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knew her father was waiting, and in minutes it would be time for her entrance. But she wanted a moment to compose herself.

      There was a knock on the door, and she assumed someone had come to get her. She turned, expecting her father. “Come in,” she called. The door swung open and Ryan’s redheaded friend, Kayla Landon, entered.

      Startled, Ashley felt a chill as she turned. “If you’re looking for the sanctuary, it’s down the hall to the right.”

      “No, I’m looking for you,” Kayla said in a soft voice, and again, Ashley was amazed that Ryan had wanted so badly to marry, because this woman was stunning. She wore a gorgeous, skintight white silk dress with embroidered red rosebuds along the neckline and the hem. Her hair was curled, hanging to her shoulders. She had flawless skin; rosy cheeks; a full, pouty mouth; thick eyelashes; and a figure that should turn all male heads at the wedding.

      As Ashley looked at her, she suddenly no longer felt so pretty, and her dress seemed incredibly plain and simple in comparison.

      “I wanted to congratulate you on catching Ryan,” Kayla said, coming into the room and closing the door behind her. “That’s quite a coup. You’re not in his social class and you’re definitely not his type. We all know that he’s marrying you out of pity,” she said with a smug expression.

      Ashley had started to reach for her bouquet, preparing to leave, but she halted abruptly in shock.

      Kayla came close enough for her perfume to reach Ashley. “I never dreamed a pregnancy would do it,” Kayla continued. “You know he doesn’t love you. That’s the only reason a man like Ryan would marry you.”

      Ashley clamped her jaw more tightly as a knot closed her throat. The only way Kayla could know about the pregnancy was from Ryan. He had broken a trust, and at that moment she hated him for it.

      “Of course, he’ll marry you, but if you think he’ll stay faithful, think again,” Kayla purred, smiling slyly. “If he can’t stay faithful before the marriage, he won’t stay true after, and you might as well know now what you’re getting into. I’m sure you don’t care, though, as long as you get some of his money. He ought to insist on a paternity test, however, to make sure he’s the father.”

      “Get out, Kayla!” Ashley snapped, hating the tears that threatened. “Get out!” She looked around for something to throw at the woman whose eyes widened before she turned to yank open the door again, her laughter floating behind her.

      “Of course, it’s never too late to back out. And I’m definitely not out of his life.” She closed the door.

      Shaking in dismay, Ashley dabbed at her tears, knowing she was streaking the light makeup she wore. Ryan hadn’t been faithful. He had shared the secret of her pregnancy with Kayla, when only their families were supposed to know. That hurt worse than anything.

      Ashley clenched her fists. She couldn’t go through with this sham wedding! It wasn’t too late. She could run away right now, and explain to her family and friends later. It would prevent this wedding from happening, and save her from marrying a man she couldn’t trust.

      She reached behind her to unfasten Ryan’s necklace and throw it against the wall. She hurt all over and didn’t want to marry him, no matter what he did or what happened.

      She was reaching back again to free the top button of her dress, when she paused. Could she hurt so many people—Ryan’s family, her family, the baby? Or marry him and take his financial support and have an easier life—would that be better?

      Someone rapped on the door. “Ashley, it’s time,” her brother called. “Everyone’s waiting.”

      Numbly, she picked up her bouquet of white orchids and white roses. She walked slowly to the foyer, while her father came forward with a somber expression. He tilted her chin up.

      “You don’t look happy,” he said gruffly, unable to hide his worry. He dug in his pocket and withdrew keys. “Honey, you can walk right out the door now. Take my car and go, and I’ll explain for you. Don’t enter into a marriage that’ll make you miserable. You can back out this minute and I’ll stand by you. Take my car keys.”

      With a heavy heart she stared at the keys in his open palm. She could walk away and her father would give her his support. Did she want to escape this marriage to Ryan? Because here was her last chance before taking a vow.

      Had something gone wrong? Ryan knew time was passing.

      While he stood at the altar, he reminded himself to be patient. Maybe it was something with Ashley’s dress or hair that had delayed her.

      The bridesmaids were in place and the organist was improvising, playing the same music repeatedly.

      Right now, their wedding night seemed a thousand hours away instead of the end of the day. Ryan’s father stood beside him, and Nick and Jake were lined up beyond his dad and brothers. Ryan glanced over the large crowd. His church was beautiful, with rock walls, a vaulted ceiling and a huge pipe organ. The carpet was a brilliant blue and sunshine poured through the stained glass windows, which glowed like multicolored jewels, but he barely noticed his surroundings. He wanted to glance at his watch. Ashley was late, which was uncharacteristic of her.

      Where was she? Had something happened? Was she having cold feet at the last minute? Worries plagued him and he thought about the moment this morning when he had been seized by the feeling that he had pushed Ashley too hard into this wedding. But then he’d come to the same conclusion he always had, that marriage was the best for all concerned.

      Should he have waited and courted her, and married her after the baby’s arrival?

      Too late now, unless she had run out on him. He shifted his weight slightly, wanting to leave and go find her. He’d heard of runaway brides.

      And then he saw her appear in the narthex and take her father’s arm. They stood talking, and Ryan wished they would begin. Finally, the organist received the signal that the bride was ready.

      As Ashley walked toward him down the aisle, all of Ryan’s worries and apprehensions vanished. His mouth went dry and his heart pounded. He remembered the first hour he’d met her at a party, and how he’d been drawn to her easy smile and open friendliness with everyone. The attraction between them had been instant and intense.

      Today she looked stunning, incredibly beautiful, and he didn’t have a qualm or doubt that he was doing the right thing. He couldn’t imagine that they wouldn’t fall deeply in love.

      She was ravishing, sexy, independent. So far as he could discover, she had great qualities. He liked her family. Reassured they were doing the best possible thing, he watched her. He wanted her to himself, and knew this would be one of the longest days of his life until he could get her away for their honeymoon.

      As she drew closer, he frowned. She was pale as snow and wouldn’t look at him.

      Surely this wasn’t her anger stirred up all over again. Last night at their rehearsal dinner, she had seemed to have a great time, and had kissed him thoroughly before she’d told him good-night. Yet as her father placed her hand in his, Ryan knew something was dreadfully awry. Her father’s expression reinforced his suspicions.

      When they turned to repeat their vows, Ryan clasped Ashley’s icy hands and glanced at her bare throat. Where was the diamond-and-pearl necklace he had given her the night before? She had seemed thrilled with it, and said she’d wear it today, but no necklace adorned her throat now.

      Ryan couldn’t wait to talk to her, and tried to concentrate on their wedding, knowing he should pay attention. Yet there was no way that Ashley was enjoying one minute of it. What had happened?

      Finally the minister pronounced them man and wife. He introduced them to the crowd and they swept up the aisle. Ryan held Ashley’s arm and motioned to an usher. “Tell the photographer that we’ll be right back for pictures,” he said, before turning to her. “Come here,” he ordered, and tugged lightly on her arm. She went with him down a long hall, and the first empty

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