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he was silent, until they left the big city behind. The travelers moved on the endless road that ran to the Arctic Circle. The nearer they approached it, the darker became ash cloud, which were stretching to the sky above them.

      The free landscape behind glass windows gradually turned into the high mountains.

      – Maybe you want to ask something? – Anders said, after a few hours of the road.

      All this time there was silence in the car: the young man realized that Eric needed time to get used to the thought of what he had become. Therefore, he didn’t want to disturb him, and he didn’t do it after a silent response to the question. Eric wanted to stick to the quiet, hovering within him. The silence protected from verbal sounds, which attracted reflection on memories.

      The music started in the car, Anders turned on the radio and immediately switched the radio wave, when the leading spoke about the missed teen.

      – Sorry.

      The radio announced about the disappearance of fifteen years old Eric Lanter, a resident of the small town of Silent Valley. The last one who saw him were local citizens, who stumbled on him in the ruined city park: it was about 20:30 p.m. The leading started to say that in the same town, there was another tragedy, because of this fact the teenager so quickly declared wanted. By the time he was going to clarify what kind of tragedy occurred in a small town, Anders pressed the switch button.

      Carl Lanter burst without warning, angrily saying: “Don’t even think, just to forget it!” The torments of Eric fivefold increased strength.

      The silence didn’t help, and then Eric has chosen a different strategy – to drown in the world, about which he hadn’t heard previously.

      Unexpectedly, he realized what a strong sense of curiosity was bursting him.

      – I hope you picked up a warm jacket for me – he started talking, looking out the window at the snow-capped mountains that grew out of the ground.

      – You won’t need a jacket – said Anders, turning off the main road, on a country road, that leaded through the fields.

      – Explain —asked Eric with a grin.

      Perhaps, the surprising was foolish, but he still wanted to know – why he didn’t need a warm jacket in the middle of the north, which was shrouded by the cold?

      – Excess energy source much warmer than down jacket. It is like a fire that settled in your blood and bones. All the energy is concentrated in it. Due to this, such as we don’t feel the cold at all.

      – What about the heat? – Inquired Eric, when he was already surprised, in order to marvel even more.

      – In this case, the body temperature normalizes energy, and will also continuously maintain the balance of body fluids. By the way, if you use the energy of sources for a long time – the media will be weakened and will need to meet the normal human needs: such as food and sleep – until the energy is recovered. So, many carriers avoid places, which are known for its hot climate. There their energy consumed much faster than in any other place, and they can’t affect it. With increasing temperature the energy is consuming automatically, without the consent of the carrier. While with decreasing energy is not consumed.

      The car continued to drive straight through path, approaching the dark bottom of the mountain, with pure white tips, the ends of the mountain hadn’t been seen. They were somewhere in the clouds.

      – So we almost don’t sleep, well, that’s… that’s great news, don’t say anything – sleep deprivation meant for Eric loss the only possibility at moment to disconnect from the madness, which had seized him. – Tell me something else. What’s more, I no longer need? What’s on the air through? Surely we don’t need … – Suddenly, Eric had an idea. – Don’t answer, I’ll check! – Immediately he said.

      Eric hold his breath, he pressed his lips and blew out his cheeks. Anders saw, as his eyes were bulging and blushing and interrupted silly experience.

      – Stop it, without air, we can’t do. In order to spare you the cost of precious time, I’ll try to explain it all at once, – hurriedly said Anders. —By air we breathe, by water we quench our thirst and we inhabit the land, and by the energy we live. All of the above are attributes, without which the existence of the carriers is impossible. Don’t worry about anything else. Well, about almost everything – his bristly face broke into a smile.

      Baring white teeth, Anders replaced mercy to anger and slammed on the gas pedal: the car roared, increased speed and raced forward, easily climbing a steep slope. Eric, who was sitting next to him, was a little nervous, though, he was trying not to show it.

      – When you said that we would go to the north, I didn’t think so literally! Why do we climb the mountain? – Eric asked, not taking his eyes from the window.

      They continued to move up, moving on a winding trail. Incredibly, the cobblestones, which were lying on the path jumped to the side as soon as the wheels of the machine approached them. It seemed that they were ordered to clear the way and they obeyed unquestioningly. The trail narrowed, leaving to a steep cliff. Sharply turning, the car raced along it, and almost gathered down.

      – I live here, – said Anders hurriedly.

      Here, on top of the mountain? – Eric was amazed, still glancing out the window at a frightening precipice, which was fenced by miserable rotten fence. It’s like closing a lion into a brier cage.

      – No, at the foot of the cliff, with the adjacent upland – Anders pointed to the mountain, which looked like a giant tower.

      It was unclear: how he was going to get there? Indeed, in order they could get to it – they must overcome very wide gulf between the snow tower with a mountain on which they are moving right now.

      The engine was almost silent; there was only the sound of the tires, which run into little pebbles, and the roar of the wind, which was wafting everywhere. Without dropping the speed, passenger transport continued to drive tailwind: the trail began to zigzag, leaving to the right. After closer inspection, Eric noticed a huge overhang in front of him, which stretched to the rocky snow tower balcony, to the mountain – where was a house of Anders.

      – No! – Eric shouted, recognizing the obvious.

      – Don’t worry, it’ll be great!

      Surprisingly, but Anders glowed with joy in anticipation of the upcoming flight. But Eric on the other hand, wasn’t amused by the coming leap across the chasm. He thought again about the mental state of a new friend, whether he did the right thing, when he trusted him?

      Jumping on a horizontal platform, Anders put pressure on the gas again and steered the car straight ahead! Frozen in time, the guy with the gray hair looked the icy desert, so large and incredibly beautiful and then he jumped from a hard landing on a nearby ledge. There was a quiet rasp of metal, most likely the bumper suffered from the crazy jump. Eric hoped that this single race stopped on it: of course he was wrong! Absolutely indifferent, with the same crazy mood – Anders continued to pull the transmission lever, picking up more speed. The car flew faster than the wind; this time is not up, but down on the uneven rocky path, leading through the cleft. The pile of blocks of ice on the rocks eerily evoked a deadly threat because of its massiveness. In the fear of being walled by avalanche, Eric clenched his fists in fear, trusting in the mercy of heavy depths. He worried that any movement of the car will cause an avalanche.

      As a result, it ended without incident; the undulating trail cleft brought them out of the clutches of the stone to a spacious terrace of a snowy tower. The brakes squealed, and the car slowed; Eric decided that Anders was lost, that they fell into a dead end. Instead of obstacles they had a clear path to the mountain terraces. And when he realized that the car was still moving, albeit slowly, but moving – fifteen years old guy howled in displeasure.


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