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being in the IWP which houses over 70 genera and about 500 species, 400 of which are found in the Philippines alone. In contrast, there are about 20 genera and over 60 species in the Caribbean. Modern corals are the product of 6000 years of growth during recent sea‐level rises as sea level has risen by about 135 m over the past 10 000 years. The oceans are presently experiencing an interglacial period, which is one of the warmest periods for the past 850 000 years.

      Mushroom corals (Scleractinia, Fungiidae), based predominantly on a taxonomic revision, have a concentration of species in the Coral Triangle, especially in the area comprising Indonesia, the Philippines, and New Guinea (Hoeksema 2007). The shape of this centre overlaps with the position of the continental margin as during low sea‐level stands this margin represented part of the continental coastline where coral reefs occurred. The centre of origin in the Coral Triangle was completely established only about 10 Ma, but its predecessor had existed in the Tethys Sea between Africa and Eurasia since the early Cretaceous (Briggs 2006).

Schematic illustration of ecoregions of zooxanthellate corals delineated based on known faunal and/or environmental uniformity.

      Source: www.coralsoftheworld.org (accessed 5 January 2021). © Japanese Coral Reef Society.

      The Tethyan fauna that had become isolated to form the Caribbean Province became divided into the West Central American and Antillean Provinces; the late Cretaceous subdivision of the Caribbean Province may have been a response to the formation of a Central American archipelago, and an early Central American isthmus may have formed at that time. The modern, high‐diversity fauna of the Southern Caribbean was largely derived from the Caribbean Province of the Tethys Sea, although as Briggs (2006) points out, some of it came from the Western Pacific across the East Pacific Barrier before the formation of the isthmus. The East Indies fauna was rich and inherited from the Indo‐Mediterranean Province via the Indian Ocean.

      The origin of the great majority of our present species probably took place in the Pliocene and Pleistocene with a large proportion of species richness originating within the two tropical centres. What this means in practical terms is that more than 75% of the Indo‐Pacific reef fish and about 450 species of hermatypic corals were also present in the Coral Triangle.

      Source: Briggs (1974, 2006) and Lomolino et al. (2016). © John Wiley & Sons.

Event Effects
Isolation of Antarctica
Early Eocene (50 Ma)‐full deep‐water separation of South Tasman Rise First indications of global cooling at 50–40 Ma and significant 2°C temperature drops in both the late–middle Eocene and middle–late Eocene boundary. Further isolation of Antarctic marine fauna.
Eocene–Oligocene boundary (37 Ma) Major cooling of both surface and bottom waters by 5°C. Onset of widespread Antarctic glaciation.
Opening of Drake Passage (36–23 Ma) Almost complete isolation of Antarctic marine fauna.
Mid‐Miocene (15 Ma)‐full establishment of Antarctic Circumpolar Current Latitudinal temperature gradient like that of today. Development of Polar Frontal Zone.
Closure of Tethyan Seaway
End of Cretaceous period (75–65 Ma)‐vast circumpolar‐equatorial

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