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I cannot say,” replied Nick; “she has not been identified.”

      “Then you have absolutely nothing to go upon except this fellow’s word?”


      “Why, this is nonsense.”

      “Perhaps so,” said Nick, “but you will admit that I would be false to my duty if I did not make an investigation.”

      “Investigate all you wish,” laughed Jones. “But don’t bother me any more than you have to. This is my busy day.”

      “I’m going right away,” said Nick. “All I want of you is that you will give me your address, and meet me at your home in the latter part of the afternoon.”

      “Very well,” said Jones, and he scribbled on a piece of paper. “I’ll be there at half-past four o’clock.”

      Nick thanked Mr. Jones for his courtesy, and immediately withdrew. But he did not go far.

      In a convenient doorway he wrote a note to Chick, on the back of the scrap of paper which Jones had given him, and sealed it in an envelope.

      Then he sent Gaspard with it to Chick, who was on the lookout in the undertaker’s room, where the body lay.

      Having dispatched this message, Nick changed his disguise and kept watch over the establishment of Allen, Morse & Jones.

      Nothing of importance happened until a little after noon, when a reply came from Chick.

      Translated from the detective’s cipher, it read as follows:

      “The address is that of a good flat house. Jones lives there with his wife.

      “They have been there only about two months. Nobody in the house knows anything about them.

      “They had one servant, who was taken sick about two weeks ago and carried to a hospital, where she died.

      “Since then they have lived absolutely alone. There was nobody in the house who had seen Mrs. Jones’ face. She always wore a heavy veil.

      “The only description I could get tallied with that of the body. The principal point was the hair.

      “I have just found a woman who saw Mr. and Mrs. Jones go out yesterday afternoon. She remembers Mrs. Jones’ dress. The description agrees with that found on the corpse.

      “Jones carried an alligator-skin traveling-bag. Nobody saw either of them come back to the house, but Jones evidently slept there.

      “I shall take the woman who saw them go out to the room where the body lies.

      “Will send Patsy down with the result of this effort at identification. I believe it will show the woman to be Mrs. Jones. I send this that you may have warning.”


      Nick read this note and then glanced across the street toward the office of Allen, Morse & Jones.

      Through the window he could see Jones calmly writing a letter. Could it be possible that this man was guilty of so hideous a crime?

      Half an hour passed, and then came the second message, as follows:

      “Identified as Mrs. Jones.”

       All Sorts of Identifications

       Table of Contents

      “I am sorry to tell you, Mr. Jones, that the body of the woman murdered last night has been identified as that of your wife.”

      So spoke Nick, and this time Jones’ calmness was not proof against the surprise.

      “It can’t be possible!” he exclaimed, leaping from his chair.

      “I am so informed,” said Nick, “and I must place you under arrest.”

      “But there is some infernal mistake here,” said the accused. “I know that my wife is all right. This must be somebody else.”

      “A lady living in the same house with you has recognized the body.”

      “I don’t care if she has. Nobody in that house knows my wife.”

      “Is there anybody in the city who does know her?”

      “I can’t think of anybody.”

      “How about the grocer with whom you traded?”

      “Our servant attended to all that till she was taken sick. Since then I’ve done what little there was to do. We’ve eaten most of our meals at restaurants.”

      “What restaurants?”

      “Oh, all around. There’s the Alcazar, for instance, where we have sometimes dined together.”

      “Does the head waiter there know her?”

      “I suppose he would remember her face. He doesn’t know the name.”

      “All right. I’ll have him look at the body.”

      “But, man, you’re going to let me look at it, aren’t you?” exclaimed Jones. “That would settle it, I should think.”

      “I’ll take you there now, and we will try to get somebody from the Alcazar at the same time.”

      Nick took the prisoner at once to the Alcazar. The head waiter remembered Jones’ face. He had seen him dining with a lady who had beautiful light hair.

      The three went to the undertaker’s rooms.

      Nick watched Jones narrowly as he approached the body. He started violently at the first sight of it. Then he became calm.

      “The hair is wonderfully like,” he said, “but there is no resemblance between the two faces.”

      “That is true, gentlemen,” said the head waiter; “this is not the lady.”

      “On the contrary,” said a voice close beside them, “I believe that this lady was your wife, Mr. Jones.”

      All the color went out of Jones’ face as he turned quickly toward the man who had spoken.

      “Ah, Mr. Gottlieb,” he said, “I am surprised to hear you say that.”

      “Mr. Gottlieb is the grocer from whom the Joneses bought their supplies,” said Chick, who had advanced to Nick’s side.

      “I was not aware that you had ever seen my wife,” said Jones, looking searchingly at the grocer.

      “I never saw her plainly,” said Gottlieb. “She came into my store once or twice, but always closely veiled. So I cannot be sure; and, of course, if you insist that this is not your wife’s body, I must be mistaken.”

      “You are mistaken, sir,” said Jones, coldly.

      He turned to Nick.

      “Mr. Gottlieb has sealed my doom for the present,” he said, with a smile. “I am ready to go with you.”

      Nick took his prisoner to Police Headquarters.

      The detective had meanwhile sent Patsy in quest of Harrigan, the coachman.

      Jones was taken into the superintendent’s room, and a dozen other men were assembled there, waiting for the arrival of the cabman.

      Harrigan was very nervous when he appeared.

      “Youse fellies are tryin’ to do me out o’ my license,” said he; “but I’m tellin’ yer I was all right last night. I wasn’t half so paralyzed as youse t’ink I was. Show me your man and I’ll identify him.”


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