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ECG Electrocardiogram EKG Electrocardiogram (US spelling) EPI Echo planar imaging ETL Echo train length FA Fractional anisotropy FAT SAT Fat saturation FC Flow compensation FDA Food and Drug Administration FFE Fast field echo FID Free induction decay FIESTA Free induction echo stimulated acquisition FISP Free induction steady precession FLAIR Fluid attenuated inversion recovery FLASH Fast low angled shot fMRI Functional magnetic resonance imaging FOV Field of view FSE Fast spin echo Gd Gadolinium GFE Gradient field echo GMN Gradient moment nulling GMR Gradient moment rephasing GRASS Gradient recalled acquisition in the steady state GRE Gradient echo GRE‐EPI Gradient echo – echo planar imaging HASTE Half acquisition single‐shot turbo spin echo HIE Hypoxic ischemic event I Inferior IAM Internal auditory meatus ICP Intracranial pressure IM Intramuscular IR Inversion recovery IR‐FSE Inversion recovery – fast spin echo IR prep Inversion recovery magnetization preparation IV Intravenous IVC Inferior vena cava L Left MDA Medical Devices Agency MIP Maximum intensity projection MOTSA Multiple overlapping thin slab acquisition MP RAGE Magnetization prepared rapid acquisition gradient echo MR Magnetic resonance MRA Magnetic resonance angiography MRCP Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography MRE Magnetic resonance enterography MRI Magnetic resonance imaging MRS Magnetic resonance spectroscopy MS Multiple sclerosis MSK Musculoskeletal MT Magnetization transfer MVS Multi‐voxel spectroscopy NEX Number of excitations NSA Number of signal averages NSF Nephrogenic systemic fibrosis P Posterior PC Phase contrast PC‐MRA Phase contrast magnetic resonance angiography PD Proton density Pe Peripheral PEAR Phase encoding artefact reduction PET Proton emission tomography ppm Parts per million PRESS Point resolved spectroscopy PSIF Reverse FISP R Right RC Respiratory compensation REST Regional saturation technique RF Radio frequency ROI Region of interest RR R to R interval S Superior SAR

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