
Wade Collins has longed for revenge on the spoiled rich girl who toyed with his affections.So he blackmails her back into his bed; if she bears his child, he’ll forgive her debt. The proposal is unthinkable, unimaginable…yet not entirely unappealing.Long ago Piper Mitchell’s passionate affair with her father’s protégé ended in disaster. Now, in spite of his attitude, she’s thrilled to begin it anew – especially if she can get love on her terms.


A forbidden attraction in Paradise!Shipwrecked off the coast of Barbados, pirate hunter William Greenacre is ready to surrender to the seductive pull of the sea when an angelic figure dives to his rescue. Except this angel is none other than Mia Del Torres – and she’s a wanted woman!To escape imprisonment Mia must set sail with Will on his mission of revenge and help track down her brother, the formidable Captain Jorge Del Torres. By rights she should hate Will, and yet below deck their passion ignites. But, when the hunters become the hunted, will their newly forged connection be enough to save them both?


CARLY ALDERSON THOUGHT SHE HAD IT ALL…Until her divorce was finalized. She' d been trying to figure out how her carefully planned out life had gone off track–and then she met a wonderful man. Only, Bo Conway was everything wealthy Carly wasn' t looking for: A regular guy. A carpenter. And a smart, sexy man who took her breath away with a single glance.Bo had learned the hard way never to fall for a society woman, the type who wanted to mold him into something he was not. But sweet, beautiful Carly has him breaking all his rules….


Everyone says Kathleen Monroe is perfect–the perfect wife, the perfect hostess, the perfect mother.But after a lifetime of practice, Kathleen is beginning to wonder if perfectionism is a good thing. After all, it didn't help her marriage and might just have led to her daughter's illness. And if those aren't enough reasons for her to doubt her priorities, then meeting Logan Carr should be.Logan's great. He's kind, patient and nothing like her first husband. But to Kathleen, he's far from perfect….


Deception Kept Them Apart…But this time Dan Ashburn was here to stay. Judith Avetonw as ready to marry the ever-virtuous and popular Charles Truscott–until her former lover stormed back into her life! Six years ago, her stepmother's vicious lies had forced Judith to refuse Dan's proposal and send him away. And now his cold stare told her that he was beyond forgiving and had forgotten nothing. Though his return confused her, she began to see that Dan's intentions were far from virtuous. But to resist him would be the ultimate betrayal of her own deepest desires!


Jacques Querruel appeared regularly in society magazines with a string of women. When he decided that he wanted shy, sexy Holly Stanton as his personal assistant, it was a fait accompli!Holly fully intended not to be swept off her feet. But working long hours by Jacques's side, she was bombarded with temptation! And mixing business with pleasure was Jacques's specialty…!


The last person she expected to see at her husband's funeral was his wife!But having learned her husband apparently bought his engagement rings in bulk, Penny Reynolds is shocked out of her well-ordered world. She can't bring herself to hate his «wife,» Susan, or toss his amazing piano-playing dog (another surprise) out on his rump. Still, she can get answers as to why her hubby led his secret life. All it takes is a little persuading before she and Susan embark on the trip of a lifetime with Harvey the Wonder Dog in tow.As the two travel the show-dog circuit, Penny learns not just how to teach the dog to sing «The Star-Spangled Banner,» but also how to let go. She finds her answers (some less welcome than others). But thanks to her ex's legacy and Harvey's «amazing» trainer, Penny's ready to run with whatever curveball life throws at her!


Mail-Order Bride Phoebe Gray Should Have Come Stamped «Handle With Care»Guarding dynamite in a lightning storm would be easier than guiding this one willful redhead all the way west, Gabe Cutter fumed. Yet his Pinkertonhoned instincts told him he needed to uncover her secrets–and fast! For she was definitely not what she claimed to be!Fate had given her a reprieve–and «Phoebe Gray» couldn't waste it on some hard-boiled trail boss with pain in his past and trouble in his future. Still, when she'd switched identities with her companion, she never imagined she'd be hand-delivered into the undreamed passion of Gabe Cutter's loving arms!


Helen Schaefer isn't getting marriedThat's what she's decided, anyway–because she simply can't stand to think she could love and lose again. After the death of her husband, she let her daughter down terribly and she's not about to risk hurting Ginny a second time.Meeting widower Alec Fraser–who's still dealing with his own grief–isn't enough to change her mind…at first. But after Helen spends some time with him, she starts to realize how much they have in common. Is it possible that Alec might want to have a relationship without commitment? And what will she do if he doesn't?


Sit. Stay. Roll over. Good boy.Well, these commands worked for the puppy. Unfortunately, Audrey Graham’s new boss was not so easily tamed. After a difficult year, she needed to get back on track and accepting a job as “dog nanny” for millionaire businessman Simon Collier was the first step.But Simon, like the incorrigible puppy he’d bought for his young daughter, had a mind of his own. He was gorgeous, sexy and got what he wanted – and he wanted Audrey. Could Audrey really hold out against his irresistible charm – and did she really want to?