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Magma Redox Geochemistry. Группа авторов
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isbn 9781119473244
Автор произведения Группа авторов
Жанр Физика
Издательство John Wiley & Sons Limited
4 Chapter 4Figure 4.1 Positions of redox buffers at 1 bar. From Frost, (1991) unless ot...Figure 4.2 Conceptual model of subduction zone cycling.Figure 4.3 Location of volcanic arcs and spreading ridges mentioned in the t...
5 Chapter 5Figure 5.1 (a) Solidus curves for peridotite in dry conditions (black line) ...Figure 5.2 Two depictions of the reduced and oxidized fluid realms for COH f...Figure 5.3 Illustration of the fO2 levels at which HRM and CRM occur, relate...Figure 5.4 Illustration of pressure effects on the extent of redox fractiona...Figure 5.5 Ranges of redox states found in various geodynamic settings and i...Figure 5.6 Illustration of redox fronts that develop between lithosphere and...Figure 5.7 Comparison of likely widely applicable peridotite solidi in Phane...
6 Chapter 6Figure 6.1 (a) Oxidized/reduced iron (log‐form) for simple binaries at 1400°...Figure 6.2 (a) Comparison of Paul and Douglas (1965) data with those of Tang...Figure 6.3 (a) SVI/Stot from empirical formulations available in the literat...Figure 6.4 Mutual interaction of iron and sulfur redox couples in dry and hy...Figure 6.5 Patterns of sulfur release and their effect on melt sulfur distri...Figure 6.6 Covariation of sulfate and sulfide contents in andesitic to rhyol...Figure 6.7 (a) Covariation of sulfate and sulfide fractions in melt inclusio...Figure 6.8 (a) Plot of logK15 vs logfO2, showing the nearly negligible effec...Figure 6.9 (a) Melt sulfate/sulfide ratios vs. dissolved water contents from...
7 Chapter 7Figure 7.1 Histograms of measurements of the Fe2+/FeT ratio in global survey...Figure 7.2 A simple model of olivine‐liquid equilibria and FeO‐MgO systemati...Figure 7.3 PRIMELT3 outputs from calculation of primary magma parental to th...Figure 7.4 PRIMELT3 prediction for the Mg# of the liquidus olivine that firs...Figure 7.5 PRIMELT3 predictions for the Mg# of the liquidus olivine that fir...Figure 7.6 Predictions of the pMELTS model of oceanic crustal production for...Figure 7.7 rhyoliteMELTS calculations showing the fraction of original liqui...
8 Chapter 8Figure 8.1 Histogram of the log(abundance) of 78 elements (M; bin size 0.5) ...Figure 8.2 log(Fe3+/Fe2+) as a function of fO2, relative to the quartz‐fayal...Figure 8.3 Fe3+/∑Fe as a function of fO2, relative to the QFM buffer, predic...Figure 8.4 (a) log Fe2O3 (in wt%) of MORB glasses determined by Berry et al....
9 Chapter 9Figure 9.1 XANES spectra from Cr2+ and Cr3+ standard glasses. There are seve...Figure 9.2 Adapted from Bell et al. (2017); illustrates how the crystallogra...Figure 9.3 Cr2+/∑Cr ratios plotted vs. experimental fO2 from Roedder and Rey...Figure 9.4 Contains plots the XANES measured the Cr2+/∑Cr ratios from quench...Figure 9.5 Cr partitioning data compiled from several studies plotted vs. ex...Figure 9.6 XANES measured Cr2+/∑Cr values of a set of experimentally grown o...
10 Chapter 10Figure 10.1 Comparison between values of
11 Chapter 11Figure 11.1 Isobaric calculations of H2O and CO2 contents in Basaltic melt a...Figure 11.2 Variation of the log fO2 values as a function of the temperature...Figure 11.3 Experimentally determined S solubility data of basaltic melts as...Figure 11.4 Sulfur valence state at fO2, expressed relative to FMQ. Figure m...Figure 11.5 Influence of oxygen fugacity on the partitioning of sulfur betwe...
12 Chapter 12Figure 12.1 Examples of iron concentration ([FeO] equivalent) in various ign...Figure 12.2 Variation of the Fe3+/FeTOT (FeTOT = Fe2+ + Fe3+) redox ratio as...Figure 12.3 Iron oxidation state in K2O‐Al2O3‐SiO2‐FeO melts at 1673 K in ai...Figure 12.4 Examples of compositional effects on the oxidation state of iron...Figure 12.5 Viscosity of (a) anorthite‐diopside (An‐Di) eutectic melt as a f...Figure 12.6 Viscosity of SiO2, NaAlSi3O8 and NaFeSi3O8 melts.Figure 12.7 Isothermal viscosity as a function of the oxidation state of iro...Figure 12.8 Effects of the crystal (a) and water (b) contents on the viscosi...Figure 12.9 Viscosity, crystallinity, and oxidation state of andesite and ba...
13 Chapter 13Figure 13.1 Mössbauer spectra of an Fe‐bearing diopside glass prepared at 15...Figure 13.2 Example of Optical Absorption spectra of glasses containing diff...Figure 13.3 Optical absorption spectrum, in the range 4000–28500 cm–1,...Figure 13.4 Optical Absorption spectrum of a V‐doped sodium aluminosilicate ...Figure 13.5 Energy scaled K‐edge XAS spectrum of vanadium in divanadium trio...Figure 13.6 XANES spectra of first‐ row multivalent transition metal oxides ...Figure 13.7 K‐edge XANES spectra of Mn (a) and Fe (b) crystalline compounds ...Figure 13.8 Cerium LIII‐edge XANES spectra for two Ce crystalline materials ...Figure 13.9 Schematic drawing of a lava, and XAS spectra at the Fe K‐edge an...Figure 13.10 Raman spectrum of an iron‐free pyroxene glass (CaO‐SiO2‐Na2O‐Mg...Figure 13.11 Raman spectra at room temperature for a series of iron‐pyroxene...Figure 13.12 a,b: Deconvolution of the 0.09 and 0.99 Raman spectra (based on ...Figure 13.13 Comparison of iron ratios analyzed by different techniques, wet...Figure 13.14 (a) Evolution of the normalized XANES spectra at the Fe K‐edge a...Figure 13.15 Fe3+/FeTot redox as different temperatures, 412, 618, 710 °C fr...
14 Chapter 14Figure 14.1 Generic example of the temperature dependence of the β‐fact...Figure 14.2 Relative departure (numbers on the curves) from Equation 14.8 in...Figure 14.3 Iron β‐factors (56/54Fe) at 298 K as a function of the iron...Figure 14.4 Temperature dependence of iron β‐factors (56/54Fe) for mine...Figure 14.5 Iron β‐factors (56/54Fe) at 298 K as a function of the aver...Figure 14.6 XANES centroid energy (left) and mean force constant of iron mea...
15 Chapter 15Figure 15.1 After Sossi and O’Neill (2017). Dependence of the calculated for...Figure 15.2 Iron‐oxygen force constants in spinel group minerals (after Rosk...Figure 15.3 After Dauphas et al. (2014). Mean force constants of Fe‐O bonds ...Figure 15.4 After Liu et al. (2017). Force constants (N/m) of iron bonds in ...Figure 15.5 After Fujii et al. 2014. Temperature dependence of the 103lnβ56/...Figure 15.6 Melting models from Sossi & O’Neill (2017) (see Equations 15.21–...Figure 15.7 After Sossi and O’Neill (2017). Iron isotope