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smectic A to smectic C, is characterized by a transition enthalpy in kJ/mol. Extensive investigations of phase transitions have revealed the temperature dependence of physical parameters such as the helical pitch, the viscosity or the elastic coefficients.

      Due to the ordered structure, all phases between Tm and Tc are anisotropic, meaning that all dielectric, optical and mechanical properties depend upon the direction.

      The dielectric constant is ε = εrε0, where ε0 = 8.854.10-12 F/m stands for the permittivity in vacuum and εr for the relative dielectric constant. This means, as shown in Figure 2.1, εr = ε|| in the direction parallel to the director and equation images perpendicular to the director, leading to the dielectric anisotropy

Schematic illustration of helix of the cholesteric phase.

      (2.2)equation images

      The optical anisotropy Δn concerns the refractive indices n0 for the ordinary beam of light, where the vector of the electrical field oscillates perpendicular to the optical axis that is perpendicular to the director and the refractive index ne for the extraordinary beam of light, where the field vector oscillates in parallel to the director. Hence we obtain

ZLI-3125 14616 ZLI-2585 14627
TC[°C] 63 54 70 48
Δε (1kHz, 20 °C) + 2.4 + 2.3 −4.4 −3.5
η [mm2/s] (20 °C) 20 32 45 45
n0 = n 1.4672 1.4554 1.469 1.4551
ne = n|| 1.5188 1.5034 1.506 1.4893
Δn (589 nm, 20 °C) 0.0516 0.0480 0.037 0.0342

      (2.3)equation images


      (2.4)equation images

      and the optical anisotropy

      provides for frequencies approaching infinity:

      (2.7)equation images

      (2.8)equation images


      (2.9)equation images

      The refractive indices depend upon the wavelength λ. Values for Δn lie in the range Δn [0.04, 0.45]; some values are listed in Table 2.1. As a rule, materials with a high Δn are not stable to UV light. Due to the optical anisotropy, the material is birefringent. The speed of light is (Born and Wolf, 1980)

      (2.10)equation images

      where c is the speed of light in vacuum. The speeds of light

      (2.11)equation images


      (2.12)equation images

      where the E-vector oscillates parallel and perpendicular to the director, are different and dependent on the wavelength.

      The direction with the larger refraction index n|| exhibits the smaller speed, and hence is called the slow axis, whereas n defines the fast axis.

      The dynamic behaviour of LC materials is affected greatly by the viscosity. Too high viscosities at lower temperatures slow down the movement of the molecules and yield the lower temperature limit of LC cells. The proximity to Tc provides the upper temperature limit. The dynamic viscosity ηd is defined as

      (2.13)equation images

      where F is the force needed to shift a body with the area A with the velocity v over a viscous layer with a thickness d. For displays, the kinematic viscosity

      (2.14)equation images

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