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      On the following pages you will find the collective symbols of Ingmar which each comprise several symbolic forces. The symbols are represented and their possible applications explained.

      The effect of a collective symbol is produced by the sum of the individual symbolic forces contained.



      Pronounced: [kaytos]

      Symbolic forces: Echo Plasta

      The Ketos energy saving package consists of the individual symbols Echo, Plasta and an additional personal symbol which we will call ‘individual relationship symbol’. This symbol results from the very personal relationship a person, for example, has with his/her car. The same naturally applies to all appliances that consume power and that one owns. The collective symbol Ketos automatically comprises this relationship symbol.

      Example: Automobile. Attach the Ketos symbol on the inside of the bonnet in the shape of a triangle – three stickers with Ketos drawn on both sides. Two on the left and one on the right (see illustration). Ketos will cut power (fuel) consumption by up to 50%!

      Important comments:

      Experience has shown that the Ketos energy saving package will not always take full effect from the very start. Surveys of various automobiles have indicated that there are several important factors which must be taken into consideration:

      * The mental relationship between the driver and car. An ambiguous or superficial relationship that merely ‘serves a purpose’ apparently offends ‘car spirits’.

      * It is not the age of the car but the duration of the partnership that counts.

      * The individual ‘soul pattern’ of the car.

      * The ‘manufacturer energy’ of the automobile industry (plant) concerned could also be responsible for possible delays.

      * The purpose and meaningfulness of the use of the car.

      * State of mind on the day.

      * It is best to carry out the ritual in the afternoon. The best time is between 1 and 5 p.m.

      The efficiency of KETOS depends primarily on the relation ship between the driver and his/ her car.

      Through the careful application of the Ketos energy saving package it has been clearly demonstrated that there is no such thing as ‘dead’ matter. Characteristic oscillations can also be found in automobiles, devices and apparatus which – in keeping with the new quality of the times – are responding more and more strikingly to the human spirit. And depending on its patterns of information, the human spirit is in a position to influence matter in one way or another.

      * Automobiles consume more fuel during a waxing moon than during a waning moon.

      * As far as mobile telephones are concerned, we also established that batteries will run down more quickly in energy-consuming environments – e.g. in negative locations or with people with a negative mental outlook – than in pleasant, positive environments. Pronounced: [voiceless ‘ch’ as in the Scottish ‘loch’]


      Pronounced: [voiceless ‘ch’ as in the Scottish ‘loch’]

      Topic: Energy saving package

      Number: 4

      Colour: Ashen

      Polarity: –

      Chakra: Base chakra, mental


      ‘Being allowed to experience the grace of nature’


      Different rules apply in the different dimensions of being. And yet they all work together in some way or other to jointly produce a meaningful credo.

      The force of Echo is generated when the Earth breathes out; it is also responsible for the high tide of the seas. Its intention is the principle of expansion.

      Echo helps to regenerate the humus soil of the Earth.

      It complements Plasta.

      Topic: Energy saving package

      Number: 3

      Colour: Intensive pink veined with black skeins

      Polarity: +

      Chakra: Navel chakra


      ‘The source of all knowledge is within me’

      (The protective energy of Mother Earth)


      Plasta stems from the lowest of the three spheres of the Earth and is enormous in dimension. If this power potential were used effectively – and that purely mentally (!) – the Earth and its resources would gain an invaluable advantage in terms of energy savings. The Mayas and the ancient Egyptians knew well how to deal with this force. They were taught by the inhabitants of Atlantis. At that time, its use was restricted to priests and pharaohs only. Consequently, Plasta can be termed an energy saving concept. It can be used for all devices, apparatus and machinery – all vehicles, heating systems, engines, etc. – that consume and even waste power. The force of Plasta is a special form of energy which helps the Earth (and other planets) economically control its energy balance. By analogy, it is transformed nuclear energy – not in the conventional sense but on an etheric level (fine molecular level). This power could also be defined as the ‘protective energy of Mother Earth’ which prevents the excessive emission of energy and/or heat from the Earth and thus finely regulates the energy balance of the Earth. Its significance lies in the fact that it can transform rays of the sun (and other cosmic rays) that hit the Earth into energy which the Earth as a living organism can use.

      Plasta transforms the rays of the Sun that hit Earth and harnesses them for the Earth’s organism.

      Plasta is pink-coloured energy potential that is veined with black skeins. This form of energy has a rather viscous consistency and penetrates matter at a frequency of 5 hertz. As mentioned above, it is ‘protective energy’ that allows the planet to orbit the Sun with the least resistance.

      Global memory contains all the knowledge needed for logarithm-based evolution. The levels of morphogenetic fields, ‘all that lends shape’, are saved in the memory. The same applies to the matrices for all inventions and ideas that will, amongst other things, safeguard the future existence of physical life. To charge conventional batteries – such as those for various simple appliances – it suffices to allow Plasta to flow through the left and right hand in the region of the navel chakra for five minutes each side. During this process you should invoke the PLASTA energy.

      This force complements ECHO.



      Symbolic forces: Adina, Elba, Dor, Golan, Isli, Kob, Leathon, Legrand

      (for description see ‘Madagascar Medicine Wheel’),

      Limen, Malma, Orgon, Quer, Raziz, Ries, Tara, Zam


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