
Organize your life the simple, painless way with Evernote! Evernote makes it easy to remember things big and small using your computer, smartphone, or the web. If you can see it or think of it, Evernote can help you remember it! Now you can type a text note, clip a web page, snap a photo, or grab a screenshot and Evernote will keep it all. Through Evernote, you can tap into a free suite of software and services designed to make note taking and archiving simple. Now you'll be able to easily capture any moment, idea, inspiration, or experience no matter what device or platform you are using. The Second Edition of this bestselling book is revised throughout to cover the latest features, updates, and enhancements made to Evernote! Follow the simple steps to quickly register and set up your Evernote account Discover how easy it is to move and organize notes Access all your information on your computer, the web, smartphone, tablet, or e-reader Explore Evernote's open scripting and explore how to be an Evernote developer Evernote For Dummies, 2nd Edition is the ideal reference to help you take control of your life and get organized with Evernote. This handy guide makes it a breeze use Evernote to store, organize, and access practically anything, everywhere.


Sunday Times #1 bestseller and long-awaited follow-up to the #1 bestselling Stop Talking, Start Doing You can think big or you can think small, it all starts in the mind. What have you got to lose? If you aim for the stars you might just get there. Sometimes it pays off to think BIG and Richard Newton is here to get us thinking on a bigger scale than we ever imagined. With the right thinking tools and the right approach you can release your inspiration and creativity, reset your ambition and direct your attention to the things that truly matter to you. And that can change your life. Short and punchy with quick tips and inspiring graphics, The Little Book of Thinking Big will have your imagination, creativity and determination firing on all cylinders. You'll come away with a set of BIG goals to fuel and drive your BIG life. Here’s where it starts. This is a reset button. Push it. Think bigger.


If you can change education, you can change the world Edupreneur gives teachers the "how." You already know what needs to be done to improve education, but you may lack the support and processes to bring it to life—and that's where this book comes in. You'll walk through the four stages of innovation—dreaming, digging, making and sharing—and learn how to unleash ground-shaking change from the classroom up. Straightforward, highly practical and kick-in-the-pants inspirational, this book is your new companion for making education work. You'll read about passionate teachers who have raised attendance from 40% to 90%; you'll read about principals who took on the worst-performing schools and turned them around; you'll read about leaders who had the courage to take the reins of a school and turn it from good to great—and you'll learn how they did it and how you're entirely capable of the same kind of revolutionary change. This is a book not just for challenging schools, but for all educators who are passionate about providing a great education for every student, every day. Administrators, academics and politicians can debate endlessly about how to "fix our schools," ignoring the fact that their best innovators and catalysts of change are already right there in the classroom. You have plenty of ideas, so here's your license to make them happen. Edupreneur will help teachers in all schools to: Identify ways to improve day-to-day practice Overcome the challenges that hamper progress Create new solutions that sidestep old roadblocks Collaborate with similarly forward-thinking educators Imagine what education could look like if teachers were practically equipped to bring exciting new ideas to the classroom every day. Edupreneur helps you be that kind of teacher you've always wanted to be, with a clear framework for truly bringing on the change.


As featured on The Project (Channel Ten), A Current Affair (Channel 9), ABC Radio and in Money Magazine. Stop giving your money away! You work hard for your money, and you work even harder to set and keep a budget that makes the most of it. But when tax time arrives, do you feel shorted on your return? Nearly everyone has to pay taxes, but the government is only entitled to so much of your money. You might be letting them keep hundreds or even thousands of dollars that rightfully belong to you. No matter what your accounting habits have been so far, you can still claim what's yours. 101 Ways to Save Money on Your Tax—Legally! 2014 – 2015 is your ultimate guide to maximising your return. Author Adrian Raftery, a.k.a. Mr. Taxman, is Australia's leading personal taxation expert. In the book, Raftery provides the information you need to get back every single dollar you're entitled to, plus tips and tricks that help you get the most out of deductions related to: You, your family, and your property Education, employment, and small business Investment property, shares, and superannuation Special circumstances, including medical expenses and levies The book also contains advice on related matters, including tax-effective investments, tax planning, and how to find a great accountant. All information has been updated to reflect tax law changes wrought by the May 2014 budget. If you're tired of paying too much tax and seeing too little return, 101 Ways to Save Money on Your Tax—Legally! 2014 – 2015 is your comprehensive guide to putting things right, starting now.


A guide to promoting literacy in the digital age With young children gaining access to a dizzying array of games, videos, and other digital media, will they ever learn to read? The answer is yes—if they are surrounded by adults who know how to help and if they are introduced to media designed to promote literacy, instead of undermining it. Tap, Click, Read gives educators and parents the tools and information they need to help children grow into strong, passionate readers who are skilled at using media and technology of all kinds—print, digital, and everything in between. In Tap, Click, Read authors Lisa Guernsey and Michael H. Levine envision a future that is human-centered first and tech-assisted second. They document how educators and parents can lead a new path to a place they call 'Readialand'—a literacy-rich world that marries reading and digital media to bring knowledge, skills, and critical thinking to all of our children. This approach is driven by the urgent need for low-income children and parents to have access to the same 21st-century literacy opportunities already at the fingertips of today's affluent families.With stories from homes, classrooms and cutting edge tech labs, plus accessible translation of new research and compelling videos, Guernsey and Levine help educators, parents, and America's leaders tackle the questions that arise as digital media plays a larger and larger role in children's lives, starting in their very first years of life. Tap, Click, Read includes an analysis of the exploding app marketplace and provides useful information on new review sites and valuable curation tools. It shows what to avoid and what to demand in today's apps and e-books—as well as what to seek in community preschools, elementary schools and libraries. Peppered with the latest research from fields as diverse as neuroscience and behavioral economics and richly documented examples of best practices from schools and early childhood programs around the country, Tap, Click, Read will show you how to: Promote the adult-child interactions that help kids grow into strong readers Learn how to use digital media to build a foundation for reading and success Discover new tools that open up avenues for creativity, critical thinking, and knowledge-building that today's children need The book's accompanying website keeps you updated on new research and provides vital resources to help parents, schools and community organizations.


A practical step-by-step approach to hiring the right person. Every hiring manager knows that the traditional hiring and interviewing process is a poor tool for predicting organizational fit and future on-the-job success. Behavioral interviewing can improve your chances of picking the right candidate two to five times over traditional processes. It focuses on how the candidate works rather than on skills, qualifications, and impressions. The Talent Edge shows how you can develop a concrete understanding of what your own top performers do differently than the majority of their peers, and how to translate that knowledge into a better hiring system. While using case studies from organizations that have successfully transformed their hiring practices, the book articulates the business case for a Behavioral Interviewing system, and provides a roadmap for implementing it. Comprehensive coverage includes: how to write job profiles and translate them into questions and answers that can be used in the interview; how to prepare for the interview, ask questions, and probe for the right information. The book also offers advice on how behaviors that are defined and proven to be useful in the hiring process can be incorporated into performance management, career development, and succession planning.


Я думала, что три года назад сожгла все мосты, связывающие меня с прошлым. Но! Алекс Реар снова ворвался в мою жизнь за пару часов до свадьбы и перевернул все с ног на голову. Его цели неясны, объяснения лживы, зато методы шантажа весьма действенны. У меня нет другого выхода, как, бросив все, отправиться вместе с ним в неизвестность. Алекс пообещал, что после дела оставит меня в покое, но я знаю – это тоже обман. К несчастью, мой бывший напарник – отъявленный мерзавец и эгоист – имеет надо мной необъяснимую власть. Вот только… теперь я готова на все, чтобы изба-виться от него раз и навсегда.


Книга посвящена истории археологической мысли в России второй половины XIX – первой трети XX в. Идеи, представления и подходы ученых-археологов рассматриваются в ней на широком историческом фоне, в контексте событий, происходивших в сферах политики, философии, экономики и т. д. История научных идей органично сочетается в книге с историей людей, двигавших науку вперед. Привлечение широкого круга новых архивных источников позволило автору пере смотреть целый ряд устоявшихся стереотипов отечественной историографии. Книга рассчитана на специалистов – археологов и историков, студентов гуманитарных факультетов, а также на широкий круг читателей, интересующихся проблемами отечественной археологии и истории.


В книге показывается развитие культуры верхнего палеолита центральных районов Русской равнины. Исследование опирается на результаты типологического анализа каменных индустрий, пространственной структуры, а также произведений искусства малых форм позднепалеолитических памятников Подесенья. Основная проблема, рассматриваемая в монографии, – соотношение преемственности и вариабельности в развитии материальной культуры верхнепалеолитических памятников бассейна Десны и Среднего Поднепровья. Публикуются материалы недавно открытых стоянок, относящихся к ранней поре верхнего палеолита. Поселения средней и поздней поры верхнего палеолита рассматриваются в рамках таких феноменов, как восточный граветт и восточный эпиграветт. Постулируется преемственность в развитии материальной культуры между граветтскими и эпиграветтскими стоянками. Показан процесс дезинтеграции общего культурного контекста восточного граветта на локальные варианты, который происходит в позднюю пору верхнего палеолита. Одновременно рассматривается развитие в течение средней и поздней поры верхнего палеолита специфической культурной традиции, результатом которой стало сооружение костно-земляных конструкций, традиционно интерпретируемых как остатки жилищ аносовско-мезинского типа.


Для нее любовь – потеря смысла жизни, для него – конец бессмертия. Огненная ворожея Йанта и служащий морскому богу ярл Фьялбъерн уверены, что смогут избегнуть любви, заменив ее наслаждением. Но когда страсть так сильна, что северное море закипает, а в душах богов поселяется страх, голос рассудка смолкает и начинает говорить сердце.