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to use it, – Anders summed up the success of Eric.

      – Probably, – he mumbled doubtfully.

      He really managed. The main thing was that a little result happened. A little snow really took off the ground; and though it subsequently flew straight into the nose. By the way, Anders was not lying – the nose quickly stopped hurting after hitting the bar, and since then, it was no longer bleeding.

      – Try again! – Anders ordered.

      – I should to pick it up in the air again? – Eric said, turning to him.

      – Try… to give it a shape.

      Eric nodded.

      “If only I knew how!” – In addition to this, Eric began to think, what kind of form to give a handful of snow. The choice fell on the most common variant – the ball. The main difficulty of this assignment was completely different.

      “To believe, you just need to believe, to perceive your ability seriously” – it was not the easiest task, especially for an uncertain person. The thoughts of madness were constantly wandering somewhere nearby. Sometimes it was hard to resist.

      Eric tried to abstract from all those things and focus on the goal. Little by little he began to do it. Snowflakes whirled one after the other at a small distance from the ground: they chased faster and faster. When one overtook the other, snowflakes combined, and then the new players joined the chase. It lasted until the snowball didn’t appear in front of Eric. He was of small size, below the knee.

      Happened! He did it! He did it, he did it deliberately, controlling entirely the whole process.

      – Okay, you’re done! – Anders immediately praised Eric, when he saw the embodiment of his efforts. He didn’t even stinged with the approving smile.

      – I don’t even know what to say … – Eric was glad and he could hardly talk, he was amazed by himself. – Is that the control of which you spoke?

      – No, – cut off Anders. The smile on his face disappeared. – Control – this is not a skill to sculpt a snowman, it is much more. – Anders took a couple of steps forward.

      – Then why am I doing this? – Erik immediately got angry. He didn’t want to waste his time.

      – This is the path to what you really must do.

      Anders came to the stone, reminiscent of the parapet, and raised his left hand over it. Under his hand, which was slowly moving, built rectangular figures from the snow, like dominoes.

      – The great begins with the small. The path to the desired lies through overcoming difficulties, laziness – he kept going – and of course time. The main thing is to keep on and not give up – Anders hand stopped – otherwise everything will be in vain, – he pointed to the last figure, which was created by him, and the whole chain has fallen to the ground.

      – That is, it needs a very long time? – Eric mournfully pursed his lips and lowered his head.

      Anders rubbed his nose and said:

      – I didn’t mean it that way, but in general you caught my meaning. Eric, you have to practice to use a source of energy, in order to learn, how to control it. If you don’t want it to control you – he flashed his colored eyes. Even in the night Eric could see its shine. – In this case, it will occur the things, because of which you’re here.

      Eric didn’t answer; he decided to keep silence. Fire and death crunch squeezed his throat, cutting off access of oxygen. Memories.

      – What happened to you? – Anders noticed haze in his eyes. – Is something wrong?

      – Oh, you’re very obvious! – Barely holding back, grunted Eric. – I need time. I have a feeling like I was stuck in something sticky… It seems that I’m sleeping! – He walked from place to place. – I find it hard to take, and so easy to get used to the idea that all of what you tell me, Anders – the truth!

      – I perfectly understand, through what you have to endure now. But know this, you’re the lucky one; other people, who faced with the madness, experienced it alone.

      Indeed, Anders was right: Eric should be glad that he was not alone. The loneliness would destroy him! Eric said nothing, but in his eyes could be seen gratitude.

      Without any reason, he flopped back in the snow and stared at the sky, which was painted in dull black tones. The iron clouds overshadowed the shine of stars; tiny dots occasionally were shown between the sliding through the air smoky blocks.

      It was so strange, Eric couldn’t see anything ahead. Earlier it was different. He always adhered to the stability, he was afraid to be in an unpredictable position. Much of what he had done before, was sent to the steppe. After the school followed the entrance to college, then was a future job, then a career, and so forth on a sloping, which was the existence of the average person’s life. He didn’t want to become a lawyer, together with Constantine, but at the same time he understood that this path will lead to unwelcome particular destination. This, as he always thought, was mandatory! Even if it didn’t suit him.

      And now he just looked up at the sky, which was closed from his eyes with saddened clouds. Eric had no idea what would happen next.

      – Do you have a family? – He asked, still staring at the sky.

      – Yes, I have, – said shortly Anders, brushing snow from the shoulder.

      – Where are they? – In his voice didn’t sound any notes of interest, except the manifestation of curiosity.

      – There are a lot of places, the family is big. All have parted on corners of our hopeless planet – Anders continued to respond in the same hurried manner.

      – Do you communicate or meet with anyone of them? – Lifelessly continued to ask Eric.

      – I meet; or rather I sometimes watch them. How do they spend their time; whether all of them good. But all of this I do at a distance nobody of them knows about me. After all, I officially died more than six hundred years ago – Anders said, with a grin. – To be more precise, I disappeared, I went missing.

      Swallowing information about carriers Eric couldn’t imagine what it was like, so many years in the shadow. Eric hoped that all this time he was not alone there.

      – So, we’re immortal … – Eric exhaled and mumbled dryly.

      – No, but we live a very long time, if we are allowed – ending sounded cruel and hard.

      – It hurts?

      Eric decided to go back to talking about the family; he wanted to find out what he had to experience.

      – Over time, you start to think that this way of life is the norm. And that another way can’t be. Only time can make us come to terms with the objectionable acts for us.

      – I have a small family. I have to part only with one person – Eric decided to share his story with a new friend.

      – With whom exactly?

      – With those who are still alive – Eric pulled barely from himself. He knew that sorrow will overtake him because of his desire to share.

      – And who is it?

      – Mom, – instinctively replied Eric.

      – What happened with your father? – The question of Anders caught Eric off guard. Anyway, it was like a blow to the bruise.

      Kitchen, explosion, and self-loathing – that now calls the word “father” in the sad Eric.

      – He died – he quickly muttered, lifting his head from the ground.

      “I killed him” –

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