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of course sat the princess, but whether an old woman as thin as a skeleton leaf, or a glorious lady as young as perfection, he could not tell for the turning and flashing of the wheel.

      "Listen to the wheel," said the voice which had already grown dear to Curdie: its very tone was precious like a jewel, not as a jewel, for no jewel could compare with it in preciousness.

      And Curdie listened and listened.

      "What is it saying?" asked the voice.

      "It is singing," answered Curdie.

      "What is it singing?"

      Curdie tried to make out, but thought he could not; for no sooner had he got a hold of something than it vanished again. Yet he listened, and listened, entranced with delight.

      "Thank you, Curdie," said the voice.

      "Ma'am," said Curdie, "I did try hard for a while, but I could not make anything of it."

      "Oh, yes, you did, and you have been telling it to me! Shall I tell you again what I told my wheel, and my wheel told you, and you have just told me without knowing it?"

      "Please, ma'am."

      Then the lady began to sing, and her wheel spun an accompaniment to her song, and the music of the wheel was like the music of an Æolian harp blown upon by the wind that bloweth where it listeth. Oh! the sweet sounds of that spinning-wheel! Now they were gold, now silver, now grass, now palm-trees, now ancient cities, now rubies, now mountain brooks, now peacock's feathers, now clouds, now snowdrops, and now mid-sea islands. But for the voice that sang through it all, about that I have no words to tell. It would make you weep if I were able to tell you what that was like, it was so beautiful and true and lovely. But this is something like the words of its song:—

      The stars are spinning their threads,

       And the clouds are the dust that flies,

       And the suns are weaving them up

       For the time when the sleepers shall rise.

       The ocean in music rolls,

       And gems are turning to eyes,

       And the trees are gathering souls

       For the time when the sleepers shall rise.

       The weepers are learning to smile,

       And laughter to glean the sighs;

       Burn and bury the care and guile,

       For the day when the sleepers shall rise.

       Oh, the dews and the moths and the daisy-red,

       The larks and the glimmers and flows!

       The lilies and sparrows and daily bread,

       And the something that nobody knows!

      The princess stopped, her wheel stopped, and she laughed. And her laugh was sweeter than song and wheel; sweeter than running brook and silver bell; sweeter than joy itself, for the heart of the laugh was love.

      "Come now, Curdie, to this side of my wheel, and you will find me," she said; and her laugh seemed sounding on still in the words, as if they were made of breath that had laughed.

      Curdie obeyed, and passed the wheel, and there she stood to receive him!—fairer than when he saw her last, a little younger still, and dressed not in green and emeralds, but in pale blue, with a coronet of silver set with pearls, and slippers covered with opals, that gleamed every colour of the rainbow. It was some time before Curdie could take his eyes from the marvel of her loveliness. Fearing at last that he was rude, he turned them away; and, behold, he was in a room that was for beauty marvellous! The lofty ceiling was all a golden vine, whose great clusters of carbuncles, rubies, and chrysoberyls, hung down like the bosses of groined arches, and in its centre hung the most glorious lamp that human eyes ever saw—the Silver Moon itself, a globe of silver, as it seemed, with a heart of light so wondrous potent that it rendered the mass translucent, and altogether radiant.

      The room was so large that, looking back, he could scarcely see the end at which he entered; but the other was only a few yards from him—and there he saw another wonder: on a huge hearth a great fire was burning, and the fire was a huge heap of roses, and yet it was fire. The smell of the roses filled the air, and the heat of the flames of them glowed upon his face. He turned an inquiring look upon the lady, and saw that she was now seated in an ancient chair, the legs of which were crusted with gems, but the upper part like a nest of daisies and moss and green grass.

      "Curdie," she said in answer to his eyes, "you have stood more than one trial already, and have stood them well: now I am going to put you to a harder. Do you think you are prepared for it?"

      "How can I tell, ma'am?" he returned, "seeing I do not know what it is, or what preparation it needs? Judge me yourself, ma'am."

      "It needs only trust and obedience," answered the lady.

      "I dare not say anything, ma'am. If you think me fit, command me."

      "It will hurt you terribly, Curdie, but that will be all; no real hurt, but much real good will come to you from it."

      Curdie made no answer, but stood gazing with parted lips in the lady's face.

      "Go and thrust both your hands into that fire," she said quickly, almost hurriedly.

      Curdie dared not stop to think. It was much too terrible to think about. He rushed to the fire, and thrust both his hands right into the middle of the heap of flaming roses, and his arms halfway up to the elbows. And it did hurt! But he did not draw them back. He held the pain as if it were a thing that would kill him if he let it go—as indeed it would have done. He was in terrible fear lest it should conquer him. But when it had risen to the pitch that he thought he could bear it no longer, it began to fall again, and went on growing less and less until by contrast with its former severity it had become rather pleasant. At last it ceased altogether, and Curdie thought his hands must be burnt to cinders if not ashes, for he did not feel them at all. The princess told him to take them out and look at them. He did so, and found that all that was gone of them was the rough hard skin; they were white and smooth like the princess's.

      "Come to me," she said.

      He obeyed, and saw, to his surprise, that her face looked as if she had been weeping.

      "Oh, princess! what is the matter?" he cried. "Did I make a noise and vex you?"

      "No, Curdie," she answered; "but it was very bad."

      "Did you feel it too then?"

      "Of course I did. But now it is over, and all is well.—Would you like to know why I made you put your hands in the fire?"

      Curdie looked at them again—then said,—

      "To take the marks of the work off them, and make them fit for the king's court, I suppose."

      "No, Curdie," answered the princess, shaking her head, for she was not pleased with the answer. "It would be a poor way of making your hands fit for the king's court to take off them all signs of his service. There is a far greater difference on them than that. Do you feel none?"

      "No, ma'am."

      "You will, though, by and by, when the time comes. But perhaps even then you might not know what had been given you, therefore I will tell you.—Have you ever heard what some philosophers say—that men were all animals once?"

      "No, ma'am."

      "It is of no consequence. But there is another thing that is of the greatest consequence—this: that all men, if they do not take care, go down the hill to the animals' country; that many men are actually, all their lives, going to be beasts. People knew it once, but it is long since they forgot it."

      "I am not surprised to hear it, ma'am, when I think of some of our miners."

      "Ah! but you must beware, Curdie, how you say of this man or that man that he is travelling beastward. There are not nearly so many going that way as at first sight you might think. When you met your father

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