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Все книги издательства Tektime S.r.l.s.Аннотация
quand un pari implique le cœur, il peut y avoir beaucoup à gagner… mais aussi beaucoup à perdre. Emily Crowford pensait que sa vie était tout à fait planifiée. Elle était la première ballerine du corps de ballet de la ville et elle avait tout ce que toute fille pouvait désirer : le succès, l'argent, le talent et un beau fiancé, considéré par tous comme une bonne prise. Elle n'aurait jamais imaginé que sa vie prendrait un tel tournant et que tout ce qu'elle tenait pour acquis lui glisserait soudain entre les doigts. Pour changer sa vie, Emily Crowford avait besoin de mourir. Et, à sa place, naquit Blanche Deluxe, showgirl et star de Bluebells, l'un des plus grands showhouses de Vegas. Elle a utilisé son corps pour séduire et divertir le public mais, en privé, elle a érigé des barrières pour empêcher quiconque de s'approcher d'elle, pour protéger son cœur. Lorsque Tyler Williams, le charmant propriétaire de l'hôtel-casino, a vu la mystérieuse showgirl pour la première fois, il a été submergé par la luxure. C'était un défi que Tyler aimerait bien gagner et il était prêt à parier gros pour être sûr de la mettre dans son lit, pour son plaisir. Ce qu'il ne savait pas, c'est que lorsqu'un pari implique le cœur, il peut y avoir beaucoup à gagner… mais aussi beaucoup à perdre.
Une douce romance contemporaine de vacances avec des éléments paranormaux mineurs. Josephine Locke has always been unlucky in love, in life, and definitely in finances. On the cusp of eviction and newly unemployed, she inherits a bookstore in the sleepy little town of Little Comfort, Massachusetts in the wake of her aunt's death. However, strange occurrences in the store make her wonder if her aunt's ghost is trying to send her a message. But ghosts aren't real…right? Brett Jacobs fills his lonely nights by working as a bartender. He's instantly drawn to Jo when she arrives in town a week before Christmas, even though she doesn't notice him—at first. When troubling events take place, his need to protect her becomes equally as strong as his desire to kiss her. But she doesn't seem to want either from him. As Christmas approaches, their attraction for each other becomes impossible to ignore, and the lure of the holiday festivities and a kiss under the mistletoe might very well bring them together. Will danger lurking in their midst keep them apart? They may just need a Christmas miracle.
“这虽是一本书,但可以成为一部好莱坞电影”– 知名时尚杂志《大都会》 (COSMOPOLITAN,巴西) “这虽是一本书,但可以成为一部好莱坞电影”– 知名时尚杂志《大都会》( COSMOPOLITAN,巴西)。《坠入爱河》:玛丽安娜·科斯塔过着美好的生活,她有很棒的朋友,与家人很亲近,并且为一家国际知名的时尚杂志 Be 做着梦想中的工作。只是有一个问题…她疯狂地爱上一个既不属于她的级别,又完全高不可攀的男人:她的老板。卡洛斯·爱德华多自信、性感、成熟。他与超模约会,并成功地运营一家杂志。他的生活无可挑剔;或者说曾经是这样,直到他承认对最不可能钟情的对象产生了感情。他的助理聪颖、性感,满足了他对女人的所有想象 – 可是,她不仅长得一点都不像他经常约会的女人,而且她还是他的雇员,因而没办法亲密接触。可是,与她接触似乎是他无法抗拒的一件事。在办公室外面,卡杜和玛丽探索温柔与激情,但是他们来自完全不同的世界。当这些世界发生碰撞,不仅威胁他们脆弱的联系纽带,而且他们一起工作的杂志也可能受到破坏。这时,他们必须做出决定,坠入爱河是否值得他们不顾一切地豁出去。
Една сладка и пълна с вълшебства история за Коледа и вторите шансове. Самуел, по-известен като Самука е автор на фантастични романи. Внезапно неговият живот се преобръща с главата надолу. Сред всичките проблеми, с които трябва да се справи, той трябва да предаде ръкописа на своята книга до Коледа, но той е изпаднал в творчески блокаж. За да му помогне в тази задача издателят му му осигурява много луда асистентка, с която трябва да живеят до крайния срок. За петнадесет дни, придружен от Габриела, Самука ще се отправи на пътешествие в което ще се изправи пред най-големите си страхове и ще има силата да промени живота си. Той само няма да може да си представи колко много…
À la mort de son grand-père, Johnny hérite d’une demeure ancienne, presque en ruines : le Manoir de Mondello. Son avocat, Angelo, ancien camarade de sorties et meilleur ami à l’époque du lycée, lié à lui par mille souvenirs potaches et embarrassants, lui conseille de tout vendre et de tenter d’en retirer le maximum. Mais Johnny se sent irrésistiblement attaché à cette vieille construction et ne veut y renoncer pour rien au monde. Bien au contraire, il abandonnera son travail et sa maison pour donner vie à un projet auquel personne ne semble croire. Entre les obstacles bureaucratiques et un problème économique à résoudre, Angelo et Johnny commenceront à revivre les moments qui les avaient liés jeunes et finiront par se sentir attirés l’un par l’autre. Aucun des deux ne semblera comprendre, mais ce sera l’atmosphère magique des plages du Manoir de Mondello qui révèlera aux deux hommes la clé de leur destin. Dans ce roman, le protagoniste, Johnny, et son frère Alex, héritent de leur grand-père d’une demeure en ruines : le Manoir de Mondello. La lecture du testament sera confiée à Angelo, ex-compagnon de classe de Johnny et meilleur ami à l’époque du lycée. Alors qu’Angelo et Alex plaident pour vendre et en tirer un bénéfice, Johnny voit dans la propriété une façon de se réapproprier ses propres racines et poursuivre le rêve brisé de son grand-père défunt. Angelo finira par aider Johnny dans ce qu’il considère comme une aventure folle, modérant les rapports avec son frère, Alex, et servant de lien entre eux. Peu à peu, les protagonistes revivront les souvenirs qui les avaient étrangement liés plus jeunes, et découvriront que la relation loyale, passionnée et tendre qui les unissait a un nom : l’amour. Alors qu’ils rénovent le Manoir de Mondello, apprendre à ne pas en avoir honte sera le continuum de l’œuvre.
Un día serás feliz pero, primero, la vida te enseñará a ser fuerte. Una novela intensa, cargada de emociones fuertes, con un ritmo moderado. Una historia de violencia doméstica, de abusos psicológicos que os estrujarán el estómago. Misia, una mujer joven y su vida monocromática que paso a paso se teñirá cada vez más de negro, un negro que habla de tristeza, de miedo, de luto. Y en una escalada de violencia, cuando la situación parecerá convertirse en irreparable, imposible de soportar, la solución parecerá sólo una… Pero la vida, a veces, consigue sorprender y si bien esto no representará una recompensa equitativa por los males sufridos, quizás con el tiempo conseguirá mitigar los recuerdos, debilitando las asperezas vivas y abriendo una inesperada brecha de luz. Cada una de nosotras se merece una vida de colores, merece ser finalmente artífice de su propio destino, sin sucumbir jamás, para ser finalmente libre de amar y de amarse.
Um mistério ambientado na costa de Lancashire no noroeste da Inglaterra. John ”Slim” Hardy, alcoólatra e soldado desonrado que virou um detetive atrapalhado, é contratado para investigar Ted Douglas, um bancário de investimentos que foge do trabalho toda sexta para visitar uma enseada desolada na costa de Lancashire. Lá, ele anda até a praia, abre um velho livro, e começa a ler em voz alta. Sua esposa acha que ele está tendo um caso. Slim acha que ele é louco. A verdade é mais incrível do que ambos podem imaginar. O Homem à Beira Mar é o sensacional primeiro romance de Jack Benton, uma história clássica de amor, traição, assassinato e intriga.
Sudden disappearances worry inhabitants of Trioria, a little town in the Ligurian inland. Caterina Ruggeri, police chief, will have to shed light on the mysterious crimes by going back up to four centuries before: the murder of a witch seems to be hiding the causes of an esoteric vendetta. After being for several years responsible for the Dogs' Unit of the State Police, Caterina Ruggeri, Law graduate, is appointed Police Chief and assigned to the Police District in Imperia. The newly appointed Police Chief, having just arrived at her new working place, will find herself involved in a thorny investigation, during which she'll have to face people linked to an esoteric sect, in a town, that is witches' place par excellence: Triora. Starting from the finding of a burnt woman's body, at the end of the operations of extinguishing a wood fire, Doctor Ruggeri, helped by her vice, Inspector Giampieri, an ex soldier expert in informations technology and sport cars' driver, will have to extend her investigation to occurrences that had happened in those places in far away times. Important protagonist of the adventure is Doctor Ruggeri's dog, Furia, her loyal Springer Spaniel, matchless trail searcher, that in more than in one occasion will be of precious help.
No one could have told me, and if they had, I would not have believed them, that I would be a writer, considering how difficult it was for me to read as a child. No one could have told me, and if they had, I would not have believed them, that I would be a writer, considering how difficult it was for me to read as a child. Despite this, circumstances had forced me to this profession, since having as much time as I had now, locked up for life, I wouldn't have much else to do. It is true that some prisoners were engaged in exercising in the yard, and besides studying in the library, the weakest of them took training courses, but all of them have something that I do not have, an ideal to fight for and move forward. With a sentence of a few months or even years, it is easy to think that the preparation will serve them well for something, and that it will be easier to make a living outside this prison, but in my case, with the certainty that I will never step outside again, what's the point of getting ready?
A night of passion wreaks havoc in the life and career of Loreley, a young New York lawyer grappling with a delicate court case and what seems to be an obvious outcome. To discover the truth, the woman decides to infiltrate an ambiguous environment, where she will discover another side of herself. Several characters revolve around the protagonist: an old love, family, friends, colleagues, but above all Sonny, a pianist and composer still bound to his past. Some of them remain true to themselves, others hide behind crystal masks that the rapid and relentless succession of events ends up smashing to pieces. A night of passion creates havoc in the life and career of Loreley, a young New York lawyer grappling with a delicate court case and what seems to be an obvious outcome. To discover the truth, the woman decides to infiltrate an ambiguous environment, where she will discover another side of herself. Several characters revolve around the protagonist: an old love, family, friends, colleagues, but above all Sonny, a pianist and composer still bound to his past. Some of them remain true to themselves, others hide behind crystal masks that the rapid and relentless succession of events ends up smashing to pieces.