


Explore the diverse electrical engineering application of polymer composite materials with this in-depth collection edited by leaders in the field Polymer Composites for Electrical Engineering delivers a comprehensive exploration of the fundamental principles, state-of-the-art research, and future challenges of polymer composites. Written from the perspective of electrical engineering applications, like electrical and thermal energy storage, high temperature applications, fire retardance, power cables, electric stress control, and others, the book covers all major application branches of these widely used materials. Rather than focus on polymer composite materials themselves, the distinguished editors have chosen to collect contributions from industry leaders in the area of real and practical electrical engineering applications of polymer composites. The book's relevance will only increase as advanced polymer composites receive more attention and interest in the area of advanced electronic devices and electric power equipment. Unique amongst its peers, Polymer Composites for Electrical Engineering offers readers a collection of practical and insightful materials that will be of great interest to both academic and industrial audiences. Those resources include: A comprehensive discussion of glass fiber reinforced polymer composites for power equipment, including GIS, bushing, transformers, and more) Explorations of polymer composites for capacitors, outdoor insulation, electric stress control, power cable insulation, electrical and thermal energy storage, and high temperature applications A treatment of semi-conductive polymer composites for power cables In-depth analysis of fire-retardant polymer composites for electrical engineering An examination of polymer composite conductors Perfect for postgraduate students and researchers working in the fields of electrical, electronic, and polymer engineering, Polymer Composites for Electrical Engineering will also earn a place in the libraries of those working in the areas of composite materials, energy science and technology, and nanotechnology.


MATERIALS FOR SOLAR ENERGY CONVERSION This book provides professionals and students with a resource on the basic principles and applications of solar energy materials and processes, as well as practicing engineers who want to understand how functional materials operate in solar energy conversion systems. The demand for energy is increasing daily, and the development of sustainable power generation is a critical issue. In order to overcome the energy demand, power generation through solar energy is booming. Many research works have attempted to enhance the efficiency of collection and storage of solar energy and, as a result, numerous advanced functional materials have been developed for enhancing the performance of solar cells. This book has compiled and broadly explores the latest developments of materials, methods, and applications of solar energy. The book is divided into 2 parts, in which the first part deals with solar cell fundamentals and emerging categories, and the latter part deals with materials, methods, and applications in order to fill the gap between existing technologies and practical requirements. The book presents detailed chapters including organic, inorganic, coating materials, and collectors. The use of modern computer simulation techniques, conversion and storage processes are effectively covered. Topics such as nanostructured solar cells, battery materials, etc. are included in this book as well. Audience The book is aimed at researchers in materials science, chemistry, physics, electrical and mechanical engineering working in the fields of nanotechnology, photovoltaic device technology, and solar energy.


В сборнике нашли отражение многие сюжеты, связанные с историей экономического освоения Севера: хозяйственная активность крестьянских волостей, крупных монастырей и архиерейских дворов; добыча пушнины, рыбы, ворвани и другие промыслы; роль северного леса в жизни страны; основание Санкт-Петербурга в связи с развитием северных территорий и экономикой Российской империи. Значительное внимание уделено промышленности Севера в годы Великой Отечественной войны, послевоенному восстановлению страны и современным перспективам развития региона. В статьях освещены также жизнь Норильска и тех, кто исследовал Север и его богатства, освоение Севера в пропаганде, литературе, искусстве и музейных экспозициях. Одна из важнейших тем – история ГУЛАГа и судьбы исследователей-заключенных.



Ракетный крейсер проекта 1164 «Атлант» николаевские кораблестроители скромно называют «убийцей авианосцев». Когда-то о нем слагали легенды, поговаривали, что только корабли серии «Атлант» способны выдержать электромагнитный импульс ядерного взрыва. Всего таких кораблей в мире четыре. После развала СССР, три из них отошли к России, а четвертый, последний и самый совершенный проект, уже тридцать лет стоит на достроечной площадке завода, безуспешно ожидая первого выхода в море. Эта история о нем.


Hérémence is home to one of the most imposing examples of 20th century Swiss architecture. The village, remotely situated far from any urban centres, subsisted on agriculture and livestock farming until the construction of the nearby Grande-Dixence hydro-electric dam catapulted it to the forefront of modernity. The use of concrete for this modern masterpiece, the church of St Nicholas, made possible the sculptural volumes in its design. Constructed 1967-1971 to the design of Walter Maria Förderer, its bold architecture is characterised by a succession of voluminous structures and minute attention to detail. It is these innovative qualities which make it such a unique building.


In Hérémence erhebt sich ein bedeutendes Zeugnis der Schweizer Architektur des 20. Jahrhunderts. Das weitab städtischer Zentren gelegene Dorf, das von Land- und Viehwirtschaft lebte, avancierte durch den Bau der Grande-Dixence zu einem Vorreiter der Moderne. Die Verwendung von Beton im Kunstwerk eröffnet Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten zu den skulpturalen Volumen der Kirche Saint-Nicolas. Errichtet 1967–1971 nach Plänen von Walter Maria Förderer, zeichnet sich Ihre kühne Architektur aus durch die Abfolge der voluminösen Baukörper, als auch der Sorgfalt, mit der jedes Detail ausgeführt wurde. Diese bahnbrechenden Qualitäten machen sie zu einem einzigartigen Bauwerk.


Une page essentielle de l’architecture suisse du XXe siècle se joue dans le village d’Hérémence. Située en périphérie des centres urbains, vivant d’une économie agro-pastorale, la localité accède à la modernité par le chantier du barrage de la Grande-Dixence. L’emploi du béton dans l’ouvrage d’art ouvre la voie aux volumes sculpturaux de l’Église Saint-Nicolas, construite de 1967 à 1971 par Walter Maria Förderer. L’église se démarque par l’audace de son architecture, la succession de volumes significatifs, et le soin apporté à chaque détail de l’œuvre. Ces qualités font d’elle un monument d’exception.