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Секс и семейная психология
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A lot of individuals may be familiar with the term adult ADHD but not really know much more about it. The aim of the author with this book is to not only apprise the reader of what exactly ADHD is by giving a definition and an outline of the symptoms but to provide a self assessment test that anyone can do in the comfort of their home to determine whether or not the possibility of ADHD exists. Of course a doctor has to make the final decision but this information and test can help you to think a bit more about some of the things that you are experiencing and also make you better equipped with questions and answer for the doctor that you go to in order to validate the diagnosis. Based on what is presented attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is not a disorder that cannot be controlled. The challenge is finding the right set and dosage of medications to help you to do so. When it come to dealing with a disorder you have to take the first step. This book will only help you to be more prepared for the process ahead or make you better understand what someone diagnosed with ADHD is going through.
Информация о книге
Автор произведения Katarzyna Miller
Жанр Секс и семейная психология
Серия Poradniki psychologiczne
An indispensable handbook on all aspects of fatherhood during the first 12 months, by the author of The Expectant Father.The essential handbook for all things first-year father is now fully updated and revised. Not only will new dads get a month-by-month guide to their baby’s development, men reading The New Father will learn how they change, grow, and develop over the first twelve months of fatherhood.In each chapter, Brott focuses on What’s Going On with the Baby; What You’re Going Through; What’s Going On with Your Partner; You and Your Baby; Family Matters; and more. The latest research, as well as time-honored wisdom–and humor, thanks to New Yorker cartoons and Brott’s light touch–make The New Father indispensible for the modern father who doesn’t want to miss a moment of his child’s first year.What’s new?• How technology is changing fatherhood• Changing definitions of fatherhood• Changes in the way society deals with dads—from changing tables in public men’s rooms to workplace flexibility• Research proving that a father’s love is just as important as a mother’s• How being an involved dad rewires a man’s brain• How changes in women’s roles in the family affect dads and their roles• Special concerns for: young dads, older dads, at-home dads, unmarried dads, dads in same-sex couples, dads in blended families, dads of kids with special needs, and men who became dads with the help of technology• The special impact dads have on girls and boys• Specific strategies dads can use to get—and stay—involved in their children’s lives• Updated resources for new fathers Not to mention new research and information on:• How to understand what your baby is telling you• Babies’ amazing abilities• Baby massage–they love it!• The latest on vaccinations and healthcare• And much, much more
Информация о книге
Автор произведения Armin A. Brott
Жанр Секс и семейная психология
Серия New Father Series
Kaasajal on märgata soovi paljusid tavaetiketi reegleid lihtsustada. See on üks aja märke, kuna kõige tugevamalt mõjutavad etiketti elutempo, üleilmastumine ning jätkuvalt teisenevad ühiskondlikud ja olmelised tingimused. Palju sellest, mis veel 20. sajandil oli täiesti tavapärane, tundub praegu võõras. Sellegipoolest on endiselt au sees tavaetiketi parimad traditsioonid, mis, tõsi küll, võivad olla vormilt mõnevõrra muutunud. Sundimatus, loomulikkus, viisakus, mõõdu- ja taktitunne ning mis peamine, heatahtlik suhtumine kaasinimestesse toimivad aga alati ja igas elusituatsioonis – isegi siis, kui te kõiki etiketireegleid peensusteni ei tunne.
An incisive “couple’s workshop in a book” for navigating the challenges of relationships and unlocking lasting love Linda Carroll’s first book, Love Cycles , describes the five stages of intimate relationships in detail, illuminating the behaviors associated with each stage and strategies for successfully navigating them. This companion workbook, Love Skills , is a practical guide to creating and maintaining a loving relationship. Exercises, activities, self-assessments, and other concrete tools allow readers to understand where they are in their relationship. Carroll addresses such thorny issues as the loss of sexual energy, why what once seemed endearing is now annoying, and the many ways that family history and personality type can wreak havoc in relationships. Her well-researched practices help keep love alive in the midst of seemingly intractable differences, and specific, effective solutions to couples’ most common struggles provide a clear map for moving forward. Most important, Carroll’s couple-tested techniques allow readers to deal with conflict without losing connection, and show that conflict, when navigated properly, can lead to renewed closeness and unprecedented connection.
Any relationship can work. In The Relationship Revolution , Owen Williams calls on couples to stop working in their relationship and start working on it. When couples work in their relationship, they compete against each other. They justify themselves, play the blame game, and compare each other's level of effort. It's not long before they say, «A relationship that takes this much work isn't worth saving.» When couples work on their relationship, they co-create the relationship they both dream of. Their focus is on the needs of the relationship. Instead of fixating on their individual shortcomings, they concentrate on the potential of what they can build together. Then, as they discover what their relationship needs, each individual is naturally drawn to what keeps them from offering their best to the relationship. Before long the two – individually and together – evaluate their beliefs about themselves and the world. While relatively untroubled relationships can easily fall apart under the first approach, relationships marked by infidelity, loss, betrayal, or long-term disconnection can make the journey back to health under the second. Welcome to the revolution.