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go meet the family.”

      As they drove out of the city, Ryan glanced at her. “One topic we didn’t settle. When do we announce that you’re expecting a baby?”

      “I’ve been thinking about it, and I’d just as soon tell the family now. I see no reason to announce it to others yet, but our families might as well know. And know why you’re marrying me.”

      “Right there is a reason to wait to tell them.”

      She shook her head. “Now’s the time, Ryan. When they find out why, your family will try to talk you out of this marriage, and that’s okay.”

      “No, they won’t. They’ll know I’m doing what I want, and they know me well enough to realize that I wouldn’t marry you simply because of the pregnancy.”

      She gave him an annoyed look of disbelief.

      “You’ll see, Ashley. I still say we’ll have a good marriage.”

      “Without love, I don’t see how.”

      “Every time you declare this union hopeless, I have to insist that I think love will come.”

      She bit her lip and looked out the window, knowing the futility of their continual dispute over the future. If only he would give love a chance to come, and then ask her to marry him!—then it would be a joyous event.

      “I made arrangements with the church, and it’s reserved when we wanted it,” Ryan said. “I booked the country club and the band for the reception.”

      “We’re moving right along, because I’ve arranged for the musicians for the wedding. I have the florist and have told him what I want. My dress is selected, along with what I’d like for the bridesmaids, and I’ve started my guest list. I need yours as soon as possible.”

      “I’ll get it to you Monday afternoon. I can have my secretary pull one together, and I’ll add to it.”

      “I’ve ordered cakes. Being a wedding planner cut days off making the arrangements, because I know what I want without having to pour through pictures and listen to descriptions. I could get a caterer for the reception, but I imagine the club will handle the food.”

      “They will. I told them you’d call to make arrangements,” he said.

      “And you don’t care what I choose?”

      “Not at all, and expense is no problem.”

      “Then it should be simple to arrange,” she said. “As soon as we get the attendants confirmed, and the invitations in the mail, we’ll be ready.”

      “I’ve reserved a private room at the club for the rehearsal dinner the night before and you can call them about the menu for that, too.”

      “Fine. Someday we’ll have to think about baby names, but not this soon.”

      “I’ll make a list of names I like and you do the same.”

      “And my guess is there won’t be one name on your list that’s on mine.”

      He smiled, glancing at her. “You think we’re that different?”

      “Absolutely,” she declared.

      He reached over to take her hand and place it on his warm thigh. Instantly, she thrilled to the intimate contact. “I’m eager for the wedding,” he said in a husky voice. “And even more excited over the wedding night and loving you again.”

      She licked her lower lip, drawing her palm slowly along his thigh until she heard him inhale.

      “Just a little more of that, Ashley, and I’m pulling off the road,” he said hoarsely.

      She withdrew her hand and returned it to her lap, gazing at the changing countryside as they sped east. Before long, the highway was lined with tall pines and thick woods.

      When they approached the two-story, white farmhouse, she told him about its history. “Each family has built onto the place, but the original structure dates back to the late 1800s. The flood last year took some of the outbuildings and crops, but the house has never been in water.”

      “No regrets about leaving here?”

      “Absolutely none. Farming is hard work. You’re constantly fighting the elements. Maybe I still resent the farm for taking away my mother.”

      “Yeah, the way I blame hard times for robbing me of mine,” he said gruffly. He took Ashley’s hand. “Our baby is going to have opportunities, Ashley, and endless love.”

      For the first time she felt a bond with Ryan that had nothing to do with sex. A glimmer of hope flared as they shared feelings for the rough times in their pasts. She brushed a light kiss on his knuckles. “I hope you’re right,” she said. “I’ll have to admit, we’re alike about wanting to be in control.”

      Flashing a wicked grin, he chuckled. “So, you’ll admit you like control just as much as I do.”

      “I suppose,” she said, smiling at him.

      When her father swung open the door, his blue eyes were filled with curiosity. “Ashley,” he said, taking her into his arms for a hug. When he released her, she turned. “Dad, this is Ryan Warner. Ryan, please meet my dad, Ben Smith.”

      They shook hands and her father stepped back. “Come in. This is my mother, Ashley’s grandmother, Laura Smith.”

      An attractive gray-haired woman in black slacks and a white cotton shirt stood behind him and smiled at them, causing crinkles around her large, blue eyes. Beside her was Ashley’s brother, Jeff, who was also blue eyed and tall.

      After introductions, they settled in the family room, with its high ceilings, braided rugs, family pictures and shelves of books.

      Curiosity filled her father’s eyes, but soon everyone was chatting, and her dad told tales about the farm and when Ashley and Jeff had been kids.

      Looking relaxed and as if he had known her family for years instead of just an afternoon, Ryan relayed stories of his two-month stint on a horse ranch and his one attempt at bull riding, which had everyone chuckling. His stories were amusing, but Ashley realized that if he had done what he was telling them he had, he had a streak of a daredevil in him.

      Over dinner, Ashley passed bowls of steaming mashed potatoes, thick brown gravy, slices of pot roast and hot biscuits. Ryan consumed a large enough amount of food to delight her grandmother, who liked serving guests and relatives.

      As they relaxed after dessert, Ashley caught Ryan’s attention and gave him a long look. “Folks, we have something to tell you,” she said, pausing as all her family turned to her. “Ryan has asked me to marry him, and I’ve accepted.”

      Her grandmother gave a cry of joy and came around the table to give Ashley a hug, while her father and brother stood to shake Ryan’s hand.

      “Congrats, sis,” Jeff said, grinning at her. “I didn’t think this would ever happen.”

      She laughed, because she knew he was teasing her, and she was relieved to have made the announcement. When she turned to her father, she was surprised to see a solemn expression on his face, a searching look in his eyes.

      Her first thought was that he knew she didn’t want to marry Ryan, but he congratulated her, hugged her and gave her best wishes. They all adjourned to the family room, while she and Ryan answered questions and let everyone know the plans made so far.

      Again she knew that if they were aware of all the circumstances, they would try to talk her out of it. Her father might not, because of the financial help Ryan would provide the baby.

      She didn’t want to wait until the end of their visit to tell them that news, but they wanted to hear wedding details and mark calendars. Finally, she thought there was a good moment, and she crossed the room to sit on the arm of her dad’s chair. “We have another announcement that right now is for our families

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