened and she licked her lips slowly. “Darling, you’ll be back. I give you three months tops.” Her strong perfume assailed him when she stood on tiptoe and brushed his cheek with a kiss. Stepping away, she smiled at him.

      “You stay away from Ashley,” he declared again, wondering how he could have ever been so involved with Kayla.

      Still smiling, she turned and walked off.

      One of his brothers called to him, and Ryan joined Brett and a group of friends who stood nearby. He forgot about Kayla, because Ashley filled his thoughts. His gaze drifted across the crowd until he spotted her. Talking and laughing, she stood in a group of guests. He wondered if he would ever tire of looking at her.

      He glanced at his watch. “C’mon, Ashley.”

      Ashley glanced around and saw Ryan talking with his brother and some other men. Nick Colton stood in the group, and she saw Jake Thorne join them. She had gotten to know Jake because of planning his wedding, and now Jake had been a groomsman in her own. He had rugged features that softened when he smiled. He was friendly, but she felt he was reserved, keeping strangers at arm’s length. All three men shared that same determination and poise, and she wondered if they had ever clashed in the years they had been friends.

      She looked at her tall husband. She had seen Kayla talking to him only a short time before. When she’d seen the redhead brush his cheek with a kiss, Ashley hurt briefly. She had never been jealous in her life, but it pained her to watch Kayla kiss him even lightly.

      Had Ryan really meant all he’d said? She would take him at his word until she had a reason not to, but again, she hoped she wasn’t being foolishly gullible. Even though Ryan had been convincing and reassuring, uncertainty still hovered in the back of her mind.

      She watched him while she half listened to those around her. He was charismatic and exciting, and she still couldn’t believe that she was Mrs. Ryan Warner.

      Ryan’s wife. The whole world seemed different now. If only … She couldn’t stop wishing that there was mutual love between them.

      They would have a real wedding night. The thought turned her knees to jelly and heated her insides, because she could remember their weekend

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