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      5.1 Tropical Biogeography

      A latitudinal diversity gradient in the marine biosphere has long been recognised, with an increase in species richness with decreasing latitude from the poles to the tropics (Ekman 1953; Briggs 1974). The circumtropical belt of high diversity is not uniform within this gradient, as some fauna, such as in mangrove‐lined estuaries, show very variable diversity. However, this gradient holds true for many vertebrates and invertebrates in inshore and shelf ecosystems and has been attributed to high water temperatures and maximum solar irradiation in proximity to the equator (Jablonski et al. 2017; Crame 2020). Within the tropics, there is also much longitudinal variation within faunal groups.

      Although recognized much earlier, it was Ekman (1953) who popularised the idea of there being a distinct ‘warm‐water’ fauna. This fauna was split into two provinces: ‘The Indo‐West Pacific’ (IWP) and ‘The Atlanto‐East‐Pacific’ with the former encompassing the islands of the Central Pacific, the Indo‐Malayan region, Hawaii, subtropical and tropical Australia, the Indian Ocean, and subtropical Japan and the latter encompassing ‘Subtropical and Tropical America’ and ‘Subtropical and Tropical West Africa.’ This idea was further refined in 1974 by Briggs who categorised the tropical ocean into four regions: ‘The IWP,’ ‘The Eastern Pacific,’ ‘The Western Atlantic,’ and ‘The Eastern Atlantic.’ It has long been understood that the richest and most diverse fauna is found in the shallow (<200 m) waters of the tropics. The tropics was defined by Briggs (1974) by the 20 °C isotherm for the coldest month of the year, and longitudinally, it was recognized that barriers exist that are effective in separating one region from another with a high degree of endemism.

      Today, the separation of tropical faunas is more complex due to advances in our knowledge of species distributions, fossil evidence and evidence that has been provided by major advances in genetics (Jablonski et al. 2017). Briggs and Bowen (2013) and Veron et al. (2015) have, respectively, summarized the tropical faunal provinces based on the distribution patterns of fish and corals.

      The relationship among the provinces highlights the geographic origin of species and the effect of both soft and hard biogeographic barriers. For example, one soft barrier is the freshwater discharge of the Amazon River which separates the boundaries between the Caribbean (CA) and Brazilian (BR) provinces. This boundary was identified by the fact that 348 reef fish species are shared between the CA and BR provinces which represent about 42% of the species diversity of the CA and 74% of the BR. The fauna is much more diverse in the CA (Luiz et al. 2012). Another soft barrier is the open‐water expanse of the mid‐Atlantic; the CA shares 105 reef fish species with the Tropical Eastern Atlantic (TEA). These transatlantic species account for about 27% of the shallow TEA fish fauna. The BR shares a similar fauna with the TEA. About 112 fish species are shared between them and may be considered as transatlantic.

Schematic illustration of map of the Atlantic Ocean showing warm-temperate biogeographic provinces (orange), tropical biogeographic provinces (lime green), and the biogeographic pathways that contribute to biodiversity in these provinces. Parallel arrow sizes indicate relative size of migratory flows.

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