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idiotic, shallow, stolid, undiscerning, dull, imbecile, short-sighted, stupid, unintelligent.


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adherence, devotion, friendship, regard,
adhesion, esteem, inclination, tenderness,
affection, estimation, love, union.

      An attachment is a feeling that binds a person by ties of heart to another person or thing; we speak of a man's adherence to his purpose, his adhesion to his party, or to anything to which he clings tenaciously, tho with no special tenderness; of his attachment to his church, to the old homestead, or to any persons or objects that he may hold dear. Affection expresses more warmth of feeling; we should not speak of a mother's attachment to her babe, but of her affection or of her devotion. Inclination expresses simply a tendency, which may be good or bad, yielded to or overcome; as, an inclination to study; an inclination to drink. Regard is more distant than affection or attachment, but closer and warmer than esteem; we speak of high esteem, kind regard. Compare ACQUAINTANCE; APPENDAGE; FRIENDSHIP; LOVE; UNION.


alienation, aversion, distance, estrangement, repugnance,
animosity, coolness, divorce, indifference, separation,
antipathy, dislike, enmity, opposition, severance.


      Attachment of a true man to his friends; attachment to a leader for his nobility of character; the attachments between two persons or things; attachment by muscular fibers, or by a rope, etc.

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assail, beset, combat, invade,
assault, besiege, encounter, set upon,
beleaguer, charge, fall upon, storm.

      To attack is to begin hostilities of any kind. A general invades a country by marching in troops; he attacks a city by drawing up an army against it; he assaults it by hurling his troops directly upon its defenses. Assail and assault, tho of the same original etymology, have diverged in meaning, so that assault alone retains the meaning of direct personal violence. One may assail another with reproaches; he assaults him with a blow, a brandished weapon, etc. Armies or squadrons charge; combat and encounter may be said of individual contests. To beset is to set around, or, so to speak, to stud one's path, with menaces, attacks, or persuasions. To besiege and beleaguer are[64] the acts of armies. To encounter is to meet face to face, and may be said either of the attacking or of the resisting force or person, or of both.


aid, cover, protect, shelter, support, uphold,
befriend, defend, resist, shield, sustain, withstand.


      We were attacked by the enemy with cannon and musketry.

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aggression, incursion, invasion, onslaught,
assault, infringement, onset, trespass.
encroachment, intrusion,

      An attack may be by word; an aggression is always by deed. An assault may be upon the person, an aggression is upon rights, possessions, etc. An invasion of a nation's territories is an act of aggression; an intrusion upon a neighboring estate is a trespass. Onslaught signifies intensely violent assault, as by an army or a desperado, tho it is sometimes used of violent speech.


defense, repulsion, resistance, retreat, submission, surrender.


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