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5. Early-Date Gender-Menders

       Is There Love After Eden?

      Everyone smiled knowingly in 1956 when Rex Harrison moaned from the Broadway stage, ‘Oh, why can’t a woman be more like a man?’ He knew his Fair Lady was a very different animal indeed. But in the era following My Fair Lady feminists cast serious doubt on his convictions.

      Now, after many decades of pondering, presuming and postulating on whether men and women really differ in anything but their genitals, the envelope has been opened. The answer is – drumroll please – yes! Men and women think and communicate in dramatically different ways.

      Neurosurgeons can point to clumps of neurons in female brains that cause men like Henry Higgins in My Fair Lady to call women ‘exasperating, calculating, agitating, maddening and infuriating’. Scientists aim their needles at the molecules in the male brain that make women accuse men of being ‘insensitive clods’.

      Despite the torrent of data flowing in about the genetic, cerebral and sexual differences between men and women, both Hunters and Huntresses continue to assume we think alike and persist in courting each other in the way they would like to be courted themselves. Perhaps recent scientific findings will give men and women more insight into each other’s style, but nothing short of a frontal lobotomy could make a permanent change in which brand of neurons our brains give off. Women will continue to be ‘exasperating’, and men will still be ‘insensitive’. And both will keep on communicating in styles that turn each other off, especially on the first dates.

      To avoid scaring off their prey before they bag it, serious big-game hunters know all the characteristics and habits of deer, moose, caribou, bison and wild hogs. Likewise, serious love Hunters and Huntresses must be well versed in gender differences if they intend to make the kill.

      Part Five briefs you on how to avoid the most common early-date turnoffs to make even the most wary Quarry comfortable letting down his or her guard. Love-shy Quarry who usually take flight when a man or woman gets too close will happily come within firing range of your arrow.

       How to Turn on the Sexual Electricity

      Many books on how to turn on your partner make sex sound like flipping the switch on the night-light next to your bed. ‘Press here to speed up orgasm. Stroke there for an extra charge.’ Yes, sexuality is electricity, but your Quarry’s bodily buttons only speed up or slow down the physical functions. Mind power is what drives the mighty machine and keeps it generating heat for many years. The most erotic organ in your Quarry’s body is his or her brain.

      For details and how-tos, there is no lack of reference books. They have names like How to Drive Your Man Wild in Bed, How to Drive Your Woman Wild in Bed, How to Drive Your Man Even Wilder in Bed and How to Satisfy a Woman Every Time and Have Her Beg for More. The list goes on. Such manuals are replete with detailed data for women on how to tickle that spot just below the ‘cute little helmet’ to drive him out of his gourd. Men can examine idiotproof charts on where to let their fingers do the walking so as to not miss the U-turn that leads to her G-spot.

      All of this is important stuff – very important stuff. But when it comes to actually making somebody fall in love with you, it pales in comparison to what I will call brain fellatio – sucking the dreams, the longings and the fantasies out of your Quarry, and then creating a lifelong erotic aura that he or she luxuriates in.

      Gentlemen, far more important for a woman than how many times you can ‘do it’ in a week (or even in a night) is the sensuality and passion you create in every aspect of your relationship. And the sensations you give her every time you look at her. Ladies, far more important to a man than your bra-cup size or the curve of your hips is the size and curve of your sexual attitude and how you deal with his individual sexuality.

      No two sexualities are alike, just as no two snowflakes are alike. I will give you techniques to uncover your Quarry’s unique sexuality and then make love to him or her just the way he or she likes it. In Part Six we will explore the right kind of sex to make your particular Quarry fall in love with you.

      Let us now embark upon our six-part journey, starting with what happens physically when we fall in love.

       Chapter Three

       The Physical Side of Falling in Love

       ‘Why Do My Insides Go All Funny?’

      Falling in love is both a mental and a physical process. Some of the first techniques you will learn ignite your Quarry’s physical response to you before his or her brain catches up. We will put love through the brain-scanner and under the X-ray machine to examine what physically happens to your Quarry when he or she starts to feel that incredible sensation called love.

      As a matter of fact, yes. Scientists tell us only PEA-brained people fall in love. At the core of infatuation, they speculate, is a chemical called phenylethylamine, or PEA. It is a chemical cousin of amphetamines and gives a similar ‘kick’.

      PEA comes from secretions through the nervous system and bloodstream that create an emotional response equivalent to a high on drugs. This is the chemical which makes your heart palpitate, your hands sweat and your insides go all funny. (It is rumoured that PEA can also make you want to rip your Quarry’s clothes off at the first available opportunity.)

      Phenylethylamine, scientists say, along with dopamine and norepinephrine, is manufactured in the body when we first feel the physical sensation of romantic love. It is as close to a natural high as the body can get. (Cole Porter obviously knew what he was singing about when he wrote ‘I Get a Kick Out of You’.)

      The bad news is that the kick does not last forever, or even for very long. This adds to the quickly mounting scientific evidence that romantic love is relatively short-lived. That is why some people become ‘love junkies’. The good news is that it does last long enough to kick-start great love affairs. Its average one-and-a-half to three-year duration is plenty of time to have a fantastic fling, to get him or her to say ‘I do’, and/or propagate the species.

      Now, since you can’t go around armed with a syringe filled with phenylethylamine, spot your Quarry and inject the PEA-filled tube into his or her bloodstream, you do the next best thing. You develop techniques to trigger PEA-brained responses in people and give them the sensation that they are falling in love.

      People don’t just mysteriously wake up one morning with an overdose of PEA in their brains and then develop a crush on the next person they set eyes on. No, PEA and its sister chemicals are precipitated by emotional and visceral reactions to specific stimuli.

      Like what? It can be a whiff of her perfume, the boyish way he says hello or the adorable way she wrinkles her nose when she laughs. It could even be an innocuous article of clothing you are wearing that drives your Quarry bonkers. For example, in 1924, Conrad Hilton, the founder of the Hilton hotel chain, flipped over a red hat that he spotted sitting five pews in front of him in church. After the

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