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Subarnarekha India 10 3 Indus Pakistan 5 10 Limpopo Mozambique 5 33

      Regardless of size, a great variety of physical processes, ultimately driven by climate, make these tropical coastal margins unique compared to coastal settings of higher latitude. The climate of the equatorial region is characterised by high rates of rainfall, solar insolation, and temperature. By virtue of these characteristics and global position, Coriolis forces are small, and winds are dominated by easterly trade winds (Chapter 2). These physical forces, coupled with the enormous loads of freshwater and sediment draining from the land, produce extensive buoyant plumes, in some instances, extending beyond the shelf edge. Rapid rates of sediment accumulation and high rates of nutrient flux and primary productivity are but a few of the unique characteristics of these river‐dominated coastal systems.

      Tropical rivers worldwide drain a variety of geologic/geomorphologic settings: (i) orogenic mountain belts, (ii) sedimentary and basaltic plateau/platforms, (iii) cratonic areas, (iv) lowland plains in sedimentary basins, and (v) mixed terrains (Latrubesse et al. 2005). These types of rivers show high but variable peak discharges during the rainy season and a period of low flow during the dry season; some rivers show two flood peaks during the year, a main one and a secondary flood peak.

      Tropical rivers exhibit a variety of channel forms and, consequently, a variety of different delta and mouth morphologies (Latrubesse et al. 2005). In most cases, rivers morph from one form to another over time so they are difficult to classify. Two main settings are rivers that discharge onto a tectonically active margin and those that discharge onto a passive margin (Leithold et al. 2016). Active margins are narrow and passive margins are wide.

Schematic illustration of major stages in sediment dispersal of river sediments in the coastal ocean.

      Source: Wright and Nittrouer (1995), figure 3, p. 503. © Springer Nature Switzerland AG.

      The Purari River system on New Guinea is different, being much smaller (Table 4.1) and having a mountainous watershed (Wright and Nittrouer 1995). The Purari delta is heavily vegetated by mangroves and crossed by an intricate network of interconnected channels which trap most of the river sediment load. Saltwater intrusion is prevented by large shallow and mobile sand banks within and outside the river mouth. Fine sediments are carried onto the inner Gulf of Papua shelf as muddy, low‐salinity plumes that are broken up by the coastal oceanographic regime which is dominated by onshore‐directed southeast trade winds for most of the year. Thus, much of the sediment remains trapped relatively close inshore as a turbid band and is advected alongshore. Plumes enter tidal channels on flood tides supporting the extensive mangroves within the delta. Some sediment is transported directly offshore especially during summer when the trade winds are weak, and rainfall is at its peak.

      In the Ganges–Brahmaputra River system, approximately one‐third of total sediment discharge is sequestered within the flood plain and delta plain (Rahman et al. 2018). The remaining load appears to be apportioned between the accumulating subaqueous delta and the deep‐sea Bengal fan via a nearshore canyon. The roughly equal partitioning of sediment among the flood plain, shelf, and deep sea reflects the respective influence of an inland subsiding tectonic basin, a wide shelf, and a deeply incised canyon system (Rahman et al. 2018).

      Plumes of other large tropical river systems may be dispersed laterally due to local coastal currents and hydrography. For instance, the typical seasonal orientation of the Zaire River plume is northward for most of the year, except during February–March when the plume has a large westward extension onto the narrow shelf (Denamiel et al. 2013). The northward extension of the plume is explained by a buoyancy‐driven upstream coastal flow and the combined influences of the ambient ocean currents and the wind. During February–March, the surface ocean circulation drives the westward expansion of the plume and the presence of the deep Congo canyon increases the intrusion of seawater into the river mouth.

      Off the Mekong delta, a similar lateral plume occurs throughout most of the year, with a net deposition SW of the river mouth down the Ca Mau peninsula (Szczuciński et al. 2013). In summer, a large amount of fluvial sediment is deposited near the Mekong River mouth, but in the following winter, strong mixing and coastal currents lead to resuspension and south‐westward dispersal of previously deposited sediment. Strong wave mixing and downwelling‐favourable coastal current associated with the more energetic NE monsoon in the winter are the main factors controlling post‐depositional dispersal to the SW.

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