
Что можно сделать за сутки? Это много или мало? Смотря для кого. Но даже за такой срок жизнь может абсолютно перевернуться.


Впервую книгу молодой писательницы Наджибы Рафизаде вошел сборник стихов, объединенных названием "Мне так мало для счастья надо… " , и короткая повесть «Прозрачное будущее» , в гротесковой форме, предлагающая читателю взглянуть на настоящее сквозь призму фантастического «завтра»


The Death of Ivan Ilyich, first published in 1886, is a novella by Leo Tolstoy, one of the masterpieces of his late fiction, written shortly after his religious conversion of the late 1870 s. The novel tells the story of the life and death, at the age of 45, of a high-court judge in 19th-century Russia—a miserable husband, proud father, and upwardly-mobile member of Russia’s professional class, the object of Tolstoy’s unremitting satire. Living what seems to be a good life, his dreadful relationship with his wife notwithstanding, Ivan Ilyich Golovin bangs his side while putting up curtains in a new apartment intended to reflect his family’s superior status in society. Within weeks, he has developed a strange taste in his mouth and a pain that will not go away. Numerous expensive doctors—friends of friends of friends—are visited in their surgeries or called to the judge’s bedside, but beyond muttering about blind gut and floating kidneys, they can neither explain nor treat his condition, and it soon becomes clear that Ivan Ilyich is dying.


A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, published in 1916, is the semi-autobiographical story of Stephen Dedalus, a young Irish writer and literary stand-in for James Joyce himself. Divided into five chapters, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man follows Stephen’s life from childhood through adolescence to the first flush of manhood. As Stephen matures through various family conflicts and periods of study at Jesuit schools, he begins to rebel against his family, his religion, and his nation. Finally, in order to establish himself as an individual and to find his identity as an artist, he seeks self-imposed exile in Paris.





