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the evolution of all biological forms of life. ORGON develops and intensifies the flame of life. ORGON refreshes and renews cells; it cleans the atmosphere.

      See also RIES.


      Pronounced: [kvair]

      Topic: Detoxication and repair.

      Number: 2

      Colour: Aqua transparent

      Polarity: +

      Chakra: Hand and foot chakra, mental


      ‘Always fresh’


      This concentrate of freshness always affects the most intensive vortex in the central task area. The quality of goods depends, amongst other things, on freshness coefficients and the blends of different information levels that are generated in the process.

      Combined with Tara it forms the ‘refreshing duo’.

      Tara and Quer are both components of Surel, the spiritual water activating system.


      Pronounced: [rasees]

      Topic: Detoxication and repair.


      Protection against foreign influence, for instance through codes and implants or transmitter frequencies (see the literature on the ‘Montauk Project’, E.T. Publishing Unlimited).

      Number: 4

      Colour: Wax-coloured

      Polarity: –

      Chakra: Third-eye chakra, mental


      ‘Place most trust in yourself’


      RAZIZ serves to neutralise the usual EAN and/or 666 code which is generally used to label products and which is placed on a sugar molecule. It also serves to control thoughts and manipulate collective human consciousness. This particularly applies to products which are backed by the ‘Illuminati’ (the secret world government) – an organisation that some of the most well-known food manufacturers belong to. This code does not only make more and more people, specifically children and young people, want to have these products but it also leads to the rearing of a generation whose thoughts and emotions can be controlled and influenced by means of this code and specific ‘transmitters’ (Haarp Project). Some companies neutralise the EAN code by placing two lines next to the code which thus deletes the information.

      Decoding symbol. Immunisation against foreign influence.


      EAN-code that has already been neutralised by two horizontal lines.


      Pronounced: [reess]

      Topic: Detoxication and repair.


      Poisoning of all kinds. Conditions after narcosis, alcohol abuse, nicotine poiso ning, etc.

      Number: 7

      Colour: Snow-white

      Polarity: –

      Chakra: Navel chakra, tip of tongue chakra, mental


      ‘Clarity and purity’


      Darkness will always attempt rebellion – to counter the permanence of victorious brightness. RIES adapts the molecular structure in the realm of the (dark) matter to the bright laws of the cosmos. Combined with the correct spiritual mindset, RIES will eliminate all physical and spiritual toxins.

      RIES has a general detoxifying effect which is generated by the principle of clarity and purity. It is quite simply THE symbol of cleansing and detoxication.

      The (salutary) re-organisation of chaotic conditions. Combined with ORGON it promotes reconstruction after (natural) disasters.

      RIES is also part of the SUREL spiritual water activating system.


      Topic: Detoxication and repair.

      Number: 2

      Colour: Light-blue like an iceberg

      Polarity: +

      Chakra: Hand and foot chakra, mental


      ‘Freshness and coolness win over new friends’


      Tara intensifies the ‘freshness coefficient’ (azul) many times over. This energy ‘plummets vertically to Earth’ wherever cooling and refreshment are needed. Tara comes from the ionosphere and releases its energy ‘like a corkscrew’ wherever it strikes, e.g. in combination with a meteorological cold front.

      Tara could also be used to keep beverages and food fresh and cool (in a cold box/cool bag) – e.g. in combination with QUER.

      In addition, TARA belongs to the SUREL spiritual water activating system.


      Pronounced: [tsam]

      Topic: Detoxication and repair.

      The symbolic force of ZAM enables humans to distance them selves from alien in tentions, wishes and ideas (of every nature). In this way, they will gain more clarity about their very own intentions.

      Number: 4, 5, 9

      Colour: Coffee grounds

      Polarity: –

      Chakra: Heart chakra, navel chakra, mental (envelope yourself)


      ‘Openness frequently seeks its limits to maintain its permeability’


      Are you really on your own if you are alone? As everyone and everything is interlinked in a multitude of ways – which none of us will ever completely grasp – we are never really alone. Ether is full of thoughts – and thoughts are elementals (energy potential) which can find expression anywhere at any time. 50% of thoughts stem from our selves, the remaining 50% are reflections of the elementals received of unknown origin. Humans mostly believe that they are pursuing and fulfilling their own thoughts and ideas. In reality, humans are frequently the carriers and architects of foreign structures of thought which have successfully found a good breeding-ground. It could therefore well be the case that someone develops a project because he mistakenly believes that he is pursuing his own thoughts (ideas). The project will then fail – it is doomed to fail – if it is not the product of his own creative powers.




      Pronounced: [surell – ‘s’ as in ‘sir’]

      The collective symbol Surel comprises the following symbolic forces:


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