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Is that an abbreviation? それは省略 ですか。Sore wa shōryaku désu ka? (soe-ray wah shohh-ree-yah-kuu dess kah?)

      aberration 逸脱 itsudatsu (eet-suudot-suu)

       The world has been experiencing climatic aberrations. 世界各地で異常 気象が発生しています。Sekai kakuchi de ijō kishō ga hassei shite imasu. (say-kie kah-kuu-chee day ee-joh kee show hahs-say-ee shtay-mahss.)

      ability 能力 nōryoku (no-rio-kuu)

       I am searching for a person with extraordinary ability. 特別な能力の ある人を探しています。Tokubetsu na nōryoku no aru hito wo sagashite imasu. (toh-kuu-bate-sue nah no-rio-kuu no ah-rue ssh-toe oh sah-gahshtay-mahss.)

      ability to compete 競争能力 kyōsō nōryoku (k’yoh-soh no-rio-kuu)

      ability-to-pay concept 支払能力概念 shiharai nōryoku gainen (she-hahrye no-rio-kuu guy-nen)

      abnormal 異常 ijō (na) (ee-joh)

       For him, that reaction was abnormal. あの人にとって、その反応は 異常でした。Anohito ni totte sono hannō wa ijō déshita. (ah-no-ssh-toe nee toe-tay so-no hahn-no wah eejohh desh-tah.)

      abolish 廃止 haishi (high-she)

       That law should be abolished. その 法律は廃止するべきです。Sono hōritsu wa haishi surubeki désu. (so-no hoe-ree-t’sue wah high-she sue-rue bay-kee dess.)

      about だいたい daitai (dye-tie); ごろ goro (go-roe); およそ oyosooyoso (oh-yoeso); ほぼ hobohobo (hoe-boe)

       It’s about one o’clock. だいたい1頃です。Daitai ichi-ji goro désu. (dyetie ee-chee-jee go-roe dess)

       About what time will Mr. Suzuki be back? 鈴木さんは何時頃戻りま すか。Suzuki-san wa nanji goro modorimasu ka? (sue-zuu-kee-sahn wah nahn-jee go-roe moe-doe-reemahss kah?)

       About how many are there? いくつぐ らいありますか。Ikutsu gurai arimasu ka? (ee-kuu-t’sue guu-rye ah-reemahss kah?)

       About how much is it? どのぐらい しますか。Dono gurai shimasu ka? (doe-no guu-rye she-mahss kah?)

      above par value 額面以上で gakumen ijō de (gah-kuu men ee-joe day)

      abroad; foreign country 外国 gaikoku (guy-koe-kuu)

       Next year I am going abroad. 来年、 外国に行きます。Rainen gaikoku ni ikimasu. (rie-nane guy-koh-kuu nee ee-kee-mahss.)

      absent (from office, home) 留守 rusu (ruu-suu); 欠勤 kekkin (cake-keen); 休み yasumu (yah-sue-me)

       I will be absent from the office for a week. 一週間会社を休みます。 Isshūkan kaisha wo yasumimasu. (ees-shuu-kahn jim-show oh yah-sueme-mahss.)

      absenteeism 無断欠勤 mudan kekkinkekkin (muu-dann cake-keen)

      absentee ownership 不在所有権 fuzai shoyūken (fuu-zahee showh’yuu ken)

      absorb the loss 損失を吸収する。 sonshitsu wo kyūshū suru (soan sheet-sue oh cue-shuu sue-rue)

      absorption; acquisition 吸収合併 kyūshū gappei (cue-shuu gahp-pay)

      abstract of title 権利要約書 kenri yōyaku sho (ken-ree yoe-yah-kuu show)

      accelerate 加速する kasoku suru (kah-so-kuu suu-ruu)

       Sales are now accelerating. いま売上 げは、急成長しています。 Ima uriage wa kyū-seichō shite imasu. (eem-mah uu-ree-ah-gay cue-say-choe shtaymahss.)

      accelerated depreciation 加速減価償 却 kasoku genka shōkyaku (kah-sokuu gen-kah show-k’yack-kuu)

      accent なまり namari (nah-mah-ree); アクセント akusento (ah-kuu-sen-toe)

       Your accent is like that of a native. あなたのアクセントはネイティブのようで す。Anata no akusento wa netibu no yō désu. (an-nah-tah no ah-kuu-sentoh wah nay-tee-buu no yoh dess.)

      accept (consent to something) 承諾する shōdaku suru (show-dahkuu sue-rue); 同意する dōi suru (doeee sue-rue); receive something 引き 受ける hikiukeru (he-kee-uu-kay-toeree-rue)

       I accept your proposal. あなたの申 し出を承諾します。Anata no mōshide wo shōdaku shimasu. (ah-nah-tah no moe-she-day oh show-dah-kuu shemahss.)

      accept 受ける ukéru (uu-kay-rue)

       Please accept this gift. どうぞ、このお 土産をお受け取りください。Dōzo, kono omiyage wo o-uketori kudasai. (doezoe koe-no oh-me-yah-gay oh oh-uukay-toe-ree kuu-dah-sigh.)

      acceptable 受け入れられる ukeirerareru (uu-kay-ee-ray-rah-ray-rue); 結構(な) kekkō (na) (keck-kohh nah); 満足できる manzoku dekiru (manzoe-kuu day-kee-rue)

       Your offer is acceptable. あなた の申し出をお引き受けします。 Anata no mōshide wo o-hikiuke shimasu. (ah-nah-tah no mohh-she-day wo oh he-kee-uu-kay she-mahss.)

      acceptable quality level 合格品質水準 gōkaku hinshitsu suijun (go-kah-kuu heen-sheet-sue sue-ee-june)

      acceptance 引き受け hikiuke (he-keeuu-kay); 承諾 shōdaku (show-dahkuu)

      acceptance agreement 引受承諾書 hikiuke shōdaku sho (he-kee-uu-kay show-dah-kuu show)

      acceptance bill 引受手形 hikiuke tegata (he-kee-uu-kay tay-gah-tah)

      acceptance sampling 抜き取り検 査 nukitori kensa (nuu-kee-toe-ree ken-sah)

      acceptance test 受入検査 ukeire kensa (uu-kay-ee-ray ken-sah)

      access 参入 sannyū (sahn-n’yuu); 参 加 sanka (sahn-kah); 接続 setsuzoku (say-t’sue-zoe-kuu)

      accessory アクセサリー akusesarii (ah-kuu-say-sah-ree), 付属品 fuzoku hin (fuu-zoe-kuu heen)

       What floor are accessories on? アクセサリー売り場は何階ですか。 Akusesarii uriba wa nankai désu ka? (ah-kuu-say-sah-ree uu-ree-bah wah nahn-kie dess kah?)

      accident 事故 jiko (jee-koe); 偶然 gūzen (guu-zen)

       There has been a serious accident at the factory. 工場で重大事故が ありました。Kōjō de jūdai jiko ga arimashita. (koe-joe day juu-dye jeekoe gah ah-ree-mahsh-tah.)

       He was killed in a car accident. あの人は自動車事故で亡くなりまし た。Ano hito wa jidōsha jiko de nakunarimashita. (ah-no he-toe wah jee-doe-shah jee-koe day nah-kuunah-ree-mahsh-tah.)

       I met her by accident yesterday. 昨 日、彼女に偶然会いました。 Kinō kanojo ni gūzen aimashita. (kee-no kah-nojoe nee guu-zen eye-mahsh-tah.)

      accidental damage 偶発的損害 gūhatsu teki songai (guu-hot-sue tay-kee soan-guy)

      accident insurance 損害保険 songai hoken (soan-guy hoe-ken)

       What kind

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