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the Gift of Intimacy

       Make Your Lifestyle ‘Fit’ Your Quarry’s Lovemap

       11. Your First Date

       The Game Begins in Earnest

       ‘How Soon Should I Make My Move?’

       ‘Playing Hard to Get – Should I, or Shouldn’t I?’

       The Scientifically Proven Best First Date

       Give Your Quarry First-Date Butterflies

       Plant the Seeds of Similarity

       First-Date Restaurant Smarts

       Hunters, Some Spit and Polish for Your P’s and Q’s

       Huntresses, Forgive His Foibles

       First-Date Duds

       ‘I Haven’t Got a Thing to Wear’

       Part Two: Similar Character, Complementary Needs

       12. ‘It’s You and Me, Baby, Alone Against This Mad, Mad World’

       Similarity … and a Touch of Difference (Just a Touch)

       13. How to Establish Subconscious Similarity

       How to Instantly Make Your Quarry Feel, ‘Why, We’re Just Alike!’

       Words to Give Your Quarry ‘That Family Feeling’

       ‘We Even Speak the Same (Body) Language’

       14. How to Establish Conscious Similarity

       The Three Crucial Conscious Similarities

       Let’s Talk About Our Relationship – Not!

       15. How to Establish Complementary Needs

       ‘I Got Just What You Need, Sweetheart’

       Part Three: Ego

       16. The World Revolves Around You, My Quarry

       Ego Massage Is a Highly Skilled Craft

       17. Step One: Silent Praise

       Let Your Body Do the Praising

       18. Step Two: Empathy

       ‘I Can Identify with That!’

       Lovers Share Intimate Details

       Lovers Have Private Jokes

       19. Step Three: Admiration

       ‘Oh, Darling, You Did an Absolutely Superb Job Slicing These Mushrooms’

       20. Step Four: The Implied Compliment

       ‘You’re Much Too Young to Remember This, But …’

       The Bull’s-Eye Booster: ‘I Just Love What You Like About Yourself’

       21. Step Five: The Big Guns

       ‘YOU Are the Most Fascinating Person I’ve Ever Met’

       ‘What Does Giving a Killer Compliment Do for Me?’

       22. Fine-Tuning the Ego-Machine

       ‘Wait a Minute. Does Everybody Like Compliments?’

       Knee-Jerk Praise: ‘What You Just Did Was Fabulous’

       Have the First Laugh

       Lovers Give Each Other Pet Names

       When Your Quarry Praises You

       23. Keeping the Love Coals Warm

       ‘I Love the Way You Wrinkle Your Nose When You Laugh’

       Part Four: Equity

       24. Everybody’s Got a Market Value, Baby

       Why is Finding Love Like Horse Trading?

       What Currency ‘Buys’ a Good Partner?

       25. How Can I Use the Equity Principle to Find Love?

       ‘You Really Don’t Want to Marry the Handsome Prince or the Beautiful Princess’

       ‘Why Don’t I Want to Get Married?’

       ‘What Happens if Inequity Strikes After We’re Married?’

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