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in everyday life for those affected. Often, relationships among addicts are merely purposeful relationships that serve self-affirmation and are marked by lasting comparisons among themselves. With the help of a therapist, shopping addicts should try to re-establish their social structure, which may have fallen apart, or work out a new one. For new social contacts, for example, hobbies can be used, where contacts can be made easily and without having shopping addiction in mind. However, new acquaintances should be quickly informed of the shopping addiction in order not to risk a relapse through joint leisure activities.

      Although shopping addiction has not - yet - been clearly classified as a disease, the clinical picture with its symptoms is relatively clear and easy to grasp. It can mainly be described as a vicious circle and a downward spiral that only comes to an end after years. Shopping addiction comes creepingly and often unnoticed, it begins with the socially recognized frustration purchase and ends in real shopping rushes, in which the affected people ask themselves at the end: "What the hell have I actually bought everything for?

      The first important step in the fight against buying addiction is to realize that you are addicted to buying. To have the insight, to have a problem and to want to take action against it is a big challenge for those affected. Once those affected have understood that they are addicted to buying,

      further steps follow. The analysis of the shopping behaviour, the financial conditions, the application of first aid measures and the attendance of a behavioural therapy should help in the long run to get his shopping behaviour under control.

      Purchasing addiction only occurs in societies that are capitalist, consumer-oriented and have a questionable attitude to material things and money spending. In these societies, in which a purchase is socially recognized and even wanted, many people threaten to slip into an obligation to buy. In the beginning there is often only the urge to buy, possibly as a valve in the form of a frustration purchase or as a self reward. The positive feelings from the shopping quickly lead to an actually unwanted reward in the brain, which has a large part in the development of the addiction. The body is then not dependent on a substance, but on its own feelings of happiness.

      Preventive measures to prevent shopping addiction are difficult to implement. First and foremost, they must start with education and the foundation stone must be laid at birth. If a child grows with a healthy self-esteem, is lovingly cared for and learns a corresponding frustration tolerance, the probability that it will later become addicted to shopping is more likely to be classified as low. Those who learn to express their feelings, do not shy away from conflicts and learn a healthy attitude towards money have the best starting conditions to avoid becoming addicted to shopping later.

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