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      Ingmar is a completely open system that will embrace the creativity of every individual who works with it.

      Interestingly enough, Ingmar has spread very quickly recently and won over many friends in the German-speaking region. In other words, the collective consciousness of people in the region has become very receptive to this knowledge.

      Even if much of the Ingmar system may sound like ‘pie in the sky’ to our archaic hearing, I hope we will gradually be able to push aside any doubts or even arrogant thoughts that may arise because the global events to come will ultimately put us right anyway. Ingmar prevails within the framework of a comprehensive energy concept which is part of a large-scale conversion of energy that encompasses many solar systems simultaneously.

      I am very glad to extend my sincere thanks to my stellar siblings on Aldebaran: Pita, Mogul, Zur and Jacur.

      Furthermore, we would like to thank all our interested readers and seminar participants, for their feedback has frequently been a valuable source of ideas and input.

      Wolfgang Becvar (April 1999)


      Taurus, the Bull, is a magnificent constellation of the zodiac. Shaped like a Roman five, it rises in the east in a horizontal position and sets in a vertical one. The Hyades – the small jaws of a wolf in ancient Germanic interpretations – form the head of the Bull. The two bright stars below ‘the charioteer’ are the tips of its horns. The back extends along the Pleiades.

      This heavenly Bull played an important role in the Oriental and Egyptian intellectual world. Two thousand years ago, the start of spring was in Aries; four thousand years ago in Taurus. And this was reason enough for man, who was closely connected with nature, to relate the awakening of nature and all attendant phenomena to the constellation which was impressive enough but which was thus rendered sacred.

      The bright orange-red star of Aldebaran, which appears to lie among the Hyades but comdoes not physically belong to the cluster, is characterised by exceptionally strong inherent movement. It is a giant star of extreme brightness.


      Ingmar is the generic term for a large pool of symbolic forces. Energies are not bound but free. Forces are focussed by means of specific symbols. These forces are available to every responsible human at any time free of charge.

      The symbolic forces of INGMAR stem from the ‘free energies’ of our own solar system.

      The forces that develop stem from the free energies of this solar system (in part from the Earth, in part from other planets). They are concentrated by means of specific symbols of solar system 211 called Aldebaran so that they can be put to good use.

      What might be new about the use of these free energies is the fact that due to this kind of conversion, they can be absorbed and/or released via diverse energy centres (chakras) without the application of complex technology. Almost every symbol is assigned to at least one chakra and has a specific number, colour, polarity, consciousness and a message and/or indications. Many of the symbolic forces can, however, also be used mentally.

      The symbols alone will have an effect, but they can also be used to promote naturopathic therapy or to trigger force potential. The symbols work like funnels which focus specific free energies. Free energy is like a spiral-like whorl that turns to the right or left (clockwise or anticlockwise). It flows and moves upwards and downwards which allows it to breathe. The symbol works like a funnel and concentrates and consolidates the energy. This produces a directed force (vector).

      Every symbolic force has its own number or numbers, a colour, polarity and one or several chakras. The meaning of these characteristics is described below.


      The numbers 0 to 9 and the number 11 have specific qualities in the Ingmar System. Although they are similar to the numerology of our planet, there are some divergences. Below you will find the general meaning of the numbers.

      0 The number 0 represents a nothingness which can comprise everything and can be the origin of everything. Thus the quality of this number is the sum of all possibilities that are yet open to you.

      1 The number of individual intentions and collective desires. An individual experiences him/herself as an individual embedded in All That Is.

      2 Love, wisdom and infinite understanding. This number stands for partnership and friendship. It represents duality and symbolises an individual’s encounter with the Divine source.

      3 The origin of creative forces and their proper channelling. The possibilities that arise from 2 are thus structured.

      4 The earthly number. It symbolises concrete realisation on our planet Earth.

      5 Wisdom and knowledge in accordance with the laws of nature and natural beings.

      6 The number of meanings and designs from a spiritual viewpoint. Everything that is shaped (in a mental and material form) is done so in accordance with cosmic circumstances.

      7 The Divine number. Unity and harmony of everything with everything.

      8 The number of forces that support one another. It is also a symbol of eternity which is a single moment in the infinity of the Universe.

      9 The number 9 expresses the tide of change. The number symbolises constant change and the flow of life energies.

      11 This number represents release from boundaries and the crossing of frontiers. Detachment from time and space. All the potential that 0 holds is fulfilled in the number 11.

      If one or several of these numbers are assigned to a symbolic force, the quality of the number describes the effect of the corresponding symbol in the language of numerology. Thus it is, for example, quite obvious that number 2 is assigned to the symbolic force of Holon which stands for all-encompassing love.


      As you will see from the description of the individual symbolic forces, they not only have specific numbers, chakras and characteristics but also colours and colour combinations. Quite a few are common, some blends of colours can only just be envisaged by humans – with some exceptions. Not seldom, however, are colours and compositions of colours mentioned which we have difficulty identifying with because we lack the corresponding faculties of perception in the physical field of our organic sensory organs.

      How should we therefore proceed with descriptions like the following?

      * Wax-coloured bordering on sunrise (INS).

      * Intensive pink veined with black skeins (PLASTA).

      * Checked white in a black network (OBUS).

      Due to our physical lack of colour receptors, we must at first simply accept such vivid definitions of colours without interpreting our own concrete ideas from these descriptions.

      The real universe is filled with a countless number of colour combinations and sounds which we cannot recognise with our three-dimensional system of perception.

      The entire universe – which to be more accurate is a ‘multiverse’ or the sum of an infinite number of universes – is filled with beams (of light) which are individually based on a ground colour and a basic colour. Due to our physical senses, our perception – as in many other fields – is limited to a small section of colours, commonly called spectral colours or colours of the rainbow, which we can actually accept as part of our consensus reality. That does not, however, mean that there is not a multitude of other colours and colour combinations (in parallel worlds) that fill hyperspace – which is normally inaccessible to us – with their characteristic

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