
Военная часть, три ангела и орды демонов перед лицом апокалипсиса Тот, чье имя не подлежит упоминанию, в своей хитрости предлагает Творцу земной Апокалипсис, чтобы раз и навсегда уточнить, кому будет принадлежать людской мир. Господь неожиданно соглашается, но при определенных условиях, и посылает архангелов Михаила и Гавриила на землю, чтобы следить за исполнением соглашения. Избранная ”контрольная группа”, сотрудники заправочной станции на шоссе, играют ведущую роль во время апокалипсиса, поэтому они попадают под особое внимание злых сил, а также архангелов, которые пытаются предотвратить любое нарушение правил договора со стороны конкурентов, с которыми у архангелов – и так забот полон рот. Армия, тщетно пытающаяся подавить вторжение сотен миллионов зверей из ада. Кто одержит верх, окажется ли зло сильнее ли добра, и удастся ли нашим героям с некоторой помощью ангелов разрушить все коварные ловушки сил зла и спасти человечество, – читайте в этом авантюрном эпическом романе.


Меган – подросток-экстрасенс, который не может найти никого, кто помог бы ей понять свои способности… никто из смертных. «Заблуждение» – это небольшой рассказ о растущем осознании одной молодой девушкой того, что она способна делать то, чего никто из ее семьи не может, хотя некоторые из ее школьных друзей утверждают, что у них такие же необычные экстрасенсорные способности. Девочку зовут Меган, и в этой первой книге ей двенадцать лет. У Меган есть две, казалось бы, непреодолимые проблемы. Во-первых, ее мать боится скрытых способностей дочери и не только не помогает ей, но и активно ей препятствует, а во-вторых, она не может найти учителя, который помог бы ей развить свои сверхъестественные, экстрасенсорные способности. Она пытается поговорить о них со своей матерью, но получает твердый отказ; она даже не осмеливается рассказать об этом своему отцу, так как знает, что ее мать не одобрит этого, и, в конечном счете, Меган никак не хочется ссориться со своей матерью. Она чувствует, что между ними обоими существует негласная связь. Возможно, это связь, которая существует между всеми матерями и их дочерьми. Но, возможно, все намного глубже. Кто знает, ведь сама Меган не знает себя достаточно хорошо? Единственное, что она знает, это то, что ее мать совсем не похожа на любящую мать дочери-подростка, чего от нее ожидают. Дочери-подростка, у которой есть свои переживания, которые ей хочется, нет, она должна обсудить с кем-то, кому она доверяет. Меган готова дать матери нужное время для преодоления страха перед паранормальными явлениями. Она может подождать и даже смириться с ужасными издевательствами, которым её подвергают втайне, без ведома отца. По крайней мере, – пока ещё может. «Заблуждение» – это первый из двадцати трех рассказов из этой серии книг о постоянном просветлении Меган, поскольку она находит людей, которые помогают ей понять, как лучше всего продолжить ее сверхъестественное, духовное и психическое развитие. Ведь ее нужно научить не только тому, на что она способна и как это делать, но и тому, в каких целях она должна использовать свои особые способности. Меган – хорошая девочка, поэтому казалось бы очевидным, что она будет склонна использовать свои силы во благо, но не всегда легко поступать правильно, даже зная, что правильно, а что нет. Эти истории о Меган понравятся всем, кто интересуется экстрасенсорными способностями, сверхъестественным и паранормальным, и кому от 10 до 100 лет.


En el primer libro de la Biblia, el Génesis, después del pecado original cometido por Adán y Eva, Dios antes de enviarlos lejos del Paraíso hace algo que explica el comportamiento inhumano y animalista del hombre. ”El Señor Dios hizo al hombre y a la mujer y los vistió con túnicas de pieles” . Dios viste al hombre con la piel de los animales y con este gesto la Biblia subraya lo que le sucedió al hombre después del pecado original. Su naturaleza original, primitiva, recibida de Dios, ha cambiado, se ha vestido con la naturaleza salvaje. Parece una regresión en el desarrollo. El hombre no sólo se parece a Dios, sino también… Ahora mismo estoy teniendo escalofríos… No quiero ni pensar… Pero, por desgracia, así es. ¡El hombre se ha disfrazado con la naturaleza de la serpiente! Ya hemos entendido que el hombre tiene dos tendencias en su corazón: la que se dirige hacia el bien y la que se dirige hacia el mal. ¡Lo que elegimos depende de nosotros! En la antigua Roma la tendencia a gobernar al pueblo, aparte del terror, también lo era: ”pan y juegos”, es decir, diversión y sensualidad. Los gobernantes, para calmar y satisfacer al pueblo, ocasionalmente organizaban juegos y ofrecían comida gratis. Este truco les permitió mantener a la gente bajo control, tranquila y ”satisfecha”. Para tener el control, repetían este truco de vez en cuando. ¡INTENTA IMAGINAR! ¡FUNCIONABA PERFECTAMENTE!


In Dolce riunione, il destino incontra la nostalgia. Jade non ha mai dimenticato il suo ex fidanzato, che l'ha lasciata per la sua carriera. Ma la ricetta di un grande amore funziona sempre. Cosa succede quando i due si incontrano di nuovo? Alex è sopraffatto e lo stress di essere il direttore legale di una grande banca ha preso il sopravvento. Quando decide di riflettere sulla sua vita, l'invito per la festa di fidanzamento di sua sorella sembra una buona occasione per tornare nella sua città natale e a una routine più tranquilla. Sembra anche l'occasione perfetta per una riunione…


Sette pianeti: in un sistema solare parallelo i popoli di sette pianeti fanno una corsa contro il tempo che deciderà le loro sorti. Il destino dei protagonisti si intreccia tra odio, amore e ambizione, tra scienza e mistero, nel tentativo di governare o liberare i popoli del sistema solare di Kic. Pianeti, razze e culture immaginarie e originali uniranno le loro forze in avventure fantastiche per contrastare il desiderio di egemonia di un affascinante nemico.


I thought that writing all my story in a book was the best tool to make Eva Mikula known even to those who believe they already know everything about me. I felt the need to appease my indignation and my anger for a truth never fully revealed by the Italian institutions and for having suffered yet another unjustified attack by those who still, despite my sentences of acquittal, from their privileged seat and after 26 years after the capture of a gang of criminal police, still claims to label me as responsible for all those mourning, uttering only phrases of hatred and contempt towards me, regardless of the effects that they continue to cause on my life. I have been fighting injustice since I was a child, I have to do it even as an adult, mine is a cruel destiny but I have no choice but to face life and my fears. It was 1991, a girl lost in the woods of life abandons her family. She seeks her way. She still does not know that a year later, it would take her to Italy where she will meet her big bad wolf. Alone, frightened and above all subjugated, she asks for help from a distant friend: “Help me!! There are captive girls, missing girls and cops involved!” Thus it was that the Italian police began to investigate the bad wolves, following the red herring on an alleged human trafficking. Thus begins the story of the true story of the capture of criminals known as ”the gang of the white one” who from 1987 to 1994 bloodied the streets of Emilia Romagna and Marche, killing 24 people, injuring 103. It seems incredible that for seven long years the hunters could not find the bad wolves. It took Little Red Riding Hood, the girl from the fairy tale of Charles Perrault and the Brothers Grimm, to show the right way in the dark undergrowth of justice. In fact, the end of the band bears the indelible signature of Eva Mikula, a nineteen year old Hungarian-Romanian girl who for all was the woman of the boss. She challenged dangerous men, unscrupulous killers. She also challenged the power nestled in the buildings which wanted and still wants to teach the truth. Yet it was thanks to her meticulous testimony, rendered thanks to an unshakable memory, that all members of the gang were arrested, putting an end to their criminal enterprises, thus saving other innocent lives. Could it have been her deep knowledge of the truth that actually made her an expendable pawn from that system that first used her and then, in fact, abandoned her? So far, the story of a fact read in the newspapers and heard on TV. But who is Eva Mikula really? What was her life like before the encounter with the ferocious wolf? How did the community reciprocate her gesture that exposed her to grave risk and danger, now more timely than ever awaiting the next end of sentence? In short, has Eva finally come out of the woods? Who knows… maybe by writing this book she will finally free herrself from the stinging brambles and wild beasts that populate the forest.


Seven Planets: in a parallel solar system, the people from seven different planets engage in a race against time that will decide their fate. The main characters’ destinies are intertwined with hatred, love and ambition, in an attempt to either govern or free the people of the KIC solar system. Imaginary and unique planets, races and cultures will get together in fantastic adventures in order to fight against their charming enemy's thirst for power.


Rio de Janeiro of beauties and counterpoints. A driver runs over a man who was stuck on the road. A teenager is shot inside a bus in broad daylight. Apparently, everything is weird, but no. Everyone meets in a hospital, where criminals transit freely. A journalist unveils a plot beyond what she imagines, when she falls in love with the last romantic boy in town. A perverted policeman, the good life enjoy the world woman, the drug dealer to the powered people, the intellectual from the community, a more than kind nurse and a poor rich old lady are among the twenty-four elements of an exciting thriller. From the streets to a carioca hospital, people who frequent the headlines of everyday life and the potholes of a metropolis: a florist shot on a bus in borad day light, the killer buried in Rocinha, a well-meaning doctor, a police officer obsessed with a drug trafficking financier , a nymphomaniac nurse, an intellectual from the community, an exotic oncologist and an enigmatic Brazilian woman who squanders money in Europe. More than suspense, sensuality, psychological games and violence, White Squad is a thriller where you're the only one to have fun. After her father's hit-and-run, a young journalist enters a plot larger than she imagined, involving multifaceted criminals around her.


Year 2178, the Sky Project is about to begin. Sir Jonathan will use the Time-Space Translator to go and take Jesus in the year 30 and bring him to his time, he wants to give him the perfect world that he was unable to create two thousand years earlier. Sir Jonathan has chosen Nicole as Jesus' companion, Jesus, the ferocious tyrant of a distant alien civilization, was exiled and fell with his spaceship on planet Earth. All he would like is to return to his planet to take revenge on the revolutionaries who exterminated his family, but after meeting John the Baptist, the difficult path of redemption will begin that will lead him to climb the cross in the name of Love. All this while Judas 1091 struggles to defend himself from the intrigues of power that upset his life and The Sect plots to bring down the civilization of the Year 2178. Jude 1091 is an ordinary citizen of the year 2178. He has a small daughter, Jodie, and his wife Nicole is expecting their second child. Planet Earth has been cured of almost all its ills, Judas lives in an age where there are no delinquencies or diseases and everyone has a home and a job. The Power is managed by a caste of lay priests, who administer it according to simple rules dictated by the Bible and pass on the title by descent. It would all seem simple and beautiful, but under that crust of perfection and false well-being there is a thread of intrigue, mystery, and falsehood. The most powerful of the priests, Sir Jonathan, carries on the Sky Project in great secrecy: one of his scientists has almost completed the construction of the time machine, he dreams of using it to go and take Jesus in the year 30 and take him with him, to give him the world that he was unable to create two thousand years earlier. In that way, Sir Jonathan will be eternally glorified because he will be able to break down the antennas that keep citizens under a continuous state of hypnosis, giving them the freedom to put them in front of God himself. Jesus was the ferocious tyrant of an extraterrestrial civilization, he was exiled and his spaceship fell to Earth. Through the cloning of his own memory on a spermatozoon he was able to be reborn in human form, after having abandoned his original body upon death. He would like to see the time necessary to recharge the spaceship's solar batteries pass quickly, to be able to return to his planet and take revenge on those who exterminated his family. But thanks to the meeting with John the Baptist, who will lead him to conversion, he will atone for the sins committed in the other life and will try with a thousand doubts to teach love to men. He will fight ardently and will climb the cross. Fred is the best friend of Judas, unbeknownst to him he is the head of the Sect, a revolutionary group. He is the only one who, thanks to his grandfather, knows of the existence of antennas. He wants to destroy them to make men free, to do so he is preparing a group of citizens to lead to the revolt. Sir Jonathan has identified in Nicole, wife of Judas, the perfect woman who must be the companion of Jesus. By joining in marriage they will give rise to a divine lineage, destined to rule the world over the centuries. Nicole, by means of a staging conceived by Sir Jonathan and his collaborators, pretends to be dead. In doing so he saves Judas and Jodie from the lethal blackmail of which they are unwittingly the object. After having also taken his daughter from him, however, Sir Jonathan decides to hibernate Judas because he fears that he may discover the deception. Freddy, who is also a member of the Hibernation Unit, warns him. He kidnaps the girl and escapes aboard one of the time machines. Thus a whirlwind of chases and betrayals, fights and revolutions is born, which develop through time and space. Judas ends in the year 30, there he meets Jesus and joins him to protect him, but due to yet another blackmail by Sir Jonathan he will be forced to hand him over to the Romans. At that point he will have to do everything to save him, otherwise history will repeat itself indefinitely. And so, in parallel between the year 30 and the twenty-second century, the final clashes will take place, the outcomes of which will be uncertain until the last.


She's a wedding planner in love with love. She loves seeing couples get married and commit to each other and longs for her own romantic wedding day someday. He's a divorce lawyer who doesn't believe in love. He sees couples as opportunities to make money with prenups before their weddings and as potential repeat business when and if they divorce. Their initial meeting goes from attraction to dislike of one another at a wedding that turns into an unbelievable disaster for her. When they meet again in the future will they be able to put the past behind them and find love together, or will some opposites never be attracted to each other? VIOLA I’m in love with love and I love couples who are in love. They are my bread and butter after all but that’s not why I love them. There’s something so magical to see a couple choose to go into the future together, to face life’s challenges together, and rise above it all to come out on the other side stronger and more in love than ever before. I love it so much that I became a wedding planner. Watching couples young and old committing their lives to each other is something that’s just so special. No couple is the same. There’s something different about all of them that makes each one special. I never get tired of seeing couples stare lovingly into each other’s eyes as they plan, prepare and execute their wedding ceremony pledging their undying love to one another for the rest of their lives. I haven’t got there yet myself but watching other couples keeps my dream of finding Mr. Right alive. But life doesn’t always see things the way we dream of them turning out. It sure didn’t see it my way when he crossed my path. RICK I don’t believe in love. If it really exists why are there so many broken relationships and people in the world? Not that I care… about the broken relationships I mean. After all, they are my bread and butter. And those events called weddings are my hunting ground. After all, people lay the foundation for the demise of their marriage before they’re even married. Prenups and all sorts of agreements are designed to protect their wealth and their assets and force others to stay with them even when they don’t want to anymore. Weddings give couples the right to punish each other when they don’t want to be together anymore for whatever reason. So, when anyone tells you that it starts with a wedding they’re wrong. It starts with a lawyer. And if it ends… well, it ends with a lawyer too. Funny that. Often the people that I work for before their wedding, come knocking on my door a few years down the line. Repeat business. So, love is great and it is for me but just not for me if you get what I mean. When I met the wedding planner she was incensed at the thought that we might collaborate. Other planners have no issue with it. Why she should have, I don’t get it. Normally I would just walk away but the universe seems to have other plans…