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were accompanied by devastation and death.

      From the Ander’s words followed, that there was no balloon, it was just an illusion, caused by the emission beam. Unfortunately, all that happened after it was the reality.

      No, no, no! Is Anders hoped that someone would believe it, in all this nonsense? Eric couldn’t decide: believe it or not?

      – And what will happen if … “suppose” – Eric blurted, thus expressing doubt – emission beam gets into a man?

      – He should cease to believe and just accept it!

      – No. Do you mean to tell me, that I was influenced by some kind of ray emission? – Eric came to the conclusion that he didn’t believe a single word of a madman.

      Eric lost his confidence in Anders. The guy reached for a glass of water. Taking the vessel in hand, he raised it to his lips, intending to make a couple of sips. For an instant, the glass scattered on the gravel, all the water in the glass spread over sweatshirt and jeans crotch of Eric.

      – Not only you was – Anders said coldly.

      His focus remained unnoticed by the public eye. The visitors of the cafe kept carefree chatter or hastily tucked into lunch, so as not to be late for job. Nobody paid attention to the guy with the gray hair spilled over the water.

      – You are afraid because you don’t understand. All we tremble in horror before the unknown, but the feeling must be overcome, otherwise the question would be deprived of the answer – Anders said.

      – The point is not in it!

      Eric didn’t want to believe Anders for one simple reason.

      – So, it’s…

      “My fault, I killed him…” – Eric finished by himself; now he knew the truth, cruel, intolerable truth.

      Eric didn’t have the strength to put up with the murder. He felt unbearably sick of himself. He remembered the sound that told him of the death of his father, how he smashed his head against the wall. He killed him! That terrible night he will never forget. The hope of innocence has extinguished, like a flame on the candle wax, which was flowing down a candlestick. Eric’s feelings out of desperation moved into general indifference.

      – I’ll help you, Eric, – Anders pulled him a hand, which was clad in coal glove without fingers, and stopped half way, before reaching the middle of the table.

      In any other circumstances, Eric would have considered him the crazy fanatic. Perhaps he really was, but then he was crazy too. The delusional explanations of Anders were delusional explanation for the events that occurred to him: there were no other explanations.

      Taking advantage of the general silence, Eric began to comprehend all that told him Anders: an energy source, emissions, and other unimaginable things. There was something ticking inside him, likely it was a shock. After all, not every day is said that the beam from the heart of the planet gets to you. If it had not unfortunate consequences may be Eric was drowning in admiration.

      – How… how are you going to help me? – He asked quietly, staring at colored eyes, through the sun glasses.

      – The same thing was with me, as with the others. An ugly moment in life became a transition to a different reality, with other rules and regulations, – slowly said Anders. – We’ve all got the power: someone found it for free, while others thought that it was curse.

      – And who we are? – Eric asked.

      – Just the carries of an extra source of energy, – easily and naturally Anders ranting, as if he was talking about something, which is taken for granted.

      – Is there a shorter name? – Eric growled.

      – If you want, you can come up with yourself: there is no objection. Judging by your appetite, we can leave. – Ander’s eyes pointed at untouched pancakes in Eric’s plate.

      – I haven’t given consent yet, – reminded him Eric.

      In response Anders chuckled, then spoke sternly:

      – My suggestion is not an invitation.

      – If so, what’s the point was to persuade me? – Eric puzzled.

      – This option is not as troublesome – it was obvious that for someone like Anders, this reason was considered quite significant.

      – Why do I think this is a threat? – Ironically asked Eric.

      – Most of caution, but certainly not a threat! I’m sure you’ve had time to inquire about the strength, and of course the danger that carry the energy carriers, – his words forced Eric to think about her father; he immediately darkened. – Apparently – yes. Then you must understand that control is needed.

      I did not realize what I was doing … – justified Eric to nowhere, not knowing exactly to whom it was: to himself, to Anders, to father?

      – Now it is not important, important not to let this happen again. And I’ll help you, Eric. However, for this you have to stay with me for a while, and I will teach you to control your energy.

      In fact, this need was a real gift for Eric, though he didn’t recognize it. He will be provided with the time and place to glue himself after the fall.

      Of course, he wanted to go home, he imaged how his mother was going crazy because of his loss. Eric thought she should know that he is alive, in order she could live in peace within herself. But just what to say to her? What if Eric’s plan won’t work, then he won’t be able to subdue the energy and it will subdue him, how then to be? He didn’t know how to act, how was better to do.

      Immersed in himself, Eric wondered: how not to soil his soul with blood once again.

      – How much time it will take? – He asked, still thinking about his mother, who didn’t know where her son was.

      – It depends on you, – Anders said in didactic tone.

      Eric imagined how his emotional pain completely dissolves, freeing him from the heavy shackles. “No, of course not! Nothing can heal me! Guilt will stay with me forever. It is a worm that eats the apple from within. It will destroy me … "– donated by self-doubt, it grinded a tiny hope of a happy ending.

      However – it worth of trying.

      The rays of the sun gently fell to the ground; passers-by every now and then denuded: they rolled sleeves, took off their jackets, unbuttoned cardigans for the greater contact with the warm reflections of light.

      The Ander’s car, as he himself, stood out the lack of certainty. It is hard to understand to what decade it belongs, and to what brand. Polished to a high gloss car shone in inky-black tones on the convex hull, and on the lid it shone in a silver color.

      Eric didn’t examine the car; the reason for the lack of enthusiasm was not so much in indifference, as in hatred. Throughout his life, he had to watch as Karl Lanter with great joy squandering money on rattletrap, rather than on his family. The obsession with machines had forced Mr. Lanter acquire new goner, and in connection with the meager income he had to get rid of the old one. Thus, he changed a rotten to another, desperately trying to find the same car that would fully meet the high demands of his ego. Despite the hostility to his father, Eric also hoped that soon he would find his dream on wheels, because debts grew from year to year, but not his salary.

      Eric fell into the seat and closed his eyes, embarrassed in front of the wonderful weather. After twenty minutes, Anders left him alone with himself. During this time the dark-haired man didn’t utter a single word, it seemed, that the limit of revelations was exhausted. Eric sat and looked at his knees, trying to put things in order in his head: but his trial has failed.

      Anders returned to the car, holding a few cartons.

      – Here

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