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The Mr. Men have been tickling children for generations with their funny and charming antics. The Mr Men for Grown-Ups series now gives adults the chance to laugh along as the Mr Men and Little Miss try to cope with the very grown-up world around them. Featuring Roger Hargreaves classic artwork alongside hilariously funny new text.Mr Happy is usually a very happy fellow. But the morning after the office party, he doesn't feel so happy. In fact, he loses his smile. It couldn’t be that bad, could it?The perfect book for anyone who has ever been to a work party and lived to tell the tale.Also available in The Mr Men for Grown-Ups series:Little Miss Shy Goes Online Dating, Mr Greedy Eats Clean to Get Lean and Little Miss Busy Surviving Motherhood.
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Автор произведения Liz Bankes
Жанр Юмористические стихи
Серия Mr. Men for Grown-ups
The Mr. Men have been tickling children for generations with their funny and charming antics. The Mr Men for Grown-Ups series now gives adults the chance to laugh along as the Mr Men and Little Miss try to cope with the very grown-up world around them. Featuring Roger Hargreaves classic artwork alongside hilariously funny new text.Little Miss Busy hadn't always been so busy. She used to enjoy lazy weekends and leisurely lie-ins. But then she had kids. Now her life is a constant juggle of demands and pressure to be the perfect mum. How does Little Miss Busy do it?The perfect book for anyone who has ever faced the trials and tribulations of the wonderful and exasperating world of parenthood.Also available The Mr Men for Grown-Ups series:Mr Greedy Eats Clean to Get Lean, Little Miss Shy Goes Online Dating and Mr Happy and the Office Party.
Информация о книге
Автор произведения Liz Bankes
Жанр Юмористические стихи
Серия Mr. Men for Grown-ups
The Mr. Men have been tickling children for generations with their funny and charming antics. The Mr Men for Grown-Ups series now gives adults the chance to laugh along as the Mr Men and Little Miss try to cope with the very grown-up world around them. Featuring Roger Hargreaves classic artwork alongside hilariously funny new text.Little Miss Shy likes being single and loves nothing more than staying in with a good book. But her mother feels quite differently and she reluctantly decides to give online dating a try. Will one of the Mr Men be her Mr Right?The perfect book for anyone who has ever been part of the dating pool, reluctantly or not.Also available in The Mr Men for Grown-Ups series:Mr Greedy Eats Clean to Get Lean, Little Miss Busy Surviving Motherhood and Mr Happy and the Office Party.
Информация о книге
Автор произведения Liz Bankes
Жанр Юмористические стихи
Серия Mr. Men for Grown-ups
488 Rules for Life is Kitty Flanagan's way of making the world a more pleasant place to live.Providing you with the antidote to every annoying little thing, these rules are not made to be broken. 488 Rules for Life is not a self-help book, because it's not you who needs help, it's other people. Whether they're walking and texting, asphyxiating you on public transport with their noxious perfume cloud, or leaving one useless square of toilet paper on the roll, a lot of people just don't know the rules.But thanks to Kitty Flanagan's comprehensive guide to modern behaviour, our world will soon be a much better place. A place where people don't ruin the fruit salad by putting banana in it … where your co-workers respect your olfactory system and don't reheat their fish curry in the office microwave … where middle aged men don't have ponytails …Other rules to live by include:1. Men must wear shorts over leggings The gym is no place for people to discover whether or not you are circumcised. That’s a private discussion for another place and time.2. Team bonding activities should be optional Some people love it when management decides that an afternoon of bowling or paintballing or (god forbid) karaoke will help everyone work better as a team. Others would rather be dead.3. Don’t ever mention your ‘happy place’ To me, this sounds less like a pleasant, fun state of mind and more like some kind of utopian wank palace you’ve had built in the basement.What started as a personal joke is now a quintessential reference book with the power to change society. (Or, at least, make it a bit less irritating.)What people are (Kitty Flanagan is) saying about this book:'You're welcome everyone.''Thank god for me.''I'd rather be sad and lonely, but right.''There's not actually 488 rules in here but it sure feels like it'.
‘Channelling the spirit of Monty Python, Father Ted and Oscar Wilde, [@BorderIrish] trolls the Brexit process with a tone that is whimsical, sometimes surreal and always pointed.’ – Guardian‘I was living the quiet life, watching the traffic and the sheep go by and then Brexit came along and I listened to people dismissing my importance. I could see the danger coming in the distance, like a cold front on the Tyrone skyline. So I thought, how can an invisible border be heard?’97 years young, the Irish Border may be a late adopter of Twitter, but with almost 80k followers including Taoiseach Leo Varadkar, Piers Morgan and Alastair Campbell, the Border isn’t so invisible anymore.
Der Satireband »Auerbachs-Böller« verzaubert den Leser anfangs am Blocksberg mit Fausto, Mephist und Hexen – diesmal aber anlässlich der deutschen Wiedervereinigung. Gepfefferte Seitenhiebe gehen hier in alle Richtung. In sieben weiteren Kapiteln entfaltet sich ein Springquell von Texten auf die »Laster« der Spezies Mensch: auf Massenwahn, Machtmissbrauch und eitle Selbstdarstellung: »Selfie auf der Pyramide«, »Power-Sport im Akkord«, »Der Sprayer von Zürickt«, »Drag Queen Hype«, Kreuzfahrt zum Koronplatz„, Ikarus – was nun?« und “Altern im Minutentakt« (Kap 2 bis 8, jeweils ein Beispiel). Hier geht’s zur Sache mit top-aktuellem Sprachwitz, grotesken Szenerien und makabrer Clownerie! Alle Texte sind handgeschrieben und vom Autor selbst illustriert.
Dieses Buch wird dich über die wichtigsten Geheimnisse von Ruhrgebiets-Omas, Wasserbüffeln und über jene des Fernsehprogramms informieren. Solltest du mit Ironie und Sarkasmus nichts anfangen können, ist es genau jetzt an der Zeit, nach mindestens zwei weiteren Personen zur Bildung eines Stuhlkreises zu suchen. Selbstverständlich benötigst du einen Stuhl. »Guter Stuhl ist wichtig«, hat ein weiser Mann einmal gesagt, was hier aber rein gar nichts zur Sache tut. Aber bedenke eines: Vielleicht erkennt irgendein Psychologe der Zukunft etwas Sinnvolles in diesen Zeilen. Das würde meinen Erben vermutlich unglaubliche Tantiemen bescheren. Vielleicht können sie mit der Kohle sogar den Weltuntergang verhindern und die Rechte an diesem verf…. Dschungelcamp und allen verdammten Kochsendungen kaufen, um sie endgültig ins Nirwana zu schicken. Und wenn es danach noch reicht, sollten sie auch Hochzeits- und Einkaufsdokus aus der weiteren Menschheitsgeschichte streichen. Sendungen über UFOs und Außerirdische sind aber nach wie vor okay. Ich finde, die Maya und Azteken sollten Astronauten gewesen sein dürfen. Außerirdische sind toll! Urzeitliche Astronauten auch. Insbesondere dann, wenn sie dieses Buch lesen!