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What Types of Looks Do Women Like?

       What Types of Looks Do Men Like?

       ‘How Can I Make My Quarry Think I’m Better Looking?’

       How to Beef Up Your Odds on Making the Kill

       27. Pursuing Rich and Famous Prey

       The Look of Money

       The Sound of Class

       What Does the U Crowd Talk About?

       Use Status Words with Status Prey

       28. Upping Your Ante in Other Assets

       Knowledge, Social Graces and Inner Beauty Are Tangible Assets

       29. Help Them Convince Themselves That They Love You

       Let Your Quarry Do Favours for You

       Hey! What About ‘O Lyric Love, Half Angel and Half Bird’?

       Part Five: Early-Date Gender-Menders

       30. ‘I Hope He or She’s Not an Idiot Like All the Others’

       ‘I Want a Man I Can Talk to, a Woman Who Thinks Like a Man’

       31. What Is ‘Man Talk’ and What Is ‘Woman Talk’? (Do They Exist?)

       32. ‘How Do You Feel About That?’

       33. ‘Excuse Me, Could You Tell Me Where …?’

       34. ‘Please, Spare Me the Details’

       35. ‘Tell Me (Don’t Tell Me) About It’

       36. ‘What’s the Best Way to Get from A to B?’

       ‘A Straight Line!’ He Declares; ‘A Gentle Curve?’ She Asks

       37. ‘Could You Give Me a Hand with This?’

       38. Little Words to Win Your Quarry’s Heart

       39. Are There Dangerous Waters Ahead in the Gender Gap?

       Part Six: ℞ for Sex

       40. Your Quarry’s Hottest Erogenous Zone

       41. No Two Sexualities Are Alike, as No Two Snowflakes Are Alike

       How Do Men’s and Women’s Sexual Desires Differ?

       Why Are Men’s and Women’s Fantasies So Different?

       Yet More Differences

       How to Use Differences to Make Your Quarry Fall in Love with You

       42. Forget the Golden Rule between the Sheets

       Men in Lust, Women in Love

       43. Hunters, Make Love to a Woman as a Woman Wants It

       The One-Hour Lesson That Will Change Your Life

       Another Crash Course in Steamy Sensuality for Men

       44. Huntresses, Have Sex with a Man as a Man Wants It

       Let’s Go to the Videotape

       Additional ‘Coarse’ Materials for Your Raw Sex Curriculum

       45. A Quiz: Who Loves More, Men or Women?

       Who Falls in Love Faster? Men!

       Who Is More Idealistic About Love? Men!

       Who Usually Initiates the Break-up? Women!

       Who Suffers More from a Break-up? Men!

       Who Loves Their Lovers More? Men!

       46. Your Quarry’s Sexual Desires Are as Individual as a Thumbprint

       Sex Is Like a Steak

       The Number One Sexual Wish

       ‘Why Did He or She Lose Interest?’

       ‘Is This Woman Enough for Me Sexually for the Rest of My Life?’

       47. Huntresses, Become a Sexual Sleuth

       Let Your Quarry Know You Are a Sexual Adventurer

       Uncover His Core Fantasies

       Make Your Quarry Feel Safe Sharing His Deepest Desires

       The Hot Purr Follow-Up


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