
Полный вариант заголовка: «The secret history of the court of Berlin : Vol. 1 : or the character of the present King of Prussia, his ministers, generals, courtiers, favourites, and the Royal family of Prussia : with numerous anecdotes of the potentates of Europe, aspecially of the late Frederic II. and interesting picture of the state of politics, particularly in Prussia, Russia, Germany, and Holland : in a series of letters, translated from the French : a posthumous work / to which is added a memorial, presented to the present King of Prussia, on the day of his accession to the throne by count Mirabeau».


Полный вариант заголовка: «Travels to discover the source of the Nile : Vol. 4 : in the years 1768, 1769, 1770, 1771, 1772, and 1773 : in 5 volumes / by James Bruce of Kinnaird».


Полный вариант заголовка: «Voyage de deux Francais en Allemagne, Danemarck, Suede, Russie et Pologne, fait en 1790-1792. Tome 1. Allemagne et Danemarck».


Полный вариант заголовка: «Cours de morale religieuse. Tome 1 / par M. Necker».


Полный вариант заголовка: «Trattato delle piante & immagine de sacri edifizi di Terra Santa : stampate in Roma e di nuovo ristampate dalli stesso autore in piu piccola forma, aggiuntovi la strada dolorosa, & altre figure / disegnate in Ierusalemme secondo le regole della prospettiva & vera misura della lor grandezza dal R.P.F. Bernardino».


Полный вариант заголовка: «Tactik oder Theorie des Geschaftsganges in deliberirenden Volksstandeversammlungen / von Jeremias Bentham ; nach dessen hinterlassenen Papieren bearbeitet von St. Dumont».



Полный вариант заголовка: «A journey through Persia, Armenia, and Asia minor, to Constantinople, in the years 1808 and 1809 : in which is included, some account of the proceedings of His Majesty's mission, under Sir Harford Jones, to the court of the King of Persia : with 25 engravings from the designs of the author, a plate of inscriptions / by James Morier ; and 3 maps, from the observations of captain James Sutherland, and 2 drawn by Mr. Morier, and major Rennell».


Полный вариант заголовка: «A second journey through Persia, Armenia, and Asia minor, to Constantinople, in the years 1810 and 1816 : with a journal of the voyage by the Brazils and Bombay to the Persian Gulf : together with an account of the proceedings of His Majesty's embassy under His Excellency Sir Gore Ouseley : with 2 maps, and engravings from the designs of the author / by James Morier».


Полный вариант заголовка: «Voyages de Corneille Le Bruyn par la Moscovie, en Perse, et aux Index orientales : Tome 5 : ouvrage enrichi d'un grand nombre de figures en taille-douce, des plus curieuses : le tout dessine d'apres nature sur les lieux : on у a ajoute la route qu'a suivie Mr. Isbrants, ambassadeur de Moscovie, en traversant la Russie & la Tartarie, pour se rendre a la Chine : et quelques remarques contre M. Chardin & Kempfer : avec une lettre ecrite a l'auteur sur ce sujet, & l'extrait d'un voyage de Mr. des Mouceaux, qui n'avoit point encore ete imprime». Примечание: книга с непронумерованными иллюстрациями.